

I've programmed a theme before three years and I want to update it with Bootstrap. I need the input groups, modal windows and some other features.

Now I have implemented it and it works! But one thing I dont understand: If I want to use the bootstrap classes like form-control for input fields I don't know how can I set the class to all the available input fields. I tried it for the search box widget with this code and it works:

function search_form($html) {
    $html = str_replace('id="s"', 'id="s" class="form-control" required', $html);

    return $html;
add_filter('get_search_form', 'search_form');

Now the search field have the class form-control and the CSS style from Bootstrap. But that can't a good solution, I think. How can I set the class to all input fields like "input=text, textarea, checkboxes...."?

Or is there a way to assign the Bootstrap classes to the available wordpress classes in CSS? I mean: If the input field has the class "wordpress-input", so I can say in CSS "form-control extends wordpress-input"?

I hope you understand me. Sorry for my bad english I'm from Germany :)

Thanks in advance!

本文标签: cssBootstrap in theme