

Just came across a very weird behavior of pipenv that I don't quite understand.

Here is my environment

  • Running terminal and iTerm2 under Rosetta
  • Python 3.11.9 installed via Pyenv (2.4.8) and set as global pyenv global 3.9.11
  • Another Python 3.11.9 installed using the package downloaded directly from python's official website

I setup a experiment project and it anized as following


where Pipfile is

url = ";
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

packaging = "*"
typing_extensions = "*"


and is

from packaging.version import Version

I installed the dependency uisng $ pipenv install

-------- All the commands down below are executed under virtual environment --------

Then $ pip list and you can see that packaging is not in the list

Package    Version
---------- -------
pip        24.3.1
setuptools 75.6.0
wheel      0.45.1

Also, $ pipenv graph, packaging is in the list

  - zipp [required: >=0.5, installed: 3.19.2]
  - jaraco.text [required: Any, installed: 3.12.1]
    - autocommand [required: Any, installed: 2.2.2]
    - inflect [required: Any, installed: 7.3.1]
      - more-itertools [required: >=8.5.0, installed: 10.3.0]
      - typeguard [required: >=4.0.1, installed: 4.3.0]
        - typing-extensions [required: >=4.10.0, installed: 4.12.2]
    - jaraco.context [required: >=4.1, installed: 5.3.0]
      - backports.tarfile [required: Any, installed: 1.2.0]
    - jaraco.functools [required: Any, installed: 4.0.1]
      - more-itertools [required: Any, installed: 10.3.0]
    - more-itertools [required: Any, installed: 10.3.0]

However, when I try to run I got this

(dependencyExp_01) jingwang@jing-MacBook-Pro dependencyExp_01 % python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jingwang/Documents/PythonProject/dependencyExp_01/", line 1, in <module>
    from packaging.version import Version
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'

Then I installed packaging using $ pip install packaging

After $ pip list I get, packaging appears in the list

Package    Version
---------- -------
packaging  24.2
pip        24.3.1
setuptools 75.6.0
wheel      0.45.1

Also, $ pipenv graph, the graph is the same as that before the pip install

  - zipp [required: >=0.5, installed: 3.19.2]
  - jaraco.text [required: Any, installed: 3.12.1]
    - autocommand [required: Any, installed: 2.2.2]
    - inflect [required: Any, installed: 7.3.1]
      - more-itertools [required: >=8.5.0, installed: 10.3.0]
      - typeguard [required: >=4.0.1, installed: 4.3.0]
        - typing-extensions [required: >=4.10.0, installed: 4.12.2]
    - jaraco.context [required: >=4.1, installed: 5.3.0]
      - backports.tarfile [required: Any, installed: 1.2.0]
    - jaraco.functools [required: Any, installed: 4.0.1]
      - more-itertools [required: Any, installed: 10.3.0]
    - more-itertools [required: Any, installed: 10.3.0]

Now when I run the again, the error is gone and I can see the text printed out

(dependencyExp_01) jingwang@jing-MacBook-Pro dependencyExp_01 % python
(dependencyExp_01) jingwang@jing-MacBook-Pro dependencyExp_01 

Currently the workaround is to install those missing packages separately using $ pip install <whatever>, however, it's quite annoying. It would less hassle if pipenv install can take care of it. I don't know why it behaves like that, can anyone help here? Thanks

本文标签: pythonPackages do not show up in the list after running pipenv installStack Overflow