I'm looking for a really quick, clean and efficient way to get the max "y" value in the following JSON slice:
"x": "8/11/2009",
"y": 0.026572007
"x": "8/12/2009",
"y": 0.025057454
"x": "8/13/2009",
"y": 0.024530916
"x": "8/14/2009",
"y": 0.031004457
Is a for-loop the only way to go about it? I'm keen on somehow using Math.max
I'm looking for a really quick, clean and efficient way to get the max "y" value in the following JSON slice:
"x": "8/11/2009",
"y": 0.026572007
"x": "8/12/2009",
"y": 0.025057454
"x": "8/13/2009",
"y": 0.024530916
"x": "8/14/2009",
"y": 0.031004457
Is a for-loop the only way to go about it? I'm keen on somehow using Math.max
23 Answers
Reset to default 1276To find the maximum y
value of the objects in array
Math.max.apply(Math, { return o.y; }))
or in more modern JavaScript:
Math.max( => o.y))
This method is not advisable, it is better to use reduce. With a large array, Math.max
will be called with a large number of arguments, which can cause stack overflow.
Find the object whose property "Y" has the greatest value in an array of objects
One way would be to use Array reduce..
const max = data.reduce(function(prev, current) {
return (prev && prev.y > current.y) ? prev : current
}) //returns object
- (IE9 and above)
If you don't need to support IE (only Edge), or can use a pre-compiler such as Babel you could use the more terse syntax.
const max = data.reduce((prev, current) => (prev && prev.y > current.y) ? prev : current)
Note that if you have multiple objects sharing the same max value, it will only return the first matched object.
clean and simple ES6 (Babel)
const maxValueOfY = Math.max( => o.y), 0);
The second parameter should ensure a default value if arrayToSearchIn
is empty.
Comparison of three ONELINERS which handle minus numbers case (input in a
var maxA = a.reduce((a,b)=>a.y>b.y?a:b).y; // 30 chars time complexity: O(n)
var maxB = a.sort((a,b)=>b.y-a.y)[0].y; // 27 chars time complexity: O(nlogn)
var maxC = Math.max(>o.y)); // 26 chars time complexity: >O(2n)
Editable example. Ideas from: maxA, maxB and maxC (side effect of maxB is that array a
is changed because sort
is in-place).
var a = [
var maxA = a.reduce((a,b)=>a.y>b.y?a:b).y;
var maxC = Math.max(>o.y));
var maxB = a.sort((a,b)=>b.y-a.y)[0].y;
document.body.innerHTML=`<pre>maxA: ${maxA}\nmaxB: ${maxB}\nmaxC: ${maxC}</pre>`;
For bigger arrays the Math.max...
will throw exception: Maximum call stack size exceeded (Chrome 76.0.3809, Safari 12.1.2, date 2019-09-13)
let a = Array(400*400).fill({"x": "8/11/2009", "y": 0.026572007 });
// Exception: Maximum call stack size exceeded
try {
let max1= Math.max.apply(Math, => o.y));
} catch(e) { console.error('Math.max.apply:', e.message) }
try {
let max2= Math.max(>o.y));
} catch(e) { console.error('Math.max-map:', e.message) }
Benchmark for the 4 element array
I'd like to explain the terse accepted answer step-by-step:
var objects = [{ x: 3 }, { x: 1 }, { x: 2 }];
// lets you extract an array of attribute values
var xValues = { return o.x; });
// es6
xValues = Array.from(objects, o => o.x);
// function.apply lets you expand an array argument as individual arguments
// So the following is equivalent to Math.max(3, 1, 2)
// The first argument is "this" but since Math.max doesn't need it, null is fine
var xMax = Math.max.apply(null, xValues);
// es6
xMax = Math.max(...xValues);
// Finally, to find the object that has the maximum x value (note that result is array):
var maxXObjects = objects.filter(function(o) { return o.x === xMax; });
// Altogether
xMax = Math.max.apply(null, { return o.x; }));
var maxXObject = objects.filter(function(o) { return o.x === xMax; })[0];
// es6
xMax = Math.max(...Array.from(objects, o => o.x));
maxXObject = objects.find(o => o.x === xMax);
document.write('<p>objects: ' + JSON.stringify(objects) + '</p>');
document.write('<p>xValues: ' + JSON.stringify(xValues) + '</p>');
document.write('<p>xMax: ' + JSON.stringify(xMax) + '</p>');
document.write('<p>maxXObjects: ' + JSON.stringify(maxXObjects) + '</p>');
document.write('<p>maxXObject: ' + JSON.stringify(maxXObject) + '</p>');
Further information:
Well, first you should parse the JSON string, so that you can easily access it's members:
var arr = $.parseJSON(str);
Use the map
method to extract the values:
arr = $.map(arr, function(o){ return o.y; });
Then you can use the array in the max
var highest = Math.max.apply(this,arr);
Or as a one-liner:
var highest = Math.max.apply(this,$.map($.parseJSON(str), function(o){ return o.y; }));
Here is the shortest solution (One Liner) ES6:
Math.max( => o.y));
if you (or, someone here) are free to use lodash
utility library, it has a maxBy function which would be very handy in your case.
hence you can use as such:
_.maxBy(jsonSlice, 'y');
Or a simple sort! Keeping it real :)
Using one function find the max obj.value return obj
let List= [{votes:4},{votes:8},{votes:7}]
let objMax = List.reduce((max, curren) => max.votes > curren.votes ? max : curren);
Or using two functions return max value
Math.max( => el.votes)))
Each array and get max value with Math.
data.reduce((max, b) => Math.max(max, b.costo), data[0].costo);
It returns the object simplified @andy polhill answare
var data = [{
y: 90
y: 9
y: 8
const max = data.reduce((prev, current) => ((prev.y > current.y) ?
prev : current), 0) //returns object
var max = 0;, function (obj) {
if (obj.attr > max)
max = obj.attr;
ES6 solution
Math.max({return o.y;}))
For more details see
// Here is very simple way to go:
// Your DataSet.
let numberArray = [
"x": "8/11/2009",
"y": 0.026572007
"x": "8/12/2009",
"y": 0.025057454
"x": "8/13/2009",
"y": 0.024530916
"x": "8/14/2009",
"y": 0.031004457
// 1. First create Array, containing all the value of Y
let result = => y)
console.log(result) // >> [0.026572007,0.025057454,0.024530916,0.031004457]
// 2.
let maxValue = Math.max.apply(null, result)
console.log(maxValue) // >> 0.031004457
Quick and dirty:
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'min',
value: function(f)
f = f || (v => v);
return this.reduce((a, b) => (f(a) < f(b)) ? a : b);
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'max',
value: function(f)
f = f || (v => v);
return this.reduce((a, b) => (f(a) > f(b)) ? a : b);
console.log([1,2,3].max(x => x*(4-x)));
console.log([1,2,3].min(x => x*(4-x)));
Explanation for accepted answer and a more generalized way
If someone's here to find the max value among all such keys (a generalized way):
const temp1 = [
"name": "Month 8 . Week 1",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": 30.666666666666668,
"CATEGORY, Id 2": 17.333333333333332,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": 12.333333333333334,
"TASK, Id 1": 30.666666666666668,
"TASK, Id 2": 12.333333333333334,
"TASK, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 4": 5,
"TASK, Id 5": null,
"TASK, Id 6": null,
"TASK, Id 7": null,
"TASK, Id 8": null,
"TASK, Id 9": null,
"TASK, Id 10": null,
"TASK, Id 12": null,
"TASK, Id 14": null,
"TASK, Id 16": null,
"TASK, Id 17": null,
"TASK, Id 26": 12.333333333333334
"name": "Month 8 . Week 2",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": 38,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 2": 12,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 1": null,
"TASK, Id 2": 15,
"TASK, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 4": null,
"TASK, Id 5": null,
"TASK, Id 6": 5,
"TASK, Id 7": 5,
"TASK, Id 8": 5,
"TASK, Id 9": 5,
"TASK, Id 10": null,
"TASK, Id 12": null,
"TASK, Id 14": null,
"TASK, Id 16": null,
"TASK, Id 17": null,
"TASK, Id 26": 15
"name": "Month 8 . Week 3",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": 7,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": 12.333333333333334,
"CATEGORY, Id 2": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 1": null,
"TASK, Id 2": null,
"TASK, Id 3": 12.333333333333334,
"TASK, Id 4": null,
"TASK, Id 5": null,
"TASK, Id 6": null,
"TASK, Id 7": null,
"TASK, Id 8": null,
"TASK, Id 9": null,
"TASK, Id 10": null,
"TASK, Id 12": null,
"TASK, Id 14": 7,
"TASK, Id 16": null,
"TASK, Id 17": null,
"TASK, Id 26": null
"name": "Month 8 . Week 4",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 2": 10,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": 5,
"TASK, Id 1": null,
"TASK, Id 2": null,
"TASK, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 4": null,
"TASK, Id 5": 5,
"TASK, Id 6": null,
"TASK, Id 7": null,
"TASK, Id 8": null,
"TASK, Id 9": null,
"TASK, Id 10": 5,
"TASK, Id 12": 5,
"TASK, Id 14": null,
"TASK, Id 16": null,
"TASK, Id 17": null,
"TASK, Id 26": null
"name": "Month 8 . Week 5",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": 5,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 2": 7,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 1": null,
"TASK, Id 2": null,
"TASK, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 4": null,
"TASK, Id 5": null,
"TASK, Id 6": null,
"TASK, Id 7": null,
"TASK, Id 8": null,
"TASK, Id 9": null,
"TASK, Id 10": null,
"TASK, Id 12": null,
"TASK, Id 14": null,
"TASK, Id 16": 7,
"TASK, Id 17": 5,
"TASK, Id 26": null
"name": "Month 9 . Week 1",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": 13.333333333333334,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": 13.333333333333334,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 11": null,
"TASK, Id 14": 6.333333333333333,
"TASK, Id 17": null,
"TASK, Id 18": 7,
"TASK, Id 19": null,
"TASK, Id 20": null,
"TASK, Id 26": 13.333333333333334
"name": "Month 9 . Week 2",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": 13.333333333333334,
"TASK, Id 11": 5,
"TASK, Id 14": null,
"TASK, Id 17": 8.333333333333334,
"TASK, Id 18": null,
"TASK, Id 19": null,
"TASK, Id 20": null,
"TASK, Id 26": null
"name": "Month 9 . Week 3",
"CATEGORY, Id 0": null,
"CATEGORY, Id 1": 14,
"CATEGORY, Id 3": null,
"TASK, Id 11": null,
"TASK, Id 14": null,
"TASK, Id 17": null,
"TASK, Id 18": null,
"TASK, Id 19": 7,
"TASK, Id 20": 7,
"TASK, Id 26": null
console.log(Math.max(...[].concat([], => Object.values(i))).filter(v => typeof v === 'number')))
one thing to note that Math.max(1, 2, 3)
returns 3
So does Math.max(...[1, 2, 3])
, since Spread syntax can be used when all elements from an object or array need to be included in a list of some kind.
We will take advantage of this!
Let's assume an array which looks like:
var a = [{a: 1, b: 2}, {foo: 12, bar: 141}]
And the goal is to find the max (among any attribute), (here it is bar
so to use Math.max()
we need values in one array (so we can do ...arr
First let's just separate all the numbers
We can each that each item of the array a
is an object.
While iterating through each of them, Object.values(item)
will give us all the values of that item in an array form, and we can use map
to generate a new array with only values
var p = => Object.values(item)) // [ [1, 2], [12, 141] ]
Also,using concat,
[].concat([], ...arr)
, or just [].concat(...arr)
on arr, [ [1, 2], [12, 141] ]
flattens it to [1, 2, 12, 141]
var f = [].concat(...p) // [1, 2, 12, 141]
since we have now an array of just numbers we do Math.max(...f):
var m = Math.max(...f) // 141
This typescript function can be called to search for the largest value that can exist in a field of the objects of an array:
function getHighestField(objArray: any[], fieldName: string) {
return Number(
objArray?.map(o => o[fieldName] || 0),
) || 0,
With this values as an example:
const scoreBoard = [
{ name: 'player1', score: 4 },
{ name: 'player2', score: 9 },
{ name: 'player3', score: 7 }
You can call the function something this way:
const myHighestVariable = `This is the highest: ${getHighestField(scoreBoard, "score")}`;
The result will be something like this:
This is the highest: 9
It's very simple
const array1 = [
{id: 1, val: 60},
{id: 2, val: 2},
{id: 3, val: 89},
{id: 4, val: 78}
const array2 = [1,6,8,79,45,21,65,85,32,654];
const max = array1.reduce((acc, item) => acc = acc > item.val ? acc : item.val, 0);
const max2 = array2.reduce((acc, item) => acc = acc > item ? acc : item, 0);
const getMaxFromListByField = (list, field) => {
return list[ => it[field]).indexOf(Math.max( => it[field])))]
carefull on null and empty and property not in array and empty array
if ((value && value.length > 0)) {
var maxObj = (value && value.length > 0) value.reduce(function (prev, current) {
return ((parseInt(prev["y"]) || 0) > (parseInt(current["y"]) || 0)) ? prev : current
// else logic here
Just a grain of salt on Andy's answer: One can use a filter before reducing to avoid passing empty arrays, which could mess everything.
const max = data
.filter(item=> != undefined) // --> here
.reduce(function(prev, current) {return (prev.y > current.y) ? prev : current
}) //returns object
If you want to get only the max "y",
const maxY = data.reduce((y, current) => (y == undefined || current.y > y) ? current.y : y, undefined)
本文标签: javascriptFinding the max value of a property in an array of objectsStack Overflow
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