

I am trying to include jinja2 templates within my uv build but it does not seem to work. My directory structure is as follows.

├── src/
│   ├── mypackage/
│   └──── j2/ (all templates live here)

└── pyproject.toml

Following is my py project toml

name = "dojipipeline"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.12"
dependencies = [

My work around is to capture all the j2 as doc_string in .py file like below and import it
You are a data governance expert and are tasked to perform the following 
{ % for task in tasks % }
{{ task }}
{ % endfor % }
{% if contexts %}
Following are the contexts for the tasks:
{% for context in contexts %}
{{ context }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

The required responses must be in JSON format.
 "response": {
        "data": {{ data_shema }}
        "thoughts":  List of thoughts 

Generate a valid data object and explain your thought process.
Answer only with json and do not include any other information.

本文标签: pythonBundling Jinja2 temlate with UVStack Overflow