

I had a web Project that used Emscripten to build c++ Code and use "Moduleall.." to call my c++ function, the main feature is to render by using OpenGL ES, now I want to add MediaPipe's Gesture recognition to my Project using JavaScript, but I have to called "GestureRecognizer.createFromOptions.." 2~3 times, the process will go ahead is the first problem, and the second is after process can go ahead, but when I call "Moduleall..", it will show message "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ccall')", some one can help? Thanks!, the code is bellow:

import { FilesetResolver, GestureRecognizer } from "/@mediapipe/[email protected]";

async function startGestureDetection() {

const videoElement = document.getElementById('webcam');
const canvasElement = document.getElementById('webcam_preview');
const canvasCtx = canvasElement.getContext('2d');

videoStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
videoElement.srcObject = videoStream;

try {
    console.log("[ges] FilesetResolver: ", FilesetResolver);
    const vision = await FilesetResolver.forVisionTasks(
        "/@mediapipe/[email protected]/wasm"
    console.log("[ges] vision: ", vision);

    console.log("[ges] GestureRecognizer: ", GestureRecognizer);
    gestureRecognizer = await GestureRecognizer.createFromOptions(vision, {
        baseOptions: {
            modelAssetPath: "./models/gesture_recognizer.task",
            delegate: "GPU"
        runningMode: "VIDEO"
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Error initializing hand detection:", error);

console.log("[ges][startGestureDetection] gestureRecognizer: ", gestureRecognizer);

videoElement.addEventListener('loadeddata', async () => {
    while (isGestureDetectionActive) {

        const results = await gestureRecognizer.recognizeForVideo(videoElement,;

        canvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height);
        canvasCtx.drawImage(videoElement, 0, 0, canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height);

        if (results.gestures.length > 0) {
            const categoryName = results.gestures[0][0].categoryName;
            const categoryScore = parseFloat(results.gestures[0][0].score * 100).toFixed(2);
            canvasCtx.fillStyle = 'red';
            canvasCtx.font = '20px Arial';
            canvasCtx.fillText(`${categoryName} (${categoryScore})`, 10, 30);
        await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);


I want Moduleall.. to work

本文标签: opengl esUncaught TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 39ccall39)Stack Overflow