

I want to add VertexAI from firebase to my Android project. I have an existing Firebase project where I have followed and completed all the steps to enable vertexAi.

I have imported firebase dependencies:


When even I call val gemini = Firebase.vertexAI.generativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash") I get an error during runtime java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lio/ktor/client/plugins/HttpTimeout;

Yes its true, I have an other library, which is using io.ktor:ktor-client-android:3.0.2 so I have that included in my dependencies as well. I tried adding other ktor such as plugins, core ec... but always getting the same error. I have tried to remove the orher library and clean/build with just firebase and vertex and still getting the same error. When I run the vertex sample app it is working without any problem. I have tried to compare to the last symbol what are the differences between sample app and my app and found non related to ktor. Where ever I look, everybody mentions, vertex ai on firebase is using ktor. But when I log app:dependencies I don't see it in the tree under firebase. I found a github issue mentioning to downgrade ktor to 2.x.x, which I did and same result.

I there some funny little thing I have to include in my project, which would help me resolve this issue? Is there some totally out of context plugin/library, which I need to include resolve?

Exception at when using ktor 3.0.2:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lio/ktor/client/plugins/HttpTimeout;

Exception at when using ktor 2.3.2:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lio/ktor/client/plugins/HttpTimeout;
                                            at io.ktor.client.engine.okhttp.OkHttpEngine.<init>(OkHttpEngine.kt:40)
                                            at io.ktor.client.engine.okhttp.OkHttp.create(OkHttp.kt:31)

...which is calling HttpTimeout, which I have no problem using in my app code. Exception is always thrown inside vertexai.

本文标签: firebaseProblem calling vertexAI model creation in android appStack Overflow