

In my Expo v.52 application, I had a SectionList with several CheckBoxes. When these CheckBoxes are inside a SectionList or FlatList component, they don't react to touch input on iOS, but they do work on the web.

  1. I tried to log the press, but there was no output.

  2. Then I moved the checkbox outside of the SectionList, and it worked there.

  3. Then I migrated to expo-checkbox because I thought it could be a problem with the component I made myself.

  4. I read that it could be due to some issues with the SectionList component, then I migrated to FlatList.

Code example:

    onValueChange={() => toggleCheckbox("SomeID")}
    color={!!checkedItems["someID"] ? '#4630EB' : undefined}

本文标签: typescriptExpo CheckBox doesn39t react to touch on iOS but works on the webStack Overflow