

I'm trying to trigger a specific action when a custom post type that I've created is created/updated.

Ideally, I could run the same function/process of whether the post is:

  • Created using the New Post screen in the WP Admin
  • Updated using the Edit Post screen in the WP Admin
  • Updated using the Bulk Edit function that I've created
  • Updated using a Quick Edit

I've reviewed and experimented a bit with:

  • save_post_{custom_post_type}
  • pre_post_update
  • handle_bulk_actions-edit-{custom_post_type}

The save_post hook would work except on a bulk update it appears it only gets called once with one post.

The handle_bulk_actions-edit would work and I can iterate over the IDs provided but that excludes editing posts manually on the post edit screen, etc.

I also looked at update_{$meta_type}_metadata as that hooks on specific metadata fields, but that seems like a hack given I really need it on the post level.

Is there one hook that gets called on ANY post add/edit that I can use regardless of the source of the edit (post edit screen, bulk edit, quick edit)? Or what is the best way to handle it?

本文标签: hooksCustom Post Type action on post update