

I have a string: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs."

I want to use JavaScript (possibly with jQuery) to insert a character every n characters. For example I want to call:

var s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.";
var new_s = UpdateString("$",5);
// new_s should equal "The q$uick $brown$ fox $jumps$ over$ the $lazy $dogs.$"

The goal is to use this function to insert &shy into long strings to allow them to wrap.

Maybe someone knows of a better way?

I have a string: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs."

I want to use JavaScript (possibly with jQuery) to insert a character every n characters. For example I want to call:

var s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.";
var new_s = UpdateString("$",5);
// new_s should equal "The q$uick $brown$ fox $jumps$ over$ the $lazy $dogs.$"

The goal is to use this function to insert &shy into long strings to allow them to wrap.

Maybe someone knows of a better way?

Share Improve this question edited Jul 18, 2020 at 1:55 someone 3581 silver badge14 bronze badges asked Nov 20, 2009 at 20:07 brendanbrendan 30k20 gold badges69 silver badges109 bronze badges 4
  • You're better off letting the browser wrap text. Do you have long sentences like you used for your example above, or long words? – Dan Herbert Commented Nov 20, 2009 at 20:10
  • 1 The browser won't wrap within a word, I have long words like "ThisIsAStupidLabelThatOneOfMyUsersWillTryToMakeInMyApplication" – brendan Commented Nov 20, 2009 at 20:15
  • Wouldn't a server side solution to break words into a maximum of n characters would be better? – Pool Commented Nov 20, 2009 at 20:19
  • Possibly, but a client side solution is more easily implemented for my current predicament. – brendan Commented Nov 20, 2009 at 20:26
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9 Answers 9

Reset to default 224

With regex

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.".replace(/(.{5})/g,"$1$")

The q$uick $brown$ fox $jumps$ over$ the $lazy $dogs.$
function chunk(str, n) {
    var ret = [];
    var i;
    var len;

    for(i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i += n) {
       ret.push(str.substr(i, n))

    return ret

chunk("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.", 5).join('$');
// "The q$uick $brown$ fox $jumps$ over$ the $lazy $dogs."

Keep it simple

  var str = "123456789";
  var parts = str.match(/.{1,3}/g);
  var new_value = parts.join("-"); //returns 123-456-789
let s = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.';
s.split('').reduce((a, e, i)=> a + e + (i % 5 === 4 ? '$' : ''), '');

Explain: split('') turns a string into an array. Now we want to turn the array back to one single string. Reduce is perfect in this scenario. Array's reduce function takes 3 parameters, first is the accumulator, second is the iterated element, and the third is the index. Since the array index is 0 based, to insert after 5th, we are looking at index i%5 === 4.

function formatStr(str, n) {
   var a = [], start=0;
   while(start<str.length) {
      a.push(str.slice(start, start+n));
   console.log(a.join(" "));
function addItemEvery (str, item, every){
  for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
    if(!(i % (every + 1))){
      str = str.substring(0, i) + item + str.substring(i);
  return str.substring(1);


> addItemEvery("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.", '$', 5)
> "The q$uick $brown$ fox $jumps$ over$ the $lazy $dogs."

Here's one of the previous answers, but I wrapped it in a function, and I gave it an "offset" parameter instead of hard coding it.

addCharToStringEveryXSpots(str, char, offset) {
    if ( ! char ) {
        return str;
    let regExPattern = new RegExp('(.{' + offset + '})', 'g');
    return str.replace(regExPattern, '$1' + char);
    //first parameter: the string to be divided
    //second parameter: the character used to separate
    //third parameter: the number of characters in each division

    function separateStr(str, divider,  n)
          var ret=[];

          for(let i=0; i<str.length; i=i+n) 
                ret.push(str.substr(i, n))

          return ret.join(divider);

    separateStr('123456789', '.',  3);

    //Output: '123.456.789'

I did something similar to separate a friendCode for a mobile app but using Array and reduce.

This will take a string, check every n characters and add delimiter at that location.

 * A function to easily inject characters every 'n' spaces
 * @param {string} friendCode The string we want to inject characters in
 * @param {*} numDigits Determines the 'n' spaces we want to inject at
 * @param {*} delimiter The character(s) we want to inject
function formatFriendCode(friendCode, numDigits, delimiter) {
  return Array.from(friendCode).reduce((accum, cur, idx) => {
    return accum += (idx + 1) % numDigits === 0 ? cur + delimiter : cur;
  }, '')

formatFriendCode("000011112222", 4, ' ')
// output "0000 1111 2222 "

formatFriendCode("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.", 5, '$')
// output "The q$uick $brown$ fox $jumps$ over$ the $lazy $dogs.$"

本文标签: stringHow can I insert a character after every n characters in javascriptStack Overflow