I am trying to achieve a smooth scrolling animation in Elementor where a Cola can image moves from one container to another container as the user scrolls down or up the page. please see attached.
I am able to get the image from one container into the other and vice-versa, but not with the effect I am looking for, it is currently jumping from one container into the other container.
I want to sync the containers so when you scroll down or up, the image needs to disappear on scroll from the bottom and the removed parts need to show up synced in the second container.
So when you are scrolling and are at the half of the can, you see the top in the top container and the bottom half in the second container.
I'm using JavaScript and GSAP for animations.
How can I achieve this? Please point me in the right direction. This is what I have currently as code.
This is my HTML
<div class="elementor-element elementor-element-a9f48fb e-con-full hero-image-container e-flex e-con e-child" id="hero-image-container">
<div class="elementor-element elementor-element-5790397 hero-can-container elementor-widget elementor-widget-image" id="hero-can-container">
<div class="elementor-widget-container">
<img src=".webp" class="attachment-large size-large wp-image-283" alt="La-Lime">
<div class="elementor-element elementor-element-123456 e-con-full target-column e-flex e-con e-child" id="target-column"></div>
This is my js.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const heroCanContainer = document.getElementById('hero-can-container');
const targetColumn = document.getElementById('target-column');
const originalParent = heroCanContainer.parentElement;
const triggerPosition = 300; // Adjust this value as needed
function moveToTarget() {
if (!targetColumn.contains(heroCanContainer)) {, {
duration: 0.5,
y: 0,
opacity: 1,
ease: "power2.inOut",
onComplete: function() {
function moveToOriginal() {
if (!originalParent.contains(heroCanContainer)) {, {
duration: 0.5,
y: 0,
opacity: 1,
ease: "power2.inOut",
onComplete: function() {
function handleScroll() {
const scrollPosition = window.scrollY;
if (scrollPosition > triggerPosition) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
版权声明:本文标题:theme development - Smooth Scrolling Animation of Image Between Two Containers (Elementor) Using JavaScript and GSAP 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。