

As part of spring boot version upgrade from 2.2.x to 3.2.4, I have updated the spring.profiles with spring.config.activate.on-profile and using spring.profiles.include in application.yml (multi-document yaml file) to add some active profiles according to a given profile as below,


On clean build, I am not getting any compilation errors but local profile is not picking up. ./gradlew clean build --refresh-dependencies

Logs: 2025-01-10 20:23:13.379 INFO [APP_NAME_IS_UNDEFINED,,,,,,Admin-NO,dApp-Code-NO] 23196 --- [ Test worker] com.epam.auth.impl.DscAuthAppTest
: The following 12 profiles are active: "feign", "jackson", "logging", "redis", "oauth2", "cognito", "test"

Can we use spring.profiles.include property in spring boot 3.2.4?. If not, what should be the alternative.

For info, I am using "" in build.gradle.kts.

本文标签: javaProperty springprofilesinclude not loading local profile in spring boot 324Stack Overflow