

I am writing an application/service for a product that DOES NOT meet the requirements for PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setRequireUserAction, namely it's written specifically for a piece of hardware that only supports Android 7.1 (Nougat), which is API level 25. The intent is to allow the application to poll a web server, download and subsequently install an updated APK when necessary.


For installers that have been granted the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission, user action will not be required when all of the following conditions are met:

requireUserAction is set to USER_ACTION_NOT_REQUIRED. The app being installed targets:

API 29 or higher on Android S (API 31)

API 30 or higher on Android T (API 33)

API 31 or higher on Android U (API 34)

API 33 or higher on Android V (API 35)

The installer is:

  • The update owner of an existing version of the app (in other words, this install session is an app update) if the update ownership enforcement is enabled.

  • The installer of record of an existing version of the app (in other words, this install session is an app update) if the update ownership enforcement isn't enabled.

  • Updating itself.

The installer declares the UPDATE_PACKAGES_WITHOUT_USER_ACTION permission.

However, I'm wondering if I give this application elevated privileges, will it not require user action anymore?

I'm also tagging this with android-source since making this change requires us to allow-list the application, I believe. I could be mistaken, though.

Thanks for your help!

本文标签: androidCan systemprivileged applications update themselves without user interactionStack Overflow