

I am running R Version 2024.12.0+467 (2024.12.0+467) and version 2.9.0 of Pavo on macOS 5.3 (24D60) and I am trying to install the package Pavo 2 in R studio. When I do install.packages("pavo") I get this:

> install.packages("pavo")
trying URL '.4/pavo_2.9.0.tgz'
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1922483 bytes (1.8 MB)
downloaded 1.8 MB

The downloaded binary packages are in

And Pavo then appears in my packages. But when I try to load the package it just never loads, Im stuck with >library(pavo) in my console and nothing responds until I terminate the session. I dont get any error messages, I can still type, and the cursor continues to blink, but I just cant run anymore code and pavo never loads.

I have updated r and r studio, I have also un-installed and re-installed both of them. Ive also checked where pavo is downloading to, and it seems to be in the same place as all of my other r packages that are loading. And I checked some of my other packages, and they all seem to load fine. But whenever I try and load pavo specifically it just loads forever and I eventually have to restart R. I dont get any error messages, it just keeps trying to run.

本文标签: rPAVO package not downloading loading in RStudioStack Overflow