

I have a HorizontalGridLayout with 2 rows. I receive a variable number of items to fill it. When I receive a large number of items everithing is fine. But the problems arise when I have few items. I'm forcing the grid to have only one line when I have fewer than 6 items and that works well also. But if I have 6 I would want for the first line to fill up and the 6 item to apear bellow.

I know this behaviour sounds more like a Flow Layout. But I also need it to have horizontal scrolling for the case when I have a lot of items, and I can't have more than 2 lines.

Here is a representation of what I'm obtaining:

And what I'm trying to achieve:

Here is my code for the horizontal grid:

fun HorizontalGridLayout(
    rowNumber: Int,
    columnList: List<@Composable (ColumnScope.() -> Unit)>,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        rows = GridCells.Fixed(rowNumber),
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(spacerSize),
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(spacerSize)
    ) {
        repeat(rowNumber) {
            item {
            count = columnList.size,
            key = {
            }, itemContent = { column ->
                    content = columnList[column]
                if (column < columnList.size - 1) {
        repeat(rowNumber) {
            item {

本文标签: androidHow to force Jetpack compose LazyHorizontalGrid to fill row by rowStack Overflow