

I'm using Wordpress 5.6.1 with Twenty Twenty-One theme. I have added some additional CSS and it works fine for published posts. But it does not apply while I'm editing a post. In Chrome web inspector, I can see my changes in the style list, but they are stricken through. Why does this happen? I have tried incognito mode to make sure it's not a caching issue. The customization is just this:

blockquote>p {
    font-weight: unset;
    border: 1px solid;
    padding: 8px;

blockquote:before {
    content: none !important;

In the inspector, it looks like these rules are taking precedence even though I tried adding !important to each property. I don't see anything that would overrule my border.

.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-quote:before {
    content: "“";

editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-quote p {
    font-family: var(--quote--font-family);
    font-size: var(--quote--font-size);
    font-style: var(--quote--font-style);
    font-weight: var(--quote--font-weight);
    line-height: var(--quote--line-height);

本文标签: themesCustom CSS doesn39t work in edit mode