

On a newly created Maven / Java project the pom dependencies were set for Gauge. After scripting the specs, step-definition, function layer, and page layer the IntelliJ throws the following error upon the build.

Failed to find Gauge project directory. Missing manifest.json file.

On a newly created Maven / Java project the pom dependencies were set for Gauge. After scripting the specs, step-definition, function layer, and page layer the IntelliJ throws the following error upon the build.

Failed to find Gauge project directory. Missing manifest.json file.

Share Improve this question edited yesterday James Z 12.3k10 gold badges27 silver badges47 bronze badges asked yesterday hiroshthirosht 9722 gold badges17 silver badges32 bronze badges
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1 Answer 1

Reset to default 0

Re-initialize the Gauge for the Maven Project.

  1. Navigate to the project source.
  2. Open the command line or use the IntelliJ terminal
  3. Execute gauge init java
  4. Execute gauge run specs/
