

I have spent hours on a strange problem with the interpolate function of google maps' geometry library. (see: .html#spherical) I use the following javascript code to illustrate the problem:

// be sure to include: ;sensor=false

// this works just as expected

var origin = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45732443, 8.570993570000041);
var destination = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45733, 8.570889999999963);
var distance = google.maps.geometry.sphericalputeDistanceBetween(origin, destination);

console.log("origin:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + origin.lng());
console.log("destination:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + destination.lng());
console.log("distance between origin and destination: " + distance);

console.log("interpolating 50 equal segments between origin and destination");
for (i=1; i <= 50; i++) {
    var step = (1/50);
    var interpolated = google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate(origin, destination, step * i);
    var distance = google.maps.geometry.sphericalputeDistanceBetween(origin, interpolated);

    console.log("lat: " + + ", lng: " + interpolated.lng() + ", dist: " + distance);

// the following does not work as expected
// the "interpolated" location is always equal to the origin

var origin = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45756, 8.572350000000029);
var destination = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45753, 8.57233999999994);
var distance = google.maps.geometry.sphericalputeDistanceBetween(origin, destination);

console.log("origin:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + origin.lng());
console.log("destination:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + destination.lng());
console.log("distance between origin and destination: " + distance);

console.log("interpolating 50 equal segments between origin and destination");
for (i=1; i <= 50; i++) {
    var step = (1/50);
    var interpolated = google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate(origin, destination, step * i);
    var distance = google.maps.geometry.sphericalputeDistanceBetween(origin, interpolated);

    console.log("lat: " + + ", lng: " + interpolated.lng() + ", dist: " + distance);

It appears that the interpolate function does NOT like the second set of lat/lng pairs. It always returns the origin lat/lng rather than the correctly interpolated location based on the fraction passed (1/50 * i).

I tried reversing origin and destination, but the oute is the same.

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong are much appreciated!

I have spent hours on a strange problem with the interpolate function of google maps' geometry library. (see: I use the following javascript code to illustrate the problem:

// be sure to include: https://maps.googleapis./maps/api/js?libraries=geometry&sensor=false

// this works just as expected

var origin = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45732443, 8.570993570000041);
var destination = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45733, 8.570889999999963);
var distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.puteDistanceBetween(origin, destination);

console.log("origin:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + origin.lng());
console.log("destination:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + destination.lng());
console.log("distance between origin and destination: " + distance);

console.log("interpolating 50 equal segments between origin and destination");
for (i=1; i <= 50; i++) {
    var step = (1/50);
    var interpolated = google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate(origin, destination, step * i);
    var distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.puteDistanceBetween(origin, interpolated);

    console.log("lat: " + + ", lng: " + interpolated.lng() + ", dist: " + distance);

// the following does not work as expected
// the "interpolated" location is always equal to the origin

var origin = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45756, 8.572350000000029);
var destination = new google.maps.LatLng(47.45753, 8.57233999999994);
var distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.puteDistanceBetween(origin, destination);

console.log("origin:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + origin.lng());
console.log("destination:\r\nlat: " + + ", lng: " + destination.lng());
console.log("distance between origin and destination: " + distance);

console.log("interpolating 50 equal segments between origin and destination");
for (i=1; i <= 50; i++) {
    var step = (1/50);
    var interpolated = google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate(origin, destination, step * i);
    var distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.puteDistanceBetween(origin, interpolated);

    console.log("lat: " + + ", lng: " + interpolated.lng() + ", dist: " + distance);

It appears that the interpolate function does NOT like the second set of lat/lng pairs. It always returns the origin lat/lng rather than the correctly interpolated location based on the fraction passed (1/50 * i).

I tried reversing origin and destination, but the oute is the same.

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong are much appreciated!

Share Improve this question edited Oct 3, 2011 at 15:19 davethebrave asked Oct 3, 2011 at 14:40 davethebravedavethebrave 8239 silver badges21 bronze badges
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3 Answers 3

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As it turns out, the interpolate function has a built in limitation that specifies that the distance between the two points must be larger than 1.0E-6.

function (a,b,c){
var d=L(a.Ja),e=L(a.Ka),f=L(b.Ja),g=L(b.Ka),h=n.cos(d),o=n.cos(f),,b),r=n.sin(b);

// here lies the problem:
if(r<1.0E-6)return new Q(,a.lng());

return new Q(Fd(n[zb](a*n.sin(d)+c*n.sin(f),n[Db](b*b+e*e))),Fd(n[zb](e,b)))

This is still somewhat a mystery to me, as 1.0E-6 should be 0.000001 and not 6.0 as it is in my tests. Perhaps this is a bug that only shows when using google.maps.gjsload? I'll test a bit more and ment on my findings.

I got around this by simply menting out the if statement:

google.maps.__gjsload__('geometry', 'var zx={puteHeading:function(a,b){var c=L(a.Ja),d=L(b.Ja),e=L(b.Ka)-L(a.Ka);return Dd(Fd(n[zb](n.sin(e)*n.cos(d),n.cos(c)*n.sin(d)-n.sin(c)*n.cos(d)*n.cos(e))),-180,180)},puteOffset:function(a,b,c,d){b/=d||6378137;var c=L(c),e=L(a.Ja),d=n.cos(b),b=n.sin(b),f=n.sin(e),e=n.cos(e),g=d*f+b*e*n.cos(c);return new Q(Fd(n[Dc](g)),Fd(L(a.Ka)+n[zb](b*e*n.sin(c),d-f*g)))},interpolate:function(a,b,c){var d=L(a.Ja),e=L(a.Ka),f=L(b.Ja),g=L(b.Ka),h=n.cos(d),o=n.cos(f),,b),r=n.sin(b);/*if(r<1.0E-6)return new Q(,\na.lng());*/a=n.sin((1-c)*b)/r;c=n.sin(c*b)/r;b=a*h*n.cos(e)+c*o*n.cos(g);e=a*h*n.sin(e)+c*o*n.sin(g);return new Q(Fd(n[zb](a*n.sin(d)+c*n.sin(f),n[Db](b*b+e*e))),Fd(n[zb](e,b)))},se:function(a,b){var c=L(a.Ja),d=L(b.Ja);return 2*n[Dc](n[Db](n.pow(n.sin((c-d)/2),2)+n.cos(c)*n.cos(d)*n.pow(n.sin((L(a.Ka)-L(b.Ka))/2),2)))}};zx.puteDistanceBetween=function(a,b,c){return,b)*(c||6378137)};\nzx.puteLength=function(a,b){var c=b||6378137,d=0;a instanceof Lf&&(a=a[tc]());for(var e=0,f=a[B]-1;e<f;++e)d+=zx.puteDistanceBetween(a[e],a[e+1],c);return d};zx.puteArea=function(a,b){return n.abs(zx.puteSignedArea(a,b))};zx.puteSignedArea=function(a,b){var c=b||6378137;a instanceof Lf&&(a=a[tc]());for(var d=a[0],e=0,f=1,g=a[B]-1;f<g;++f)e+=zx.Hj(d,a[f],a[f+1]);return e*c*c};zx.Hj=function(a,b,c){return zx.xj(a,b,c)*zx.yj(a,b,c)};\nzx.xj=function(a,b,c){for(var d=[a,b,c,a],a=[],c=b=0;c<3;++c)a[c][c],d[c+1]),b+=a[c];b/=2;d=n.tan(b/2);for(c=0;c<3;++c)d*=n.tan((b-a[c])/2);return 4*n[pc](n[Db](n.abs(d)))};zx.yj=function(a,b,c){a=[a,b,c];b=[];for(c=0;c<3;++c){var d=a[c],e=L(d.Ja),d=L(d.Ka),f=b[c]=[];f[0]=n.cos(e)*n.cos(d);f[1]=n.cos(e)*n.sin(d);f[2]=n.sin(e)}return b[0][0]*b[1][1]*b[2][2]+b[1][0]*b[2][1]*b[0][2]+b[2][0]*b[0][1]*b[1][2]-b[0][0]*b[2][1]*b[1][2]-b[1][0]*b[0][1]*b[2][2]-b[2][0]*b[1][1]*b[0][2]>0?1:-1};var Ax={decodePath:function(a){for(var b=J(a),c=ga(n[jb](a[B]/2)),d=0,e=0,f=0,g=0;d<b;++g){var h=1,o=0,r;do r=a[sc](d++)-63-1,h+=r<<o,o+=5;while(r>=31);e+=h&1?~(h>>1):h>>1;h=1;o=0;do r=a[sc](d++)-63-1,h+=r<<o,o+=5;while(r>=31);f+=h&1?~(h>>1):h>>1;c[g]=new Q(e*1.0E-5,f*1.0E-5,i)}Ma(c,g);return c}};Ax.encodePath=function(a){a instanceof Lf&&(a=a[tc]());return Ax.Lj(a,function(a){return[rd(*1E5),rd(a.lng()*1E5)]})};\nAx.Lj=function(a,b){for(var c=[],d=[0,0],e,f=0,g=J(a);f<g;++f)e=b?b(a[f]):a[f],[0]-d[0],c),[1]-d[1],c),d=e;return c[Hc]("")};Ax.$j=function(a){for(var b=J(a),c=ga(b),d=0;d<b;++d)c[d]=a[sc](d)-63;return c};,b){Ax.Mj(a<0?~(a<<1):a<<1,b)};Ax.Mj=function(a,b){for(;a>=32;)b[p](na.fromCharCode((32|a&31)+63)),a>>=5;b[p](na.fromCharCode(a+63))};function Bx(){}Bx[C].Jb=Ax;Bx[C].puteDistanceBetween=zx.puteDistanceBetween;var Cx=new Bx;df[se]=function(a){eval(a)};[se]={encoding:Ax,spherical:zx};gf(se,Cx);\n')

I hope this will help someone else out there running into the same problem.

I think you expect too much accuracy from the interpolation. The difference in the latitudes is 47.45756 - 47.45753 = 0.00003 deg ~ 3.3 meter. The difference in the longitudes is 8.57235- 8.57234 = 0.00001 deg ~ 0.5 meter (very appoximatively, see Wikipedia). Now you divide the approximative Euclidean distance 3m into 50 intervals, looking for points at a distance of ca. 6 cm. Compare this with the Earth equator whose length is about 4,003,020,000 cm.

I have filed an issue concerning this problem:

For me the problem was that I am using this function to interpolate an animation. I ended up copying the function into my own source code and removing the if statement that checks for "r<1.0E-6" (as @davethebrave has pointed out)

本文标签: javascriptGoogle Maps V3 Geometry LibraryInterpolate does not return expected LatLngStack Overflow