

I am using Visual Studio Code and CMake and GDB for my project. There is a bug in my code so I have to step through the code. Basically my class has a listener which is a lambda function. So I want to set break point where the listener calls and step into where actual lambda is. But there is a problem I have to step into multiple codes (which I think implementations of the lambda) which are unnecessary. Which make lose the track of the code, rather I want to directly jump to the my lambda.


#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

class Event {
    using Listener = std::function<void(const std::string&)>;

    // Set the listener
    void setListener(const Listener& listener) {
        this->listener = listener;

    // Trigger the event and notify the listener
    void trigger(const std::string& message) const {
        if (listener) {

    Listener listener;

// Example usage
int main() {
    Event myEvent;

    // Set the listener
    myEvent.setListener([](const std::string& msg) {
        std::cout << "Listener received: " << msg << '\n';

    // Trigger the event
    myEvent.trigger("Hello, listener!");

    // Clear the listener and trigger again (no output expected)
    myEvent.trigger("This won't be received");

    return 0;

If I add breakpoint here:

        if (listener) {

本文标签: Avoid library code when debugging c lambda functionStack Overflow