

Is it possible to print the output in the same line by using console.log() in JavaScript? I know console.log() always returns a new line. For example, have the output of multiple consecutive console.log() calls be:


Is it possible to print the output in the same line by using console.log() in JavaScript? I know console.log() always returns a new line. For example, have the output of multiple consecutive console.log() calls be:

Share Improve this question edited Feb 27, 2021 at 5:48 Aaron Morefield 99510 silver badges20 bronze badges asked Feb 20, 2015 at 1:13 BBKayBBKay 6252 gold badges11 silver badges19 bronze badges 1
  • 1 possible duplicate of Chrome JavaScript developer console: Is it possible to call console.log() without a newline? – ThreadedLemon Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 1:32
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14 Answers 14

Reset to default 95

In Node.js there is a way: process.stdout

So, this may work:


where index is a current data and , is a delimiter.

Also you can check same topic here.

You could just use the spread operator ...

var array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];


Couldn't you just put them in the same call, or use a loop?

  var one = "1"
  var two = "2"
  var three = "3"

  var combinedString = one + ", " + two + ", " + three

  console.log(combinedString) // "1, 2, 3"
  console.log(one + ", " + two + ", " + three) // "1, 2, 3"

  var array = ["1", "2", "3"];
  var string = "";
      string += element;
  console.log(string); //123

So if you want to print numbers from 1 to 5 you could do the following:

    var array = [];
    for(var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)

Output: '1,2,3,4,5'

Array.join(); is a very useful function that returns a string by concatenating the elements of an array. Whatever string you pass as parameter is inserted between all the elements.

Hope it helped!

You can just console.log the strings all in the same line, as so:

console.log("1" + "2" + "3");

And to create a new line, use \n:


If you are running your app on node.js, you can use an ansi escape code to clear the line \u001b[2K\u001b[0E:

console.log("old text\u001b[2K\u001b[0Enew text")

You can also use the spread operator (...)


The "Spread" operator will feed all the elements of your array to the console.log function.

You can also do it like this:

let s = "";
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  s += i.toString();
  if (i != 5) {
    s += ",";

It's not possible directly in a browser environment. You'll need to create some buffer to hold values that you want to print on the same line.

In previous answers there are examples of using arrays and loops. As an alternative you can solve it functionally:

const print = ((buffer = '') => arg => {
  if (arg !== '\n') {
    buffer += arg
  } else {
    buffer = ''

print('\n') // flush buffer

Or you can use object setters

const c = {
  buffer: '',
  set log(val) {
    if (val !== '\n') {
      this.buffer += val
    } else {
      this.buffer = ''

c.log = 'foo'
c.log = 42
c.log = 'bar'
c.log = '\n'

You can use process.stdout.write

Like This in a loop..

process.stdout.write(`${arr[i]} `)

You can print them as an array

if you write:


you can get


You Can Use The Spread Operator. The "log" method Prints It's args in a Single Line and You can Give it The Elements of the Array as individual Arguments By Spreading the Array.

console.log(... array);

You can use comma delimiter:


but if you want commas to show up in the output then you will need to use strings:


You can do this instead. It's simple.

    var first_name = ["Ram", "Sita", "Hari", "Ravi", "Babu"];
    name_list = "";
    name_list += first_name;
    // OR you can just typecast to String to print them in a single line separated by comma as follows;
    // OR just do the following
    // Output: Ram,Sita,Hari,Ravi,Babu
process.stdout.write(`${anyDataOrText}` + '\x1b[0G');

\x1b[2K = remove last
\x1b[0G = put new

本文标签: javascriptPrint an output in one line using consolelog()Stack Overflow