

If I try to run phpcbf --version vscode opens and shows

The editor could not be opened due to an unexpected error: Unable to resolve resource phar://c:/PHP_Tools/phpcbf/src/Config.php

(Sometimes it's not Config.php but Runner.php)

then hangs, if I CTRL C I also get

The editor could not be opened due to an unexpected error: Unable to resolve resource phar://c:/Program%20Files/PHP_Tools/phpcbf/src/Config.php

(I moved the folder from Program Files, not sur why it's still there in the error)

Yesterday I found that .phar files were associated to VSCODE so I though maybe it was that, I deleted from regedit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts and restarted, it worked but today it's failing again and the registry is still gone.

This happens with phpcbf and phpcs but not with phpmd and phpstan


本文标签: phpCan39t run phpcbftries to open in vscodeStack Overflow