

I have a simple assignment for class to practice maven and I am completely lost with the pom file part. Our Java file just takes in either "PDF" or "XLS" then reads a csv file and populates either the PDF or XLS with a table containing that csv file data. I don't get how you know what to add and how to add it, regardless I was able to make the Java program and the pom file, but it always makes two jars for some reason. One is a shaded jar and the other is a default one.

What to Submit
Your assignment2.jar Fat Jar and your sample.csv input file for testing.

We will run the following to test your program:

$java -jar assignment2.jar PDF sample.csv

It should've just made ONE fat jar using the shade plugin but each time I get both of the jars.

assignment2-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar  assignment2.jar  classes  generated-sources  generated-test-sources  maven-archiver  maven-status  test-classes

Here is my pom file.

<project xmlns=".0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation=".0.0 .0.0.xsd">



    <name>Assignment 2 Maven Project</name>


        <!-- iText Core PDF generation -->

        <!-- .itextpdf/layout -->

        <!-- Apache POI for Excel (XLSX) manipulation -->

        <!-- Required for Apache POI XML operations -->

        <!-- XMLBeans dependency for POI -->

        <!-- Set the final name of the JAR file -->

            <!-- Use the Maven Shade Plugin for creating a fat JAR -->
                                <transformer implementation=".apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

Is there a dependency or plugin that I'm missing?

Please do not be rude about my code. This is legitimately my first ever maven project. I realize this code is not good, which is why I'm asking you guys for help.

本文标签: javaHow to fix this POM file to make one fat jarStack Overflow