

I had created on Custom Post Type 'resource', which has 4 taxonomies ('type', 'sector', 'industry', 'rtag')

now i had added 45 posts in following manners

  • Type - Brochure, Infographic, Research Paper, Video, White Paper - 9 posts each
  • Sectors - Engineering, Cloud, Database - 15 posts each
  • Industries - AEC, Real Estate, Manufacturing - 15 posts each

now i had created following templates for each taxonomy

  1. taxonomy-industry.php
  2. taxonomy-rtag.php
  3. taxonomy-sector.php
  4. taxonomy-type.php

no to get my desired out put i working on "resources/industry/aec/" which is technically taxonomy-industry.php

where i had display by default posts with following code

            $args = array(
                'post_type' => 'resource',
                'posts_per_page' => 9,
                'paged' => get_query_var('paged'),
                'tax_query' => array(),

            // You can modify the $args based on the selected dropdown values here
            if (isset($_POST['industry']) && !empty($_POST['industry'])) {
                $args['tax_query'][] = array(
                    'taxonomy' => 'industry',
                    'field' => 'slug',
                    'terms' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['industry']),

            // Repeat similar checks for 'sector' and 'type'

            $query = new WP_Query($args);

            if ($query->have_posts()) :
                while ($query->have_posts()) :

so when page load it will default all posts that are registered with AEC industry now i had added 3 dropdowns in this template like

      // Get the terms for the 'type' taxonomy
      $type_terms = get_terms(array(
         'taxonomy' => 'type',
         'hide_empty' => false,

      // Get the terms for the 'sector' taxonomy
      $sector_terms = get_terms(array(
         'taxonomy' => 'sector',
         'hide_empty' => false,

      // Get the terms for the 'industry' taxonomy
      $industry_terms = get_terms(array(
         'taxonomy' => 'industry',
         'hide_empty' => false,

      // Retrieve the total number of posts for each option
      $type_counts = get_term_post_counts($type_terms);
      $sector_counts = get_term_post_counts($sector_terms);
      $industry_counts = get_term_post_counts($industry_terms);

      function get_term_post_counts($terms) {
         $term_counts = array();
         foreach ($terms as $term) {
            $term_counts[$term->slug] = $term->count;
         return $term_counts;
   <div class="clearfix" style="padding:0 15px">
      <div class="one-fourth fl">Filter by</div>
      <div class="one-fourth fl">
      <!-- Dropdown for 'industry' -->
         <select id="industry-dropdown" class="width100 position-relative">
            <option value="">Industries</option>
            <?php foreach ($industry_terms as $term) : ?>
               <option value="<?php echo $term->slug; ?>"><?php echo $term->name . ' (' . $industry_counts[$term->slug] . ')'; ?></option>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
      <div class="one-fourth fl">
      <!-- Dropdown for 'sector' -->
         <select id="sector-dropdown" class="width100 position-relative">
            <option value="">Sectors</option>
            <?php foreach ($sector_terms as $term) : ?>
               <option value="<?php echo $term->slug; ?>"><?php echo $term->name . ' (' . $sector_counts[$term->slug] . ')'; ?></option>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
      <div class="one-fourth fl">
      <!-- Dropdown for 'type' -->
         <select id="type-dropdown" class="width100 position-relative">
            <option value="">Types</option>
            <?php foreach ($type_terms as $term) : ?>
               <option value="<?php echo $term->slug; ?>"><?php echo $term->name . ' (' . $type_counts[$term->slug] . ')'; ?></option>
            <?php endforeach; ?>

no i had tried various code but didn't find the solution, what I am trying to implement that when any body select any drop-down then existing loop will change the value and display the result for that selected value for AEC industry

for example i had selected brochure then it should show Brochure from AEC for all sectors without page refresh.

We can go with JS+Ajax and Add another div to display output and hide old existing loop div.

Please guide me or suggest me some path to achieve this.

本文标签: How to Filter the Custom term loop based on dropdown