

I want a Game of Life program in the console.

The parameters to initialize the 'field' can be changed in the mainMenu(). When all is done, it returns 1, and the drawing begins. When we return from draw, we get back to mainMenu(). This happens for ever in an infinite while loop. All functions work when tested separately. Problematic ones are border(), init(), etc.

What am I missing? I'm a beginner in C.

(fileIn() doesn't work proper, but that's not the issue here.)

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <conio.h>

//structure for storing the state of each cell
typedef struct Cell{
    bool state, nState;

char path[50];
int rule;

Cell** setup(int width, int height){
    //create field
    int size = (width+2)*(height+2);
    Cell** field = malloc(size * sizeof(Cell));;
    if (field == NULL){
        printf("Malloc Error!");
    return field;

void clrscr(){

void welcome(){
    printf("This program was created by:\033[1;31m\n           U+0466.\033[1;m\n");

void display(Cell* c, int width, int height){
    int size = (width+2)*(height+2);
    for (int i = 0; i <(width*2-32)/2; i++)
        printf(" ");
    printf("\033[1;31mThe Game of Life on a %dx%d grid.\033[1;m", width, height);

    //draw the field
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        if (i % (width+2) == 0)

        //skip border
        if (i < width+2){
            printf("X ");
        else if (i >= (size-(width+2))){
            printf("X ");
        else if ((i+1) % (width+2) == 0){
            printf("X ");
        else if ((i) % (width+2) == 0){
            printf("X ");
        (c[i].state)? printf("O ") : printf("  ");

int fileIn(int* width, int *height){
    //get path from user
    printf("Please enter file path: ");
    scanf("%s", path);
    //open file
    FILE *fptr = fopen(path, "r");
    if (fptr == NULL){
        return -1;

    //find the dimenisons of the field
    char ch;
    int h = 0;
    int w = 0;
    int wmax = 0;

    for (ch = getc(fptr); ch != EOF; ch = getc(fptr)){
        //0 or 1
        if ((ch == 48)|(ch == 49)){
        else if (ch == 10){
            if (w!=0)
            if (w > wmax){
                wmax = w;
            w = 0;
    if ((wmax > 0)|(height > 0)){
        *width = wmax;
        *height = h + 1;
    return 0;

void fileOut(Cell* c, int width, int height){
    FILE *fptr = NULL;
    fptr = fopen("out.txt", "w+");

    //create a header
    for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++)
        fprintf(fptr, "-");
    fprintf(fptr, "\nThe Game of Life, by U+O466\n");
    for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++)
        fprintf(fptr, "-");

    //write file
    int size = (width+2)*(height+2);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        //skip border
        if (i < width+2)
        else if (i >= (size-(width+2)))
        else if ((i+1) % (width+2) == 0)
        else if ((i-3) % (width+2) == 0)
        //write states
        else if (i % (width+2) == 0)
            fprintf(fptr, "\n");
        ((c+i)->state)? fprintf(fptr, "1"):fprintf(fptr, "0");

void initFile(Cell* c, int w, int h){
    int size = (w+2)*(h+2);
    FILE* fptr = fopen(path, "r");

    char ch;

    //init to 0, than fill with data
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        (c+i)->state = 0;
    for (int j = 1; j < h+1; j++){
        for (int i = 1; i < w+1; i++){
            ch = getc(fptr);

            if (ch == 49){
                (c+j*(w+2)+i)->state = 1;
            //linebreak - doesnt handle 'empty' rows properly
            else if ((ch == 10)){

void initAuto(Cell* c, int width, int height){
    //populate first row with 0, set center as 1
    for (int i = 0; i < width+1; i++)
        (c+i)->state = 0;
    (width%2 == 0)? ((c+((width+1)/2))->state = 1) : ((c+(width/2))->state = 1);

    for (int j = 1; j < height+1; j++){
        for (int i = 1; i < width+1; i++){
            char pat = 0;
            //find out current pattern
            pat |= ((c+(j*(width+2))+i-1)->state << 2 );
            pat |= ((c+(j*(width+2))+i)->state << 1 );
            pat |= ((c+(j*(width+2))+i+1)->state);
            //set next rows state, based on the rule
            (c+((j+1)*(width+2))+i)->state = (rule >> pat) & 1;

void init(Cell* c, int w, int h, int mode){
    int size = (w+2)*(h+2);

    switch (mode){
        case 0:
        case 1:
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                (c+i)->state = mode;
        case 2:
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                (c+i)->state = rand()%2;
        case 3:
            initAuto(c, w, h);
        case 4:
            initFile(c, w, h);


void border(Cell *c, int w, int h, int mode){
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++){
        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++){
            if ((i==0) | (i == w-1) | (j==0) | (j == h-1)){
                switch (mode){
                    case 0: //dead
                    case 1: //alive
                        (c+(w*j)+i)->state = mode;
                    case 2: //tiling - corners not handled 
                        if (i==0)
                            (c+(w*j))->state = (c+(w*j)+i-1)->state;
                        else if (i == w-1)
                            (c+(w*j)+i)->state = (c+(w*j)+1)->state;
                        if (j==0)
                            (c+i)->state = (c+(w*(h-2))+i)->state;
                        else if (j == h-1)
                            (c+(w*(h-1))+i)->state = (c+w+i)->state;                       
            (c+(w*j)+i)->nState =  (c+(w*j)+i)->state;

void update(Cell* c, int w, int h){
    w = w + 2;
    h = h + 2;
    int size = w*h;

    for (int j = 1; j < h - 1; j++){
        for (int i = 1; i < w + 1; i++){
            //reset counter, then count neighbors
            int nbors = 0;
            nbors +=(c+(j-1)*w+(i-1))->state + //up-left
                    (c+(j-1)*w+(i))  ->state + //up
                    (c+(j-1)*w+(i+1))->state + //up-right
                    (c+(j)  *w+(i-1))->state + //left
                    (c+(j)  *w+(i+1))->state + //right
                    (c+(j+1)*w+(i-1))->state + //down-left
                    (c+(j+1)*w+(i))  ->state + //down
                    (c+(j+1)*w+(i+1))->state;  //down-right
            //decide next state based on current (rule: B3/S23)
            if ((c+(j*w)+i)->state)
                (c+(j*w)+i)->nState = (nbors == 3 || nbors == 2);
            else if (nbors == 3)
                (c+(j*w)+i)->nState = 1;
                (c+(j*w)+i)->nState = 0;
    //update all cells
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        (c+i)->state = (c+i)->nState;

int menu(char* opts[], char msg[]){
    printf("%s\n", msg);
    //print options
    printf("(0) Return\n");
    int i = 0;
    while (opts[i] != NULL){
        printf("(%d) %s\n", i+1, opts[i]);
    //get answer
    printf("\033[1;31mPlease choose an option! (0-%d):\033[1;m ", i);
    int choice;
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    //if answer is not an option, try again
    if (choice > i){
        menu(opts, msg);
    return choice-1;

int draw(Cell* c, int width, int height, int borderM){
    char ch;
    bool playing = false;
        display(c, width, height);
        printf("\033[1;31m\n0:     Return\nTab:   Continue\nSpace: Play\nEsc:   Exit\033[1;m ");
        ch = getch();
        if (ch == 27)
            return -1;

        else if(ch == 9){
            update(c, width, height);
            border(c, width, height, borderM);
        else if (ch == 48){
            return 0;
        else if (ch == 32){
            playing = true;
            while (playing){
                display(c, width, height);
                update(c, width, height);
                border(c, width, height, borderM);
                printf("\033[1;31m\nPress [Space] to stop!\033[1;m ");
                if (kbhit()) {
                    ch = getch();
                    if (ch == 32)
                        playing = false;
    return 1;

int mainMenu(int* width, int* height, int* borderM, int* initM){
    //def menu options
    char* initOpts[] = {"Dead", "Alive", "Random", "Automaton", "File", NULL};
    char* borderOpts[] = {"Dead", "Alive", "Infinite", NULL};
    //print main menu
    printf("\033[1;31mMage of File by U+0466\n\033[1;m");
    printf("(0) Exit\n");
    printf("(1) Size: %d x %d\n", *width, *height);
    if (*initM == 3) //automaton rule printing
        printf("(2) Starting state: %s (Rule %d)\n", initOpts[*initM], rule);
    else if (*initM == 4) //file path printing
        printf("(2) Starting state: %s\n", path);
        printf("(2) Starting state: %s\n", initOpts[*initM]);
    printf("(3) Border mode: %s\n", borderOpts[*borderM]);
    printf("(4) Play\n");
    printf("\033[1;31mPlease choose an option! (0-4):\033[1;m ");

    //get answers
    int opt;
    scanf(" %d", &opt);
    int ans;

    //create submenus
    switch (opt){
        case 0: return -1;
        case 1: clrscr();
            printf("\033[1;31mEnter Width and Height:\033[1;m \n");
            scanf("%d %d", width, height);
        case 2:
            ans = menu(initOpts, "How do you want to populate the field?");
            if (ans == 3){
                printf("\033[1;31mEnter rule for Cellular Automaton (0-255):\033[1;m ");
                scanf("%d", &rule);
                *initM = ans;
            else if (ans == 4){
                int tmp = fileIn(width, height);
                while (tmp == -1){
                    printf("\033[1;31mInvalid file, try again?\033[1;m (Y/N) ");
                    char ans;
                    scanf("%c", &ans);
                    if (ans == 89)
                        tmp = fileIn(width, height);
                    else if(ans == 78)
                if (tmp != -1)
                    *initM = 4;
                *initM = ans;
        case 3:
            ans = menu(borderOpts, "How do you want to set the border?");
            if (ans != -1)
                *borderM = ans;
        case 4:
            return 1;
    return 0;

int main(){
    int width = 20, height = 30;
    int borderM = 1, initM = 2;

    Cell** field;
    field = NULL;
    int state = 0;
    while (1){
        switch (state){
            case -1:
                printf("Good Bye!");
                return 0;
            case 0:
                state =  mainMenu(&width, &height, &borderM, &initM);
                if (state == 1){
                    field =  setup(width, height);
                    init(*field, width, height, initM);
                    border(*field, width, height, borderM);
            case 1:
                state = draw(*field, width, height, borderM);
    return 0;

I want a Game of Life program in the console.

The parameters to initialize the 'field' can be changed in the mainMenu(). When all is done, it returns 1, and the drawing begins. When we return from draw, we get back to mainMenu(). This happens for ever in an infinite while loop. All functions work when tested separately. Problematic ones are border(), init(), etc.

What am I missing? I'm a beginner in C.

(fileIn() doesn't work proper, but that's not the issue here.)

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <conio.h>

//structure for storing the state of each cell
typedef struct Cell{
    bool state, nState;

char path[50];
int rule;

Cell** setup(int width, int height){
    //create field
    int size = (width+2)*(height+2);
    Cell** field = malloc(size * sizeof(Cell));;
    if (field == NULL){
        printf("Malloc Error!");
    return field;

void clrscr(){

void welcome(){
    printf("This program was created by:\033[1;31m\n           U+0466.\033[1;m\n");

void display(Cell* c, int width, int height){
    int size = (width+2)*(height+2);
    for (int i = 0; i <(width*2-32)/2; i++)
        printf(" ");
    printf("\033[1;31mThe Game of Life on a %dx%d grid.\033[1;m", width, height);

    //draw the field
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        if (i % (width+2) == 0)

        //skip border
        if (i < width+2){
            printf("X ");
        else if (i >= (size-(width+2))){
            printf("X ");
        else if ((i+1) % (width+2) == 0){
            printf("X ");
        else if ((i) % (width+2) == 0){
            printf("X ");
        (c[i].state)? printf("O ") : printf("  ");

int fileIn(int* width, int *height){
    //get path from user
    printf("Please enter file path: ");
    scanf("%s", path);
    //open file
    FILE *fptr = fopen(path, "r");
    if (fptr == NULL){
        return -1;

    //find the dimenisons of the field
    char ch;
    int h = 0;
    int w = 0;
    int wmax = 0;

    for (ch = getc(fptr); ch != EOF; ch = getc(fptr)){
        //0 or 1
        if ((ch == 48)|(ch == 49)){
        else if (ch == 10){
            if (w!=0)
            if (w > wmax){
                wmax = w;
            w = 0;
    if ((wmax > 0)|(height > 0)){
        *width = wmax;
        *height = h + 1;
    return 0;

void fileOut(Cell* c, int width, int height){
    FILE *fptr = NULL;
    fptr = fopen("out.txt", "w+");

    //create a header
    for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++)
        fprintf(fptr, "-");
    fprintf(fptr, "\nThe Game of Life, by U+O466\n");
    for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++)
        fprintf(fptr, "-");

    //write file
    int size = (width+2)*(height+2);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        //skip border
        if (i < width+2)
        else if (i >= (size-(width+2)))
        else if ((i+1) % (width+2) == 0)
        else if ((i-3) % (width+2) == 0)
        //write states
        else if (i % (width+2) == 0)
            fprintf(fptr, "\n");
        ((c+i)->state)? fprintf(fptr, "1"):fprintf(fptr, "0");

void initFile(Cell* c, int w, int h){
    int size = (w+2)*(h+2);
    FILE* fptr = fopen(path, "r");

    char ch;

    //init to 0, than fill with data
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        (c+i)->state = 0;
    for (int j = 1; j < h+1; j++){
        for (int i = 1; i < w+1; i++){
            ch = getc(fptr);

            if (ch == 49){
                (c+j*(w+2)+i)->state = 1;
            //linebreak - doesnt handle 'empty' rows properly
            else if ((ch == 10)){

void initAuto(Cell* c, int width, int height){
    //populate first row with 0, set center as 1
    for (int i = 0; i < width+1; i++)
        (c+i)->state = 0;
    (width%2 == 0)? ((c+((width+1)/2))->state = 1) : ((c+(width/2))->state = 1);

    for (int j = 1; j < height+1; j++){
        for (int i = 1; i < width+1; i++){
            char pat = 0;
            //find out current pattern
            pat |= ((c+(j*(width+2))+i-1)->state << 2 );
            pat |= ((c+(j*(width+2))+i)->state << 1 );
            pat |= ((c+(j*(width+2))+i+1)->state);
            //set next rows state, based on the rule
            (c+((j+1)*(width+2))+i)->state = (rule >> pat) & 1;

void init(Cell* c, int w, int h, int mode){
    int size = (w+2)*(h+2);

    switch (mode){
        case 0:
        case 1:
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                (c+i)->state = mode;
        case 2:
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                (c+i)->state = rand()%2;
        case 3:
            initAuto(c, w, h);
        case 4:
            initFile(c, w, h);


void border(Cell *c, int w, int h, int mode){
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++){
        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++){
            if ((i==0) | (i == w-1) | (j==0) | (j == h-1)){
                switch (mode){
                    case 0: //dead
                    case 1: //alive
                        (c+(w*j)+i)->state = mode;
                    case 2: //tiling - corners not handled 
                        if (i==0)
                            (c+(w*j))->state = (c+(w*j)+i-1)->state;
                        else if (i == w-1)
                            (c+(w*j)+i)->state = (c+(w*j)+1)->state;
                        if (j==0)
                            (c+i)->state = (c+(w*(h-2))+i)->state;
                        else if (j == h-1)
                            (c+(w*(h-1))+i)->state = (c+w+i)->state;                       
            (c+(w*j)+i)->nState =  (c+(w*j)+i)->state;

void update(Cell* c, int w, int h){
    w = w + 2;
    h = h + 2;
    int size = w*h;

    for (int j = 1; j < h - 1; j++){
        for (int i = 1; i < w + 1; i++){
            //reset counter, then count neighbors
            int nbors = 0;
            nbors +=(c+(j-1)*w+(i-1))->state + //up-left
                    (c+(j-1)*w+(i))  ->state + //up
                    (c+(j-1)*w+(i+1))->state + //up-right
                    (c+(j)  *w+(i-1))->state + //left
                    (c+(j)  *w+(i+1))->state + //right
                    (c+(j+1)*w+(i-1))->state + //down-left
                    (c+(j+1)*w+(i))  ->state + //down
                    (c+(j+1)*w+(i+1))->state;  //down-right
            //decide next state based on current (rule: B3/S23)
            if ((c+(j*w)+i)->state)
                (c+(j*w)+i)->nState = (nbors == 3 || nbors == 2);
            else if (nbors == 3)
                (c+(j*w)+i)->nState = 1;
                (c+(j*w)+i)->nState = 0;
    //update all cells
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        (c+i)->state = (c+i)->nState;

int menu(char* opts[], char msg[]){
    printf("%s\n", msg);
    //print options
    printf("(0) Return\n");
    int i = 0;
    while (opts[i] != NULL){
        printf("(%d) %s\n", i+1, opts[i]);
    //get answer
    printf("\033[1;31mPlease choose an option! (0-%d):\033[1;m ", i);
    int choice;
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    //if answer is not an option, try again
    if (choice > i){
        menu(opts, msg);
    return choice-1;

int draw(Cell* c, int width, int height, int borderM){
    char ch;
    bool playing = false;
        display(c, width, height);
        printf("\033[1;31m\n0:     Return\nTab:   Continue\nSpace: Play\nEsc:   Exit\033[1;m ");
        ch = getch();
        if (ch == 27)
            return -1;

        else if(ch == 9){
            update(c, width, height);
            border(c, width, height, borderM);
        else if (ch == 48){
            return 0;
        else if (ch == 32){
            playing = true;
            while (playing){
                display(c, width, height);
                update(c, width, height);
                border(c, width, height, borderM);
                printf("\033[1;31m\nPress [Space] to stop!\033[1;m ");
                if (kbhit()) {
                    ch = getch();
                    if (ch == 32)
                        playing = false;
    return 1;

int mainMenu(int* width, int* height, int* borderM, int* initM){
    //def menu options
    char* initOpts[] = {"Dead", "Alive", "Random", "Automaton", "File", NULL};
    char* borderOpts[] = {"Dead", "Alive", "Infinite", NULL};
    //print main menu
    printf("\033[1;31mMage of File by U+0466\n\033[1;m");
    printf("(0) Exit\n");
    printf("(1) Size: %d x %d\n", *width, *height);
    if (*initM == 3) //automaton rule printing
        printf("(2) Starting state: %s (Rule %d)\n", initOpts[*initM], rule);
    else if (*initM == 4) //file path printing
        printf("(2) Starting state: %s\n", path);
        printf("(2) Starting state: %s\n", initOpts[*initM]);
    printf("(3) Border mode: %s\n", borderOpts[*borderM]);
    printf("(4) Play\n");
    printf("\033[1;31mPlease choose an option! (0-4):\033[1;m ");

    //get answers
    int opt;
    scanf(" %d", &opt);
    int ans;

    //create submenus
    switch (opt){
        case 0: return -1;
        case 1: clrscr();
            printf("\033[1;31mEnter Width and Height:\033[1;m \n");
            scanf("%d %d", width, height);
        case 2:
            ans = menu(initOpts, "How do you want to populate the field?");
            if (ans == 3){
                printf("\033[1;31mEnter rule for Cellular Automaton (0-255):\033[1;m ");
                scanf("%d", &rule);
                *initM = ans;
            else if (ans == 4){
                int tmp = fileIn(width, height);
                while (tmp == -1){
                    printf("\033[1;31mInvalid file, try again?\033[1;m (Y/N) ");
                    char ans;
                    scanf("%c", &ans);
                    if (ans == 89)
                        tmp = fileIn(width, height);
                    else if(ans == 78)
                if (tmp != -1)
                    *initM = 4;
                *initM = ans;
        case 3:
            ans = menu(borderOpts, "How do you want to set the border?");
            if (ans != -1)
                *borderM = ans;
        case 4:
            return 1;
    return 0;

int main(){
    int width = 20, height = 30;
    int borderM = 1, initM = 2;

    Cell** field;
    field = NULL;
    int state = 0;
    while (1){
        switch (state){
            case -1:
                printf("Good Bye!");
                return 0;
            case 0:
                state =  mainMenu(&width, &height, &borderM, &initM);
                if (state == 1){
                    field =  setup(width, height);
                    init(*field, width, height, initM);
                    border(*field, width, height, borderM);
            case 1:
                state = draw(*field, width, height, borderM);
    return 0;
Share Improve this question edited Nov 23, 2024 at 16:33 halfer 20.3k19 gold badges109 silver badges202 bronze badges asked Nov 20, 2024 at 18:43 c51p152c51p152 92 bronze badges 7
  • 1 There is a lot of code there. Could you try and make a minimal example that demonstrates the problem, please? See stackoverflow/help/minimal-reproducible-example. – ndc85430 Commented Nov 20, 2024 at 18:45
  • 1 Please try to create a minimal reproducible example to show us. With emphasis on the minimal part. Basically remove parts of your code until it works. Then add one line at a time back, until it stops working. From the knowledge you gain through that, create a new program which only does the thing causing the crash (and make sure it actually replicates it), and edit your question to show it. – Some programmer dude Commented Nov 20, 2024 at 18:47
  • 1 And of course, learn how to use a debugger, which will help greatly when debugging your programs. – Some programmer dude Commented Nov 20, 2024 at 18:48
  • 2 Well, looking at the very start of the code and this single line: Cell** field = malloc(size * sizeof(Cell));; - why does it have two semicolons? It seem to be allocating space for array of Cell, but is assigning the result to Cell** instead of Cell*. This type confusion alone can cause all sorts of bugs. – Eugene Sh. Commented Nov 20, 2024 at 18:49
  • Also, init(*field, ...)? Why do you dereference the pointer here? It's the same as field[0]. And at that point, ``field[0]` doesn't actually point anywhere, so you pass an uninitialized pointer. I concur with @EugeneSh., you're using pointer-to-pointer in the wrong way. It should be only Cell *, not Cell **. – Some programmer dude Commented Nov 20, 2024 at 18:54
 |  Show 2 more comments

1 Answer 1

Reset to default 1

In your setup function you use assign malloc(size * sizeof(Cell)) on a Cell** type, if you wanted to make an array of Cell pointers you should use sizeof(Cell*) or sizeof(*field).

本文标签: cCalling functions on array make the program to exitStack Overflow