

I'm using Rive in my Flutter app for animations. I have a main artboard with a nested artboard called "mouth." I want to access the inputs (hear and sad) from both artboards, but I'm having trouble with the nested artboard's inputs.

Here’s my code:

  artboard: 'Artboard',
  fit: BoxFit.contain,
  onInit: onRiveInit,

SMIInput<bool>? hearInput;
SMIInput<bool>? sadInput;

void onRiveInit(Artboard artboard) {
  final controller = StateMachineController.fromArtboard(
  if (controller != null) {
    hearInput = controller.findInput<bool>('hear'); // Input from the main artboard
    sadInput = controller.findInput<bool>('sad'); // Input from the nested artboard

The issue is that while hearInput (from the main artboard) works correctly, sadInput (from the nested artboard) does not work with the findInput method. How can I access inputs from a nested artboard in Rive?

本文标签: How do I call the inputs of nested artboard 39mouth39 used in my main artboard in flutterStack Overflow