

After upgrading my Create-React-app from "react-router-dom^6.27.0" to react-router^7.1.1:

npm uninstall react-router-dom
npm install react-router@latest

I get the following error when executing my Jest tests npm test:

ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined

    import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router' (was react-router-dom before)
    import { useNavigate, useParams } from 'react-router' (was react-router-dom before)

When I simply downgrade again, this issue does not occur:

    "react-router": "^6.26.2",
    "react-router-dom": "^6.27.0",

Why does this happen and how to fix this?

I don't find anything about this in the migration notes.

I only find some hacky solutions which seems quite outdated.

After upgrading my Create-React-app from "react-router-dom^6.27.0" to react-router^7.1.1:

npm uninstall react-router-dom
npm install react-router@latest

I get the following error when executing my Jest tests npm test:

ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined

    import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router' (was react-router-dom before)
    import { useNavigate, useParams } from 'react-router' (was react-router-dom before)

When I simply downgrade again, this issue does not occur:

    "react-router": "^6.26.2",
    "react-router-dom": "^6.27.0",

Why does this happen and how to fix this?

I don't find anything about this in the migration notes.

I only find some hacky solutions which seems quite outdated.

Share Improve this question edited yesterday hb0 asked yesterday hb0hb0 3,7176 gold badges33 silver badges58 bronze badges 2
  • 2 I found an open issue for this here: – hb0 Commented yesterday
  • 2 in the jest setup js, try adding import { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } from 'util'; global.TextEncoder = TextEncoder; global.TextDecoder = TextDecoder; – user19259811 Commented yesterday
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1 Answer 1

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As @user19259811 and the linked issue suggests:

You need to add to your Jest Test setup file*:

import { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } from 'node:util'

if (!global.TextEncoder) {
  global.TextEncoder = TextEncoder

if (!global.TextDecoder) {
  global.TextDecoder = TextDecoder

*when you use react-scripts test in your package.json, your Jest Test Setup file is:


This file is automatically imported by react-scripts test.

Additional notes:

I had issues as my jest.config.js was ignored, until I noticed that I have to configure it in the package.json when using react-scripts test:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "react-scripts test"
  "jest": { ... configuration ... },

本文标签: ReferenceError TextEncoder is not defined after reactrouterdom upgrade to 7Stack Overflow