

The menu I want to open when the relevant button is clicked is inside a component. (SideBarCategoriesComponent)

  <div class="filters" #sideBar>

And the relevant button is in a different component.

<div class="item-filter desktop-hide">
  <a href="#" class="filter-trigger label" (click)="toggleSidebarMenu()" #toggleButton>
    <i class="ri-menu-2-line ri-2x"></i>

export class ProductsComponent {
  @ViewChild('toggleButton') toggleButton: ElementRef = {} as ElementRef;

  constructor(private shopService: ShopService) {}

  toggleSidebarMenu() {

I want the menu to close when clicking outside of the relevant menu and the relevant button.

  • The way I found to achieve this is to use @ViewChild.
  • But I can't access @ViewChild in another component from within a component.
  • So there are conflicts which break the workability.
  • How can I overcome this?
export class SideBarCategoriesComponent {
  @HostBinding('') filterMenu: boolean = false;
  @ViewChild('sideBar') sideBar: ElementRef = {} as ElementRef;

  constructor(private shopService: ShopService, private renderer: Renderer2) {
    this.renderer.listen('window', 'click', (e: Event) => {
      // I need the toggleButton @ViewChild here.
      if ( !== this.sideBar.nativeElement && !== this.toggleButton.nativeElement
      ) {

  ngDoCheck() {
    this.filterMenu = this.shopService.filterMenu();

本文标签: angularHow can I access ViewChild in another component from within a componentStack Overflow