I am new to macro could you please help me correct where I am going wrong with this code. I can print if the value of last 2 digit is numeric but cant print if the value is non numeric.
I want to print the barcode labels
For Example : if my input is like DA-01-02 and DA-01-10. I can generate label and print but if the value is like DA-01-AA and DA-01-BA it does not print? can anyone help me on this
thank you
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
a = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to print labels?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Attention!")
If a = 7 Then GoTo 10
Set start1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 112)
Set start2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 113)
Set start3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 114)
Set start4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 115)
Set end1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 112)
Set end2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 113)
Set end3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 114)
Set end4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 115)
tog = 0
For r = 2 To 38
If Mid(ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 114), 1, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(20, r) Then tog = 1
Next r
If tog = 0 Then a = MsgBox("Invalid Aisle", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 0 Then GoTo 10
tog = 0
For s = 2 To 38
If Right(ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 114), 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(20, s) Then tog = 1
Next s
If tog = 0 Then a = MsgBox("Invalid Aisle", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 0 Then GoTo 10
For r = 112 To 115
tog = 0
If ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r).Value = 0 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 1 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 2 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 3 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 4 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 5 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 6 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 7 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 8 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 9 Then tog = 1
If tog = 1 Then a = MsgBox("Value exceeds range, negative value, non-integer value or non-numerical character in start range", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 0 Then GoTo 10
Next r
For r = 112 To 115
tog = 1
If ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r).Value = 0 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 1 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 2 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 3 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 4 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 5 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 6 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 7 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 8 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 9 Then tog = 0
If tog = 1 Then a = MsgBox("Value exceeds range, negative value, non-integer value or non-numerical character in end range", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 1 Then GoTo 10
Next r
If ((start4) + (start3 * 10) + (start2 * 100) + (start1 * 1000)) > ((end4) + (end3 * 10) + (end2 * 100) + (end1 * 1000)) Then tog = 2
If tog = 2 Then a = MsgBox("End range smaller than start range", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 2 Then GoTo 10
If (((end4) + (end3 * 10) + (end2 * 100) + (end1 * 1000)) - ((start4) + (start3 * 10) + (start2 * 100) + (start1 * 1000))) > 49 Then tog = 3
If tog = 3 Then a = MsgBox("Range Exceeds 50 Labels", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 3 Then GoTo 10
start4 = start4 - 1
Var = start4
ange = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2)
For i = Var To ange
Sheets("Front Page").Select
start4 = start4 + 1
If start4 > 9 Then
start3 = start3 + 1
start4 = 0
End If
If start3 > 9 Then
start2 = start2 + 1
start3 = 0
End If
If start2 > 9 Then
start1 = start1 + 1
start2 = 0
End If
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 110).Value = start1
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 111).Value = start2
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 112).Value2 = start3
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 113).Value2 = start4
start4 = start4 + 1
If start4 > 9 Then
start3 = start3 + 1
start4 = 0
End If
If start3 > 9 Then
start2 = start2 + 1
start3 = 0
End If
If start2 > 9 Then
start1 = start1 + 1
start2 = 0
End If
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 110).Value = start1
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 111).Value = start2
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 112).Value2 = start3
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 113).Value2 = start4
If ((start4) + (start3 * 10) + (start2 * 100) + (start1 * 1000)) > ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2) Then tog = 4
If tog = 4 Then GoTo 10
Sheets("Print Page").Select
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Next i
Sheets("Front Page").Select
End Sub
I am new to macro could you please help me correct where I am going wrong with this code. I can print if the value of last 2 digit is numeric but cant print if the value is non numeric.
I want to print the barcode labels
For Example : if my input is like DA-01-02 and DA-01-10. I can generate label and print but if the value is like DA-01-AA and DA-01-BA it does not print? can anyone help me on this
thank you
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
a = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to print labels?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Attention!")
If a = 7 Then GoTo 10
Set start1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 112)
Set start2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 113)
Set start3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 114)
Set start4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 115)
Set end1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 112)
Set end2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 113)
Set end3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 114)
Set end4 = ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 115)
tog = 0
For r = 2 To 38
If Mid(ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 114), 1, 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(20, r) Then tog = 1
Next r
If tog = 0 Then a = MsgBox("Invalid Aisle", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 0 Then GoTo 10
tog = 0
For s = 2 To 38
If Right(ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 114), 1) = ActiveSheet.Cells(20, s) Then tog = 1
Next s
If tog = 0 Then a = MsgBox("Invalid Aisle", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 0 Then GoTo 10
For r = 112 To 115
tog = 0
If ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r).Value = 0 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 1 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 2 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 3 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 4 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 5 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 6 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 7 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 8 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(7, r) = 9 Then tog = 1
If tog = 1 Then a = MsgBox("Value exceeds range, negative value, non-integer value or non-numerical character in start range", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 0 Then GoTo 10
Next r
For r = 112 To 115
tog = 1
If ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r).Value = 0 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 1 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 2 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 3 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 4 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 5 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 6 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 7 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 8 Or ActiveSheet.Cells(10, r) = 9 Then tog = 0
If tog = 1 Then a = MsgBox("Value exceeds range, negative value, non-integer value or non-numerical character in end range", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 1 Then GoTo 10
Next r
If ((start4) + (start3 * 10) + (start2 * 100) + (start1 * 1000)) > ((end4) + (end3 * 10) + (end2 * 100) + (end1 * 1000)) Then tog = 2
If tog = 2 Then a = MsgBox("End range smaller than start range", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 2 Then GoTo 10
If (((end4) + (end3 * 10) + (end2 * 100) + (end1 * 1000)) - ((start4) + (start3 * 10) + (start2 * 100) + (start1 * 1000))) > 49 Then tog = 3
If tog = 3 Then a = MsgBox("Range Exceeds 50 Labels", vbCritical, "Error!")
If tog = 3 Then GoTo 10
start4 = start4 - 1
Var = start4
ange = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2)
For i = Var To ange
Sheets("Front Page").Select
start4 = start4 + 1
If start4 > 9 Then
start3 = start3 + 1
start4 = 0
End If
If start3 > 9 Then
start2 = start2 + 1
start3 = 0
End If
If start2 > 9 Then
start1 = start1 + 1
start2 = 0
End If
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 110).Value = start1
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 111).Value = start2
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 112).Value2 = start3
ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 113).Value2 = start4
start4 = start4 + 1
If start4 > 9 Then
start3 = start3 + 1
start4 = 0
End If
If start3 > 9 Then
start2 = start2 + 1
start3 = 0
End If
If start2 > 9 Then
start1 = start1 + 1
start2 = 0
End If
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 110).Value = start1
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 111).Value = start2
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 112).Value2 = start3
ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 113).Value2 = start4
If ((start4) + (start3 * 10) + (start2 * 100) + (start1 * 1000)) > ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2) Then tog = 4
If tog = 4 Then GoTo 10
Sheets("Print Page").Select
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Next i
Sheets("Front Page").Select
End Sub
Improve this question
edited Feb 26 at 8:48
756k184 gold badges1.4k silver badges1.5k bronze badges
asked Jan 30 at 6:03
P fernsP ferns
11 bronze badge
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1 Answer
Reset to default 0Perhaps this will get you on the right path. Some of the code purpose and logic is not clear to me (such as the 2 To 38 loop and the loop at end of procedure). Note elimination of ActiveSheet
and Select
. Code assumes every input cell has a value. Could add code that first verifies each cell is not empty.
Private Sub PrintLabels()
a = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to print labels?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Attention!")
If a = 7 Then Exit Sub
With Sheets("Front Page")
start1 = .Cells(7, 112)
start2 = .Cells(7, 113)
start3 = .Cells(7, 114)
start4 = .Cells(7, 115)
end1 = .Cells(10, 112)
end2 = .Cells(10, 113)
end3 = .Cells(10, 114)
end4 = .Cells(10, 115)
For r = 2 To 38
If Mid(.Cells(5, 114), 1, 1) = .Cells(20, r) Then tog1 = 1
If Right(.Cells(5, 114), 1) = .Cells(20, r) Then tog2 = 1
If tog1 = 0 Or tog2 = 0 Then
MsgBox "Invalid Aisle", vbCritical, "Error!"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not (IsNumeric(start1 & start2) And IsNumeric(end1 & end2)) Or _
Not (IsNumeric(start3 & start4) Or (start3 Like "[A-z]" And start4 Like "[A-z]")) Or _
Not (IsNumeric(end3 & end4) Or (end3 Like "[A-z]" And end4 Like "[A-z]")) Then
MsgBox "One or more range inputs not valid", vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNumeric(start3 & start4) Then
s = Val(start1 & start2 & start3 & start4)
s = Val((start1 & start2) * 100 + 99 + Range(start3 & start4 & 1).column - 26)
End If
If IsNumeric(end3 & end4) Then
e = Val(end1 & end2 & end3 & end4)
e = Val((end1 & end2) * 100 + 99 + Range(end3 & end4 & 1).column - 26)
End If
If s > e Then
MsgBox "End range smaller than start range", vbCritical, "Error!"
Exit Sub
End If
If e - s > 49 Then
MsgBox "Range Exceeds 50 Labels", vbCritical, "Error!"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(start4) Then start4 = 10 + Range(start4 & 1).column
start4 = start4 - 1
Var = start4
If Not IsNumeric(start3) Then start3 = 9 + Range(start3 & 1).column
ange = .Cells(1, 2)
For i = Var To ange
start4 = start4 + 1
If start4 > 9 Then
start3 = start3 + 1
start4 = 0
End If
If start3 > 9 Then
start2 = start2 + 1
start3 = 0
End If
If start2 > 9 Then
start1 = start1 + 1
start2 = 0
End If
.Cells(12, 110) = start1
.Cells(12, 111) = start2
.Cells(12, 112) = start3
.Cells(12, 113) = start4
start4 = start4 + 1
If start4 > 9 Then
start3 = start3 + 1
start4 = 0
End If
If start3 > 9 Then
start2 = start2 + 1
start3 = 0
End If
If start2 > 9 Then
start1 = start1 + 1
start2 = 0
End If
.Cells(13, 110) = start1
.Cells(13, 111) = start2
.Cells(13, 112) = start3
.Cells(13, 113) = start4
If Val(start1 & start2 & start3 & start4) > .Cells(1, 2) Then Exit Sub
Sheets("Print Page").Range("A1:CY7").PrintOut
Next i
End With
End Sub
本文标签: excelVba code to print multiple a4 size label with barcodeStack Overflow
版权声明:本文标题:excel - Vba code to print multiple a4 size label with barcode - Stack Overflow 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。
If ((start4) + (start3 * 10)...
how does this math work if those variables are letters and not digits? – Tim Williams Commented Jan 30 at 6:12ActiveSheet
. – Tim Williams Commented Jan 30 at 18:35With ... End With
block and avoid the confusingActiveSheet
. I avoid Select and never have used ActiveAnything. – June7 Commented Jan 30 at 21:12Sheets("Print Page").Range("A1:CY7").PrintOut
- parameters of 1 and True are defaults so can be omitted. – June7 Commented Jan 30 at 21:47Set
unless setting object variables, not for string or number values. – June7 Commented Jan 30 at 23:08