

We do have a collection with around 20million documents of this structure:

   _id: ...
   learnerId: <string>
   type: <string>
   anizationId: <string>
   timestamp: ISODate
   payload: {
     learningPackageId: <string>
     provenLearningProgress: <number>,
     stabilityOfMemory: <number>,
     numberOfActiveQuestions: <number>,
     numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage: <number>,
     numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage: <number>

I want to have a query that returns me the latest payload grouped by laernerId, anizationId and then inside by learningPackageId.

The idea of the query is to:

  1. $match only the documents we care about (as we usually want to know it for a list of learners)
  2. Group by learnerId, anizationId and learningPackageId and take $first on 'payload'
  3. Group by learnerId, anizationId and $push the learningPackageid with the payload

So I end up with a structure like this:

    _id: {
    learningPackages: [
        { learningPackageId, payload},
        { learningPackageId, payload},


Writing this query is quite easy. But I'm strugling in writing it in a way that it performs.

My current approach is this:

I've created a compound index covering this fields:

  • type
  • learnerId
  • anisationId
  • timestamp
  • payload.learningPackageId
  • payload.stabilityOfMemory
  • payload.numberOfActiveQuestions
  • payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage
  • payload.timeOfProof

I've changed the $first of the complete payload to multiple $first for each value on payload.

So my final query is this:

    $match: {
      anizationId: "OrgId",
      "learnerId": {
        $in: [
      type: "LearningProgressUpdate",
      learningPackageId: "learningPackageId",
      timestamp: {
        $lt: new ISODate(
    $sort: {
      timestamp: -1
    $group: {
      _id: {
        learnerId: "$learnerId",
        anizationId: "$anizationId",
        learningPackageId: "$payload.learningPackageId"
      lpId: {
        $first: "$payload.learningPackageId"
      lpPLP: {
        $first: "$payload.provenLearningProgress"
      lpSOM: {
        $first: "$payload.stabilityOfMemory"
      lpNOAQ: {
        $first: "$payload.numberOfActiveQuestions"
      lpNOQILP: {
        $first: "$payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage"
      lpTP: {
      timestamp: {
        $first: "$timestamp"
    $group: {
      _id: {
        learnerId: "$_id.learnerId",
        anizationId: "$_idanizationId"
      learningPackages: {
        $push: {
          timestamp: "$timestamp",
          lpId: "$lpId",
          lpPLP: "$lpPLP",
          lpNOAQ: "$lpNOAQ",
          lpNOQILP: "$lpNOQILP",
          lpTP: "$lpTP",
          lpSOM: "$lpSOM"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      learnerId: "$_id.learnerId",
      anizationId: "$_idanizationId",
      learningPackages: 1

With this approach, I do have a full covered query, so no document fetching. Still it takes around 10-15 seconds depending on what is matched in $match.

My questions on this:

  1. When I have just one $first, the query is ~30% faster. Why is that? In my own logic, $first selects the first element, having multiple of these should just select the same first once and use the values on that one. That should be fast as hell. But I think here I miss something.
  2. Reading other posts and asking ChatGpt it is mostly recommended to use only one $first (e.g. on "payload"). But I cannot find a way to create a covered query when using $first with on an object like "payload". As soon as I introduce that, MongoDb starts to fetch the documents, even when I late ron only select the properties covered by the index.

Here some additional information:

WinningPlan on the query using multiple $first

        "isCached": false,
        "queryPlan": {
          "stage": "GROUP",
          "planNodeId": 4,
          "inputStage": {
            "stage": "GROUP",
            "planNodeId": 3,
            "inputStage": {
              "stage": "IXSCAN",
              "planNodeId": 1,
              "keyPattern": {
                "type": 1,
                "anizationId": 1,
                "timestamp": 1,
                "payload.learningPackageId": 1,
                "learnerId": 1,
                "payload.provenLearningProgress": 1,
                "payload.timeOfProof": 1,
                "payload.numberOfActiveQuestions": 1,
                "payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage": 1,
                "payload.stabilityOfMemory": 1
              "indexName": "speed_test1",
              "isMultiKey": false,
              "multiKeyPaths": {
                "type": [],
                "anizationId": [],
                "timestamp": [],
                "payload.learningPackageId": [],
                "learnerId": [],
                "payload.provenLearningProgress": [],
                "payload.timeOfProof": [],
                "payload.numberOfActiveQuestions": [],
                "payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage": [],
                "payload.stabilityOfMemory": []
              "isUnique": false,
              "isSparse": false,
              "isPartial": false,
              "indexVersion": 2,
              "direction": "backward",
              "indexBounds": {
                "type": [
                "anizationId": [
                "timestamp": [
                "payload.learningPackageId": [
                "learnerId": [ "HIDDEN"],
                "payload.provenLearningProgress": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.timeOfProof": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.numberOfActiveQuestions": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.stabilityOfMemory": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
        "slotBasedPlan": {
          "slots": "$$RESULT=s70 env: { s32 = IndexBounds(\"field #0['type']: [CollationKey(0x4c6561726e696e6750726f6772657373557064617465), CollationKey(0x4c6561726e696e6750726f6772657373557064617465)], field #1['ani\"...), s36 = Nothing, s40 = true }",
          "stages": "[4] project [s70 = newObj(\"_id\", s68, \"learningPackages\", s69)] \n[4] project [s68 = newObj(\"learnerId\", s64, \"anizationId\", s65), s69 = getElement(s67, 0)] \n[4] group [s64, s65] [s67 = addToArrayCapped(newObj(\"timestamp\", s62, \"lpId\", s56, \"lpPLP\", s57, \"lpNOAQ\", s59, \"lpNOQILP\", s60, \"lpTP\", s61, \"lpSOM\", s58), 104857600)] spillSlots[s66] mergingExprs[aggConcatArraysCapped(s66, 104857600)] \n[4] project [s64 = traverseP(s63, lambda(l15.0) { getField(move(l15.0), \"learnerId\") }, 1), s65 = traverseP(s63, lambda(l16.0) { getField(move(l16.0), \"anizationId\") }, 1)] \n[3] project [s63 = newObj(\"learnerId\", s5, \"anizationId\", s2, \"learningPackageId\", s45)] \n[3] group [s5, s2, s45] [s56 = first((s45 ?: null)), s57 = first((s48 ?: null)), s58 = first((s43 ?: null)), s59 = first((s47 ?: null)), s60 = first((s46 ?: null)), s61 = first((s44 ?: null)), s62 = first((s3 ?: null))] spillSlots[s49, s50, s51, s52, s53, s54, s55] mergingExprs[first((s49 ?: null)), first((s50 ?: null)), first((s51 ?: null)), first((s52 ?: null)), first((s53 ?: null)), first((s54 ?: null)), first((s55 ?: null))] \n[3] project [s43 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l7.0) { getField(move(l7.0), \"stabilityOfMemory\") }, 1), s44 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l8.0) { getField(move(l8.0), \"timeOfProof\") }, 1), s45 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l9.0) { getField(move(l9.0), \"learningPackageId\") }, 1), s46 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l10.0) { getField(move(l10.0), \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\") }, 1), s47 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l11.0) { getField(move(l11.0), \"numberOfActiveQuestions\") }, 1), s48 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l12.0) { getField(move(l12.0), \"provenLearningProgress\") }, 1)] \n[1] project [s42 = getField(s41, \"payload\")] \n[1] project [s41 = newObj(\"type\", s1, \"anizationId\", s2, \"timestamp\", s3, \"payload\", newObj(\"learningPackageId\", s4, \"provenLearningProgress\", s6, \"timeOfProof\", s7, \"numberOfActiveQuestions\", s8, \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\", s9, \"stabilityOfMemory\", s10), \"learnerId\", s5)] \n[1] branch {s40} [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s39] \n[s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s20, s31] [1] ixscan_generic s32 none s31 none none lowPriority [s11 = 0, s12 = 1, s13 = 2, s14 = 3, s15 = 4, s16 = 5, s17 = 6, s18 = 7, s19 = 8, s20 = 9] @\"7299d749-3274-4950-8600-ccdb65d12b9a\" @\"speed_test1\" false \n[s21, s22, s23, s24, s25, s26, s27, s28, s29, s30, s33] [1] nlj inner [] [s34, s35] \n    left \n        [1] project [s34 = getField(s37, \"l\"), s35 = getField(s37, \"h\")] \n        [1] unwind s37 s38 s36 false \n        [1] limit 1ll \n        [1] coscan \n    right \n        [1] ixseek s34 s35 none s33 none none [s21 = 0, s22 = 1, s23 = 2, s24 = 3, s25 = 4, s26 = 5, s27 = 6, s28 = 7, s29 = 8, s30 = 9] @\"7299d749-3274-4950-8600-ccdb65d12b9a\" @\"speed_test1\" false \n"

Execution stats of the same query:

"executionStats": {
          "executionSuccess": true,
          "nReturned": 1529,
          "executionTimeMillis": 12418,
          "totalKeysExamined": 2071287,
          "totalDocsExamined": 0,
          "executionStages": {
            "stage": "project",
            "planNodeId": 4,
            "nReturned": 1529,
            "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
            "opens": 1,
            "closes": 1,
            "saveState": 640,
            "restoreState": 640,
            "isEOF": 1,
            "projections": {
              "70": "newObj(\"_id\", s68, \"learningPackages\", s69) "
            "inputStage": {
              "stage": "project",
              "planNodeId": 4,
              "nReturned": 1529,
              "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
              "opens": 1,
              "closes": 1,
              "saveState": 640,
              "restoreState": 640,
              "isEOF": 1,
              "projections": {
                "68": "newObj(\"learnerId\", s64, \"anizationId\", s65) ",
                "69": "getElement(s67, 0) "
              "inputStage": {
                "stage": "group",
                "planNodeId": 4,
                "nReturned": 1529,
                "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
                "opens": 1,
                "closes": 1,
                "saveState": 640,
                "restoreState": 640,
                "isEOF": 1,
                "groupBySlots": [64, 65],
                "expressions": {
                  "67": "addToArrayCapped(newObj(\"timestamp\", s62, \"lpId\", s56, \"lpPLP\", s57, \"lpNOAQ\", s59, \"lpNOQILP\", s60, \"lpTP\", s61, \"lpSOM\", s58), 104857600) ",
                  "initExprs": { "67": null }
                "mergingExprs": {
                  "66": "aggConcatArraysCapped(s66, 104857600) "
                "usedDisk": false,
                "spills": 0,
                "spilledBytes": 0,
                "spilledRecords": 0,
                "spilledDataStorageSize": 0,
                "inputStage": {
                  "stage": "project",
                  "planNodeId": 4,
                  "nReturned": 1529,
                  "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
                  "opens": 1,
                  "closes": 1,
                  "saveState": 640,
                  "restoreState": 640,
                  "isEOF": 1,
                  "projections": {
                    "64": "traverseP(s63, lambda(l15.0) { getField(move(l15.0), \"learnerId\") }, 1) ",
                    "65": "traverseP(s63, lambda(l16.0) { getField(move(l16.0), \"anizationId\") }, 1) "
                  "inputStage": {
                    "stage": "project",
                    "planNodeId": 3,
                    "nReturned": 1529,
                    "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
                    "opens": 1,
                    "closes": 1,
                    "saveState": 640,
                    "restoreState": 640,
                    "isEOF": 1,
                    "projections": {
                      "63": "newObj(\"learnerId\", s5, \"anizationId\", s2, \"learningPackageId\", s45) "
                    "inputStage": {
                      "stage": "group",
                      "planNodeId": 3,
                      "nReturned": 1529,
                      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12356,
                      "opens": 1,
                      "closes": 1,
                      "saveState": 640,
                      "restoreState": 640,
                      "isEOF": 1,
                      "groupBySlots": [5, 2, 45],
                      "expressions": {
                        "56": "first((s45 ?: null)) ",
                        "57": "first((s48 ?: null)) ",
                        "58": "first((s43 ?: null)) ",
                        "59": "first((s47 ?: null)) ",
                        "60": "first((s46 ?: null)) ",
                        "61": "first((s44 ?: null)) ",
                        "62": "first((s3 ?: null)) ",
                        "initExprs": {
                          "56": null,
                          "57": null,
                          "58": null,
                          "59": null,
                          "60": null,
                          "61": null,
                          "62": null
                      "mergingExprs": {
                        "49": "first((s49 ?: null)) ",
                        "50": "first((s50 ?: null)) ",
                        "51": "first((s51 ?: null)) ",
                        "52": "first((s52 ?: null)) ",
                        "53": "first((s53 ?: null)) ",
                        "54": "first((s54 ?: null)) ",
                        "55": "first((s55 ?: null)) "
                      "usedDisk": false,
                      "spills": 0,
                      "spilledBytes": 0,
                      "spilledRecords": 0,
                      "spilledDataStorageSize": 0,
                      "inputStage": {
                        "stage": "project",
                        "planNodeId": 3,
                        "nReturned": 1686758,
                        "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 10905,
                        "opens": 1,
                        "closes": 1,
                        "saveState": 640,
                        "restoreState": 640,
                        "isEOF": 1,
                        "projections": {
                          "43": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l7.0) { getField(move(l7.0), \"stabilityOfMemory\") }, 1) ",
                          "44": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l8.0) { getField(move(l8.0), \"timeOfProof\") }, 1) ",
                          "45": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l9.0) { getField(move(l9.0), \"learningPackageId\") }, 1) ",
                          "46": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l10.0) { getField(move(l10.0), \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\") }, 1) ",
                          "47": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l11.0) { getField(move(l11.0), \"numberOfActiveQuestions\") }, 1) ",
                          "48": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l12.0) { getField(move(l12.0), \"provenLearningProgress\") }, 1) "
                        "inputStage": {
                          "stage": "project",
                          "planNodeId": 1,
                          "nReturned": 1686758,
                          "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 9878,
                          "opens": 1,
                          "closes": 1,
                          "saveState": 640,
                          "restoreState": 640,
                          "isEOF": 1,
                          "projections": {
                            "42": "getField(s41, \"payload\") "
                          "inputStage": {
                            "stage": "project",
                            "planNodeId": 1,
                            "nReturned": 1686758,
                            "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 9732,
                            "opens": 1,
                            "closes": 1,
                            "saveState": 640,
                            "restoreState": 640,
                            "isEOF": 1,
                            "projections": {
                              "41": "newObj(\"type\", s1, \"anizationId\", s2, \"timestamp\", s3, \"payload\", newObj(\"learningPackageId\", s4, \"provenLearningProgress\", s6, \"timeOfProof\", s7, \"numberOfActiveQuestions\", s8, \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\", s9, \"stabilityOfMemory\", s10), \"learnerId\", s5) "
                            "inputStage": {
                              "stage": "branch",
                              "planNodeId": 1,
                              "nReturned": 1686758,
                              "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 6374,
                              "opens": 1,
                              "closes": 1,
                              "saveState": 640,
                              "restoreState": 640,
                              "isEOF": 1,
                              "numTested": 1,
                              "thenBranchOpens": 1,
                              "thenBranchCloses": 1,
                              "elseBranchOpens": 0,
                              "elseBranchCloses": 0,
                              "filter": "s40 ",
                              "thenSlots": [
                                11, 12, 13, 14,
                                15, 16, 17, 18,
                                19, 20, 31
                              "elseSlots": [
                                21, 22, 23, 24,
                                25, 26, 27, 28,
                                29, 30, 33
                              "outputSlots": [
                                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
                                7, 8, 9, 10, 39
                              "thenStage": {
                                "stage": "ixscan_generic",
                                "planNodeId": 1,
                                "nReturned": 1686758,
                                "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 6360,
                                "opens": 1,
                                "closes": 1,
                                "saveState": 640,
                                "restoreState": 640,
                                "isEOF": 1,
                                "indexName": "speed_test1",
                                "keysExamined": 2071287,
                                "seeks": 384529,
                                "numReads": 2071287,
                                "recordIdSlot": 31,
                                "outputSlots": [
                                  11, 12, 13, 14,
                                  15, 16, 17, 18,
                                  19, 20
                                "indexKeysToInclude": "00000000000000000000001111111111"
                              "elseStage": {
                                "stage": "nlj",
                                "planNodeId": 1,
                                "nReturned": 0,
                                "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                "opens": 0,
                                "closes": 0,
                                "saveState": 640,
                                "restoreState": 640,
                                "isEOF": 0,
                                "totalDocsExamined": 0,
                                "totalKeysExamined": 0,
                                "collectionScans": 0,
                                "collectionSeeks": 0,
                                "indexScans": 0,
                                "indexSeeks": 0,
                                "indexesUsed": [
                                "innerOpens": 0,
                                "innerCloses": 0,
                                "outerProjects": [],
                                "outerCorrelated": [
                                  34, 35
                                "outerStage": {
                                  "stage": "project",
                                  "planNodeId": 1,
                                  "nReturned": 0,
                                  "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                  "opens": 0,
                                  "closes": 0,
                                  "saveState": 640,
                                  "restoreState": 640,
                                  "isEOF": 0,
                                  "projections": {
                                    "34": "getField(s37, \"l\") ",
                                    "35": "getField(s37, \"h\") "
                                  "inputStage": {
                                    "stage": "unwind",
                                    "planNodeId": 1,
                                    "nReturned": 0,
                                    "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                    "opens": 0,
                                    "closes": 0,
                                    "saveState": 640,
                                    "restoreState": 640,
                                    "isEOF": 0,
                                    "inputSlot": 36,
                                    "outSlot": 37,
                                    "outIndexSlot": 38,
                                    "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": 0,
                                    "inputStage": {
                                      "stage": "limit",
                                      "planNodeId": 1,
                                      "nReturned": 0,
                                      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                      "opens": 0,
                                      "closes": 0,
                                      "saveState": 640,
                                      "restoreState": 640,
                                      "isEOF": 0,
                                      "inputStage": {
                                        "stage": "coscan",
                                        "planNodeId": 1,
                                        "nReturned": 0,
                                        "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                        "opens": 0,
                                        "closes": 0,
                                        "saveState": 640,
                                        "restoreState": 640,
                                        "isEOF": 0
                                "innerStage": {
                                  "stage": "ixseek",
                                  "planNodeId": 1,
                                  "nReturned": 0,
                                  "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                  "opens": 0,
                                  "closes": 0,
                                  "saveState": 640,
                                  "restoreState": 640,
                                  "isEOF": 0,
                                  "indexName": "speed_test1",
                                  "keysExamined": 0,
                                  "seeks": 0,
                                  "numReads": 0,
                                  "recordIdSlot": 33,
                                  "outputSlots": [
                                    21, 22, 23,
                                    24, 25, 26,
                                    27, 28, 29, 30
                                  "indexKeysToInclude": "00000000000000000000001111111111",
                                  "seekKeyLow": "s34 ",
                                  "seekKeyHigh": "s35 "

I added the same info for the query with only one $first in the first reply, as I otherwise hit the limit of characters.

We do have a collection with around 20million documents of this structure:

   _id: ...
   learnerId: <string>
   type: <string>
   anizationId: <string>
   timestamp: ISODate
   payload: {
     learningPackageId: <string>
     provenLearningProgress: <number>,
     stabilityOfMemory: <number>,
     numberOfActiveQuestions: <number>,
     numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage: <number>,
     numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage: <number>

I want to have a query that returns me the latest payload grouped by laernerId, anizationId and then inside by learningPackageId.

The idea of the query is to:

  1. $match only the documents we care about (as we usually want to know it for a list of learners)
  2. Group by learnerId, anizationId and learningPackageId and take $first on 'payload'
  3. Group by learnerId, anizationId and $push the learningPackageid with the payload

So I end up with a structure like this:

    _id: {
    learningPackages: [
        { learningPackageId, payload},
        { learningPackageId, payload},


Writing this query is quite easy. But I'm strugling in writing it in a way that it performs.

My current approach is this:

I've created a compound index covering this fields:

  • type
  • learnerId
  • anisationId
  • timestamp
  • payload.learningPackageId
  • payload.stabilityOfMemory
  • payload.numberOfActiveQuestions
  • payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage
  • payload.timeOfProof

I've changed the $first of the complete payload to multiple $first for each value on payload.

So my final query is this:

    $match: {
      anizationId: "OrgId",
      "learnerId": {
        $in: [
      type: "LearningProgressUpdate",
      learningPackageId: "learningPackageId",
      timestamp: {
        $lt: new ISODate(
    $sort: {
      timestamp: -1
    $group: {
      _id: {
        learnerId: "$learnerId",
        anizationId: "$anizationId",
        learningPackageId: "$payload.learningPackageId"
      lpId: {
        $first: "$payload.learningPackageId"
      lpPLP: {
        $first: "$payload.provenLearningProgress"
      lpSOM: {
        $first: "$payload.stabilityOfMemory"
      lpNOAQ: {
        $first: "$payload.numberOfActiveQuestions"
      lpNOQILP: {
        $first: "$payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage"
      lpTP: {
      timestamp: {
        $first: "$timestamp"
    $group: {
      _id: {
        learnerId: "$_id.learnerId",
        anizationId: "$_id.anizationId"
      learningPackages: {
        $push: {
          timestamp: "$timestamp",
          lpId: "$lpId",
          lpPLP: "$lpPLP",
          lpNOAQ: "$lpNOAQ",
          lpNOQILP: "$lpNOQILP",
          lpTP: "$lpTP",
          lpSOM: "$lpSOM"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      learnerId: "$_id.learnerId",
      anizationId: "$_id.anizationId",
      learningPackages: 1

With this approach, I do have a full covered query, so no document fetching. Still it takes around 10-15 seconds depending on what is matched in $match.

My questions on this:

  1. When I have just one $first, the query is ~30% faster. Why is that? In my own logic, $first selects the first element, having multiple of these should just select the same first once and use the values on that one. That should be fast as hell. But I think here I miss something.
  2. Reading other posts and asking ChatGpt it is mostly recommended to use only one $first (e.g. on "payload"). But I cannot find a way to create a covered query when using $first with on an object like "payload". As soon as I introduce that, MongoDb starts to fetch the documents, even when I late ron only select the properties covered by the index.

Here some additional information:

WinningPlan on the query using multiple $first

        "isCached": false,
        "queryPlan": {
          "stage": "GROUP",
          "planNodeId": 4,
          "inputStage": {
            "stage": "GROUP",
            "planNodeId": 3,
            "inputStage": {
              "stage": "IXSCAN",
              "planNodeId": 1,
              "keyPattern": {
                "type": 1,
                "anizationId": 1,
                "timestamp": 1,
                "payload.learningPackageId": 1,
                "learnerId": 1,
                "payload.provenLearningProgress": 1,
                "payload.timeOfProof": 1,
                "payload.numberOfActiveQuestions": 1,
                "payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage": 1,
                "payload.stabilityOfMemory": 1
              "indexName": "speed_test1",
              "isMultiKey": false,
              "multiKeyPaths": {
                "type": [],
                "anizationId": [],
                "timestamp": [],
                "payload.learningPackageId": [],
                "learnerId": [],
                "payload.provenLearningProgress": [],
                "payload.timeOfProof": [],
                "payload.numberOfActiveQuestions": [],
                "payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage": [],
                "payload.stabilityOfMemory": []
              "isUnique": false,
              "isSparse": false,
              "isPartial": false,
              "indexVersion": 2,
              "direction": "backward",
              "indexBounds": {
                "type": [
                "anizationId": [
                "timestamp": [
                "payload.learningPackageId": [
                "learnerId": [ "HIDDEN"],
                "payload.provenLearningProgress": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.timeOfProof": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.numberOfActiveQuestions": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
                "payload.stabilityOfMemory": [
                  "[MaxKey, MinKey]"
        "slotBasedPlan": {
          "slots": "$$RESULT=s70 env: { s32 = IndexBounds(\"field #0['type']: [CollationKey(0x4c6561726e696e6750726f6772657373557064617465), CollationKey(0x4c6561726e696e6750726f6772657373557064617465)], field #1['ani\"...), s36 = Nothing, s40 = true }",
          "stages": "[4] project [s70 = newObj(\"_id\", s68, \"learningPackages\", s69)] \n[4] project [s68 = newObj(\"learnerId\", s64, \"anizationId\", s65), s69 = getElement(s67, 0)] \n[4] group [s64, s65] [s67 = addToArrayCapped(newObj(\"timestamp\", s62, \"lpId\", s56, \"lpPLP\", s57, \"lpNOAQ\", s59, \"lpNOQILP\", s60, \"lpTP\", s61, \"lpSOM\", s58), 104857600)] spillSlots[s66] mergingExprs[aggConcatArraysCapped(s66, 104857600)] \n[4] project [s64 = traverseP(s63, lambda(l15.0) { getField(move(l15.0), \"learnerId\") }, 1), s65 = traverseP(s63, lambda(l16.0) { getField(move(l16.0), \"anizationId\") }, 1)] \n[3] project [s63 = newObj(\"learnerId\", s5, \"anizationId\", s2, \"learningPackageId\", s45)] \n[3] group [s5, s2, s45] [s56 = first((s45 ?: null)), s57 = first((s48 ?: null)), s58 = first((s43 ?: null)), s59 = first((s47 ?: null)), s60 = first((s46 ?: null)), s61 = first((s44 ?: null)), s62 = first((s3 ?: null))] spillSlots[s49, s50, s51, s52, s53, s54, s55] mergingExprs[first((s49 ?: null)), first((s50 ?: null)), first((s51 ?: null)), first((s52 ?: null)), first((s53 ?: null)), first((s54 ?: null)), first((s55 ?: null))] \n[3] project [s43 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l7.0) { getField(move(l7.0), \"stabilityOfMemory\") }, 1), s44 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l8.0) { getField(move(l8.0), \"timeOfProof\") }, 1), s45 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l9.0) { getField(move(l9.0), \"learningPackageId\") }, 1), s46 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l10.0) { getField(move(l10.0), \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\") }, 1), s47 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l11.0) { getField(move(l11.0), \"numberOfActiveQuestions\") }, 1), s48 = traverseP(s42, lambda(l12.0) { getField(move(l12.0), \"provenLearningProgress\") }, 1)] \n[1] project [s42 = getField(s41, \"payload\")] \n[1] project [s41 = newObj(\"type\", s1, \"anizationId\", s2, \"timestamp\", s3, \"payload\", newObj(\"learningPackageId\", s4, \"provenLearningProgress\", s6, \"timeOfProof\", s7, \"numberOfActiveQuestions\", s8, \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\", s9, \"stabilityOfMemory\", s10), \"learnerId\", s5)] \n[1] branch {s40} [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s39] \n[s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s20, s31] [1] ixscan_generic s32 none s31 none none lowPriority [s11 = 0, s12 = 1, s13 = 2, s14 = 3, s15 = 4, s16 = 5, s17 = 6, s18 = 7, s19 = 8, s20 = 9] @\"7299d749-3274-4950-8600-ccdb65d12b9a\" @\"speed_test1\" false \n[s21, s22, s23, s24, s25, s26, s27, s28, s29, s30, s33] [1] nlj inner [] [s34, s35] \n    left \n        [1] project [s34 = getField(s37, \"l\"), s35 = getField(s37, \"h\")] \n        [1] unwind s37 s38 s36 false \n        [1] limit 1ll \n        [1] coscan \n    right \n        [1] ixseek s34 s35 none s33 none none [s21 = 0, s22 = 1, s23 = 2, s24 = 3, s25 = 4, s26 = 5, s27 = 6, s28 = 7, s29 = 8, s30 = 9] @\"7299d749-3274-4950-8600-ccdb65d12b9a\" @\"speed_test1\" false \n"

Execution stats of the same query:

"executionStats": {
          "executionSuccess": true,
          "nReturned": 1529,
          "executionTimeMillis": 12418,
          "totalKeysExamined": 2071287,
          "totalDocsExamined": 0,
          "executionStages": {
            "stage": "project",
            "planNodeId": 4,
            "nReturned": 1529,
            "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
            "opens": 1,
            "closes": 1,
            "saveState": 640,
            "restoreState": 640,
            "isEOF": 1,
            "projections": {
              "70": "newObj(\"_id\", s68, \"learningPackages\", s69) "
            "inputStage": {
              "stage": "project",
              "planNodeId": 4,
              "nReturned": 1529,
              "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
              "opens": 1,
              "closes": 1,
              "saveState": 640,
              "restoreState": 640,
              "isEOF": 1,
              "projections": {
                "68": "newObj(\"learnerId\", s64, \"anizationId\", s65) ",
                "69": "getElement(s67, 0) "
              "inputStage": {
                "stage": "group",
                "planNodeId": 4,
                "nReturned": 1529,
                "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
                "opens": 1,
                "closes": 1,
                "saveState": 640,
                "restoreState": 640,
                "isEOF": 1,
                "groupBySlots": [64, 65],
                "expressions": {
                  "67": "addToArrayCapped(newObj(\"timestamp\", s62, \"lpId\", s56, \"lpPLP\", s57, \"lpNOAQ\", s59, \"lpNOQILP\", s60, \"lpTP\", s61, \"lpSOM\", s58), 104857600) ",
                  "initExprs": { "67": null }
                "mergingExprs": {
                  "66": "aggConcatArraysCapped(s66, 104857600) "
                "usedDisk": false,
                "spills": 0,
                "spilledBytes": 0,
                "spilledRecords": 0,
                "spilledDataStorageSize": 0,
                "inputStage": {
                  "stage": "project",
                  "planNodeId": 4,
                  "nReturned": 1529,
                  "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
                  "opens": 1,
                  "closes": 1,
                  "saveState": 640,
                  "restoreState": 640,
                  "isEOF": 1,
                  "projections": {
                    "64": "traverseP(s63, lambda(l15.0) { getField(move(l15.0), \"learnerId\") }, 1) ",
                    "65": "traverseP(s63, lambda(l16.0) { getField(move(l16.0), \"anizationId\") }, 1) "
                  "inputStage": {
                    "stage": "project",
                    "planNodeId": 3,
                    "nReturned": 1529,
                    "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12361,
                    "opens": 1,
                    "closes": 1,
                    "saveState": 640,
                    "restoreState": 640,
                    "isEOF": 1,
                    "projections": {
                      "63": "newObj(\"learnerId\", s5, \"anizationId\", s2, \"learningPackageId\", s45) "
                    "inputStage": {
                      "stage": "group",
                      "planNodeId": 3,
                      "nReturned": 1529,
                      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 12356,
                      "opens": 1,
                      "closes": 1,
                      "saveState": 640,
                      "restoreState": 640,
                      "isEOF": 1,
                      "groupBySlots": [5, 2, 45],
                      "expressions": {
                        "56": "first((s45 ?: null)) ",
                        "57": "first((s48 ?: null)) ",
                        "58": "first((s43 ?: null)) ",
                        "59": "first((s47 ?: null)) ",
                        "60": "first((s46 ?: null)) ",
                        "61": "first((s44 ?: null)) ",
                        "62": "first((s3 ?: null)) ",
                        "initExprs": {
                          "56": null,
                          "57": null,
                          "58": null,
                          "59": null,
                          "60": null,
                          "61": null,
                          "62": null
                      "mergingExprs": {
                        "49": "first((s49 ?: null)) ",
                        "50": "first((s50 ?: null)) ",
                        "51": "first((s51 ?: null)) ",
                        "52": "first((s52 ?: null)) ",
                        "53": "first((s53 ?: null)) ",
                        "54": "first((s54 ?: null)) ",
                        "55": "first((s55 ?: null)) "
                      "usedDisk": false,
                      "spills": 0,
                      "spilledBytes": 0,
                      "spilledRecords": 0,
                      "spilledDataStorageSize": 0,
                      "inputStage": {
                        "stage": "project",
                        "planNodeId": 3,
                        "nReturned": 1686758,
                        "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 10905,
                        "opens": 1,
                        "closes": 1,
                        "saveState": 640,
                        "restoreState": 640,
                        "isEOF": 1,
                        "projections": {
                          "43": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l7.0) { getField(move(l7.0), \"stabilityOfMemory\") }, 1) ",
                          "44": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l8.0) { getField(move(l8.0), \"timeOfProof\") }, 1) ",
                          "45": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l9.0) { getField(move(l9.0), \"learningPackageId\") }, 1) ",
                          "46": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l10.0) { getField(move(l10.0), \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\") }, 1) ",
                          "47": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l11.0) { getField(move(l11.0), \"numberOfActiveQuestions\") }, 1) ",
                          "48": "traverseP(s42, lambda(l12.0) { getField(move(l12.0), \"provenLearningProgress\") }, 1) "
                        "inputStage": {
                          "stage": "project",
                          "planNodeId": 1,
                          "nReturned": 1686758,
                          "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 9878,
                          "opens": 1,
                          "closes": 1,
                          "saveState": 640,
                          "restoreState": 640,
                          "isEOF": 1,
                          "projections": {
                            "42": "getField(s41, \"payload\") "
                          "inputStage": {
                            "stage": "project",
                            "planNodeId": 1,
                            "nReturned": 1686758,
                            "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 9732,
                            "opens": 1,
                            "closes": 1,
                            "saveState": 640,
                            "restoreState": 640,
                            "isEOF": 1,
                            "projections": {
                              "41": "newObj(\"type\", s1, \"anizationId\", s2, \"timestamp\", s3, \"payload\", newObj(\"learningPackageId\", s4, \"provenLearningProgress\", s6, \"timeOfProof\", s7, \"numberOfActiveQuestions\", s8, \"numberOfQuestionsInLearningPackage\", s9, \"stabilityOfMemory\", s10), \"learnerId\", s5) "
                            "inputStage": {
                              "stage": "branch",
                              "planNodeId": 1,
                              "nReturned": 1686758,
                              "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 6374,
                              "opens": 1,
                              "closes": 1,
                              "saveState": 640,
                              "restoreState": 640,
                              "isEOF": 1,
                              "numTested": 1,
                              "thenBranchOpens": 1,
                              "thenBranchCloses": 1,
                              "elseBranchOpens": 0,
                              "elseBranchCloses": 0,
                              "filter": "s40 ",
                              "thenSlots": [
                                11, 12, 13, 14,
                                15, 16, 17, 18,
                                19, 20, 31
                              "elseSlots": [
                                21, 22, 23, 24,
                                25, 26, 27, 28,
                                29, 30, 33
                              "outputSlots": [
                                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
                                7, 8, 9, 10, 39
                              "thenStage": {
                                "stage": "ixscan_generic",
                                "planNodeId": 1,
                                "nReturned": 1686758,
                                "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 6360,
                                "opens": 1,
                                "closes": 1,
                                "saveState": 640,
                                "restoreState": 640,
                                "isEOF": 1,
                                "indexName": "speed_test1",
                                "keysExamined": 2071287,
                                "seeks": 384529,
                                "numReads": 2071287,
                                "recordIdSlot": 31,
                                "outputSlots": [
                                  11, 12, 13, 14,
                                  15, 16, 17, 18,
                                  19, 20
                                "indexKeysToInclude": "00000000000000000000001111111111"
                              "elseStage": {
                                "stage": "nlj",
                                "planNodeId": 1,
                                "nReturned": 0,
                                "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                "opens": 0,
                                "closes": 0,
                                "saveState": 640,
                                "restoreState": 640,
                                "isEOF": 0,
                                "totalDocsExamined": 0,
                                "totalKeysExamined": 0,
                                "collectionScans": 0,
                                "collectionSeeks": 0,
                                "indexScans": 0,
                                "indexSeeks": 0,
                                "indexesUsed": [
                                "innerOpens": 0,
                                "innerCloses": 0,
                                "outerProjects": [],
                                "outerCorrelated": [
                                  34, 35
                                "outerStage": {
                                  "stage": "project",
                                  "planNodeId": 1,
                                  "nReturned": 0,
                                  "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                  "opens": 0,
                                  "closes": 0,
                                  "saveState": 640,
                                  "restoreState": 640,
                                  "isEOF": 0,
                                  "projections": {
                                    "34": "getField(s37, \"l\") ",
                                    "35": "getField(s37, \"h\") "
                                  "inputStage": {
                                    "stage": "unwind",
                                    "planNodeId": 1,
                                    "nReturned": 0,
                                    "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                    "opens": 0,
                                    "closes": 0,
                                    "saveState": 640,
                                    "restoreState": 640,
                                    "isEOF": 0,
                                    "inputSlot": 36,
                                    "outSlot": 37,
                                    "outIndexSlot": 38,
                                    "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": 0,
                                    "inputStage": {
                                      "stage": "limit",
                                      "planNodeId": 1,
                                      "nReturned": 0,
                                      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                      "opens": 0,
                                      "closes": 0,
                                      "saveState": 640,
                                      "restoreState": 640,
                                      "isEOF": 0,
                                      "inputStage": {
                                        "stage": "coscan",
                                        "planNodeId": 1,
                                        "nReturned": 0,
                                        "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                        "opens": 0,
                                        "closes": 0,
                                        "saveState": 640,
                                        "restoreState": 640,
                                        "isEOF": 0
                                "innerStage": {
                                  "stage": "ixseek",
                                  "planNodeId": 1,
                                  "nReturned": 0,
                                  "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
                                  "opens": 0,
                                  "closes": 0,
                                  "saveState": 640,
                                  "restoreState": 640,
                                  "isEOF": 0,
                                  "indexName": "speed_test1",
                                  "keysExamined": 0,
                                  "seeks": 0,
                                  "numReads": 0,
                                  "recordIdSlot": 33,
                                  "outputSlots": [
                                    21, 22, 23,
                                    24, 25, 26,
                                    27, 28, 29, 30
                                  "indexKeysToInclude": "00000000000000000000001111111111",
                                  "seekKeyLow": "s34 ",
                                  "seekKeyHigh": "s35 "

I added the same info for the query with only one $first in the first reply, as I otherwise hit the limit of characters.

Share Improve this question edited Jan 31 at 13:21 Stefan asked Jan 31 at 13:20 StefanStefan 8971 gold badge12 silver badges32 bronze badges 2
  • There seems to be some inconsistency regarding learningPackageIdin your question. The $match in the "_ final query_" given shows using that exact field name, but the "WinningPlan on the query using multiple $first" shows index boundaries, and therefore a $match, on "payload.learningPackageId". Please clarify. This has a lot of implications for the answer to your question, and may help clarify the usage of two $groups. Finally, what version are you using? – user20042973 Commented Feb 9 at 14:45
  • Thanks for your reply. I had to remove the index-boundarie due to data-privacy issues. The type, anizationId, and learningPackageid are actually single values. I'm using version 8.0 of mongodb (community edition) – Stefan Commented Feb 10 at 15:13
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1 Answer 1

Reset to default 3

Try this one:

    $match: {
      anizationId: "OrgId",
      "learnerId": {
        $in: [
      type: "LearningProgressUpdate",
      learningPackageId: "learningPackageId",
      timestamp: {
        $lt: new ISODate(
    $sort: {
      learnerId: 1, anizationId: 1
    $group: {
      _id: {
        learnerId: "$learnerId",
        anizationId: "$anizationId",
        learningPackageId: "$payload.learningPackageId"
      payload: { $top: { sortBy: { timestamp: -1}, output: "$payload" },
      timestamp: { $first: "$timestamp" }

$top could be faster than sorting the entire collection. The first $sort stage should support the $group, see $group Performance Optimizations

本文标签: mongodbWhy are multiple first in a group way slower then just oneStack Overflow