

I'm much more accustomed to React rather than Astro and Nextjs. I'm trying to develop a blog subdomain using Astrojs and i would like to use a template rather than build something from scratch. I'm using Astrowind template and all i really need is to move the blog list of articles to the home page. I won't need much else and i can customise the look and feel of the rest of the site.

After copying the index.astro located in the pages -> [] -> index.astro into the pages->index.astro

I am struggling to import the post hence the permalink error.

import type { InferGetStaticPropsType, GetStaticPaths } from 'astro';

import merge from 'lodash.merge';
import type { ImageMetadata } from 'astro';
import Layout from '~/layouts/PageLayout.astro';
import SinglePost from '~/components/blog/SinglePost.astro';
import ToBlogLink from '~/components/blog/ToBlogLink.astro';

import { getCanonical, getPermalink } from '~/utils/permalinks';
import { getStaticPathsBlogPost, blogPostRobots } from '~/utils/blog';
import { findImage } from '~/utils/images';
import type { MetaData } from '~/types';
import RelatedPosts from '~/components/blog/RelatedPosts.astro';

export const prerender = true;

export const getStaticPaths = (async () => {
  return await getStaticPathsBlogPost();
}) satisfies GetStaticPaths;

type Props = InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticPaths>;

const { post } = Astro.props as Props;

const url = getCanonical(getPermalink(post.permalink, 'post'));
const image = (await findImage(post.image)) as ImageMetadata | string | undefined;

const metadata = merge(
    title: post.title,
    description: post.excerpt,
    robots: {
      index: blogPostRobots?.index,
      follow: blogPostRobots?.follow,
    openGraph: {
      type: 'article',
        ? { images: [{ url: image, width: (image as ImageMetadata)?.width, height: (image as ImageMetadata)?.height }] }
        : {}),
  { ...(post?.metadata ? {, canonical: post.metadata?.canonical || url } : {}) }
) as MetaData;

<Layout metadata={metadata}>
  <SinglePost post={{, image: image }} url={url}>
    {post.Content ? <post.Content /> : <Fragment set:html={post.content || ''} />}
  <ToBlogLink />
  <RelatedPosts post={post} />

Please assist or at least point me in the right direction.

本文标签: astrojsCant customise Astrowind templateStack Overflow