

Is it possible to make Qt Creator to show only project files without their subfolders in the Projects tree view? I'm curious about CMake projects.

Given the following project structure on a disk:


Given an excerpt of CMakeLists.txt for anising the project structure in Qt Creator Projects view:

project(proj_tree LANGUAGES CXX)
set(HDR src/test/test.h)
set(SRC src/main.cpp src/test/test.cpp)
source_group("Sources" FILES ${SRC})
source_group("Headers" FILES ${HDR})
add_executable(proj_tree ${SRC} ${HDR})

Here is how Qt Creator displays the project:

 │ └test/
 │  └test.h

What I'd like it to look like:


I tried playing with source_group(TREE …), full and relative file paths, using file base names only… But without luck.

P.S.: I've seen this thread which is quite old now (maybe something has changed since then) and not about a CMake project.

本文标签: Hiding Subfolders in Qt Creator Project Tree View for CMake ProjectStack Overflow