I'm adding two custom attributes to core Gutenberg blocks, data-delay and data-duration. I want to add these attributes to manage animations blocks on my custom theme.
I wrote this JS code into block-extension.js:
(function(wp) {
const { addFilter } = wp.hooks;
const { createHigherOrderComponent } = wppose;
const { Fragment } = wp.element;
const { InspectorControls } = wp.blockEditor;
const { PanelBody, TextControl } = wpponents;
// Aggiungi nuovi attributi ai blocchi
const addCustomAttributes = (settings, name) => {
if (typeof settings.attributes !== 'undefined') {
settings.attributes = Object.assign(settings.attributes, {
dataDelay: {
type: 'string',
default: '0',
dataDuration: {
type: 'string',
default: '0',
return settings;
// Aggiungi controlli per i nuovi attributi
const withCustomControls = createHigherOrderComponent((BlockEdit) => {
return (props) => {
if (props.isSelected) {
return wp.element.createElement(
wp.element.createElement(BlockEdit, props),
{ title: 'Custom Attributes', initialOpen: true },
wp.element.createElement(TextControl, {
label: 'Data Delay',
value: props.attributes.dataDelay,
onChange: function(newVal) {
props.setAttributes({ dataDelay: String(newVal) });
wp.element.createElement(TextControl, {
label: 'Data Duration',
value: props.attributes.dataDuration,
onChange: function(newVal) {
props.setAttributes({ dataDuration: String(newVal) });
return wp.element.createElement(BlockEdit, props);
}, 'withCustomControls');
// Aggiungi gli attributi ai wrapper HTML del blocco
const addCustomProps = (saveElementProps, blockType, attributes) => {
if (attributes.dataDelay) {
saveElementProps['data-delay'] = attributes.dataDelay;
if (attributes.dataDuration) {
saveElementProps['data-duration'] = attributes.dataDuration;
return saveElementProps;
// Applica i filtri di Gutenberg
addFilter('blocks.registerBlockType', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-attributes', addCustomAttributes);
addFilter('editor.BlockEdit', 'luxuryconcept/with-custom-controls', withCustomControls);
addFilter('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-props', addCustomProps);
and PHP code into functions.php:
function my_custom_gutenberg_extension() {
get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/block-extension.js',
array('wp-blocks', 'wp-element', 'wp-editor', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-hooks'),
filemtime(get_template_directory() . '/assets/js/block-extension.js'),
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'my_custom_gutenberg_extension');
I got this in every blocks:
But when I add a block into Gutenberg Editor I got these JS errors on every block:
I think because the original content is different from that with the two data attributes added, but I don't know to manage it.
So I have to remove
addFilter('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-props', addCustomProps);
and add this PHP code to get attributes:
function theme_custom_add_custom_attributes($block_content, $block) {
// Verifica se l'attributo è stato impostato e non è vuoto
$data_delay = get_field('data-delay', $block['id']);
$data_duration = get_field('data-duration', $block['id']);
// Aggiungi gli attributi al blocco solo se sono stati impostati
if ($data_delay && !empty($data_delay)) {
$block_content = str_replace('<div', '<div data-delay="' . esc_attr($data_delay) . '"', $block_content);
if ($data_duration && !empty($data_duration)) {
$block_content = str_replace('<div', '<div data-duration="' . esc_attr($data_duration) . '"', $block_content);
return $block_content;
add_filter('render_block', 'theme_custom_add_custom_attributes', 10, 2);
But I don't know how to save them in PHP.
I'm adding two custom attributes to core Gutenberg blocks, data-delay and data-duration. I want to add these attributes to manage animations blocks on my custom theme.
I wrote this JS code into block-extension.js:
(function(wp) {
const { addFilter } = wp.hooks;
const { createHigherOrderComponent } = wp.compose;
const { Fragment } = wp.element;
const { InspectorControls } = wp.blockEditor;
const { PanelBody, TextControl } = wp.components;
// Aggiungi nuovi attributi ai blocchi
const addCustomAttributes = (settings, name) => {
if (typeof settings.attributes !== 'undefined') {
settings.attributes = Object.assign(settings.attributes, {
dataDelay: {
type: 'string',
default: '0',
dataDuration: {
type: 'string',
default: '0',
return settings;
// Aggiungi controlli per i nuovi attributi
const withCustomControls = createHigherOrderComponent((BlockEdit) => {
return (props) => {
if (props.isSelected) {
return wp.element.createElement(
wp.element.createElement(BlockEdit, props),
{ title: 'Custom Attributes', initialOpen: true },
wp.element.createElement(TextControl, {
label: 'Data Delay',
value: props.attributes.dataDelay,
onChange: function(newVal) {
props.setAttributes({ dataDelay: String(newVal) });
wp.element.createElement(TextControl, {
label: 'Data Duration',
value: props.attributes.dataDuration,
onChange: function(newVal) {
props.setAttributes({ dataDuration: String(newVal) });
return wp.element.createElement(BlockEdit, props);
}, 'withCustomControls');
// Aggiungi gli attributi ai wrapper HTML del blocco
const addCustomProps = (saveElementProps, blockType, attributes) => {
if (attributes.dataDelay) {
saveElementProps['data-delay'] = attributes.dataDelay;
if (attributes.dataDuration) {
saveElementProps['data-duration'] = attributes.dataDuration;
return saveElementProps;
// Applica i filtri di Gutenberg
addFilter('blocks.registerBlockType', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-attributes', addCustomAttributes);
addFilter('editor.BlockEdit', 'luxuryconcept/with-custom-controls', withCustomControls);
addFilter('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-props', addCustomProps);
and PHP code into functions.php:
function my_custom_gutenberg_extension() {
get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/block-extension.js',
array('wp-blocks', 'wp-element', 'wp-editor', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-hooks'),
filemtime(get_template_directory() . '/assets/js/block-extension.js'),
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'my_custom_gutenberg_extension');
I got this in every blocks:
But when I add a block into Gutenberg Editor I got these JS errors on every block:
I think because the original content is different from that with the two data attributes added, but I don't know to manage it.
So I have to remove
addFilter('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-props', addCustomProps);
and add this PHP code to get attributes:
function theme_custom_add_custom_attributes($block_content, $block) {
// Verifica se l'attributo è stato impostato e non è vuoto
$data_delay = get_field('data-delay', $block['id']);
$data_duration = get_field('data-duration', $block['id']);
// Aggiungi gli attributi al blocco solo se sono stati impostati
if ($data_delay && !empty($data_delay)) {
$block_content = str_replace('<div', '<div data-delay="' . esc_attr($data_delay) . '"', $block_content);
if ($data_duration && !empty($data_duration)) {
$block_content = str_replace('<div', '<div data-duration="' . esc_attr($data_duration) . '"', $block_content);
return $block_content;
add_filter('render_block', 'theme_custom_add_custom_attributes', 10, 2);
But I don't know how to save them in PHP.
Share Improve this question edited Jul 11, 2024 at 14:30 Stefano asked Jul 11, 2024 at 13:15 StefanoStefano 636 bronze badges 2 |1 Answer
Reset to default 2I found the solution:
- I removed
addFilter('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-props', addCustomProps);
as @TomJNowell recomended. - I added the
add_filter('render_block', 'theme_custom_add_custom_attributes', 10, 2);
PHP code to functions.php:
So, here all the working code:
* Extends Core Gutenberg Blocks functionalities
* @description Add data-delay and data-duration attributes to every Gutenberg Core Blocks
* @package luxuryconcept
* @author Stefano Fattori <[email protected]>
* @copyright Stefano Fattori ©2024
* @url
(function(wp) {
const { addFilter } = wp.hooks;
const { createHigherOrderComponent } = wp.compose;
const { Fragment } = wp.element;
const { InspectorControls } = wp.blockEditor;
const { PanelBody, TextControl } = wp.components;
// Add new attributes to blocks
const addCustomAttributes = (settings, name) => {
if (typeof settings.attributes !== 'undefined') {
settings.attributes = Object.assign({}, settings.attributes, {
dataDelay: {
type: 'string',
default: '0',
dataDuration: {
type: 'string',
default: '0',
return settings;
// Add controls for the new attributes
const withCustomControls = createHigherOrderComponent((BlockEdit) => {
return (props) => {
if (props.isSelected) {
return wp.element.createElement(
wp.element.createElement(BlockEdit, props),
{ title: 'Custom Attributes', initialOpen: true },
wp.element.createElement(TextControl, {
label: 'Data Delay',
value: props.attributes.dataDelay,
onChange: function(newVal) {
props.setAttributes({ dataDelay: String(newVal) });
wp.element.createElement(TextControl, {
label: 'Data Duration',
value: props.attributes.dataDuration,
onChange: function(newVal) {
props.setAttributes({ dataDuration: String(newVal) });
return wp.element.createElement(BlockEdit, props);
}, 'withCustomControls');
// Apply Gutenberg Filters
addFilter('blocks.registerBlockType', 'luxuryconcept/add-custom-attributes', addCustomAttributes);
addFilter('editor.BlockEdit', 'luxuryconcept/with-custom-controls', withCustomControls);
* Adds custom attributes to Gutenberg core blocks (FrontEnd)
* @see /assets/js/block-extension.js
* @param mixed $block_content
* @param mixed $block
* @return mixed
function theme_custom_add_custom_attributes($block_content, $block) {
// Check if there are custom attributes 'dataDelay' e 'dataDuration'
if ( isset($block['attrs']['dataDelay']) && !empty($block['attrs']['dataDelay']) ) {
$block_content = add_custom_attribute($block_content, 'data-delay', $block['attrs']['dataDelay']);
if ( isset($block['attrs']['dataDuration']) && !empty($block['attrs']['dataDuration']) ) {
$block_content = add_custom_attribute($block_content, 'data-duration', $block['attrs']['dataDuration']);
return $block_content;
* Functions to add data attributes to HTML blocks
* @param mixed $block_content
* @param mixed $attribute_name
* @param mixed $attribute_value
* @return mixed
* @since 1.5.5
function add_custom_attribute($block_content, $attribute_name, $attribute_value) {
// Search the first tag HTML in the block content
$pos = strpos($block_content, '>');
if ($pos !== false) {
// Insert the custom attribute after the first HTML tag
$block_content = substr_replace($block_content, ' ' . $attribute_name . '="' . esc_attr($attribute_value) . '"', $pos, 0);
return $block_content;
add_filter('render_block', 'theme_custom_add_custom_attributes', 10, 2);
本文标签: phpAdd custom data attribute to every core Gutenberg Blocks
版权声明:本文标题:php - Add custom data attribute to every core Gutenberg Blocks 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。
filters – Tom J Nowell ♦ Commented Jul 11, 2024 at 13:56