

I'm using a Excel 2016 with Database Access 2016 too. At home the code run perfectly, but in my office the same file getting a error in this line:

varX = DLookup("[Código]", "Campanha", "[Cod Produto] = " & EntradaBD.Fields("Cod Produto").Value & "")

Interesting when I open manually DB file the error is gone, but when BD is open programmatically I get this error: 2950 - reserved error. My BD open normally, and even though I have placed file in a trusted place.

Thanks for read this.

UPDATE: When i arrived at home, same problem now: 2950 reserved error . But his line worked yesterday and i dont edit file.

UPDATE2: I realized that Dlookup only works when the database file is open, that is, with MSAccess on the screen. All other DB access functions work with the file closed, but DlookUp insists on error 2950, ​​what could it be?


Private Sub cbgrupo_Change()
Dim fonteBD As String
Dim varX As Variant

Set EntradaBD = New ADODB.Recordset


If Me.cbgrupo.Value = "TODOS" Then
    fonteBD = "Select * FROM [BancoDados] WHERE [Grupo] is not null ORDER BY [Cod Produto]"
    fonteBD = "Select * FROM [BancoDados] WHERE [Grupo] = '" & Me.cbgrupo.Value & "' ORDER BY [Cod Produto]"
End If
EntradaBD.Open fonteBD, conectabd, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly

If Not (EntradaBD.EOF And EntradaBD.BOF) Then
    Do Until EntradaBD.EOF = True
    varX = DLookup("[Código]", "Campanha", "[Cod Produto] = " & EntradaBD.Fields("Cod Produto").Value)
    If IsNull(varX) Then
        Me.ListBox1.AddItem EntradaBD.Fields("Cod Produto").Value
        Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 1) = EntradaBD.Fields("Produto").Value
    End If

End If

If Not EntradaBD Is Nothing Then EntradaBD.Close

'fecha a conexão com o BD

本文标签: excelVBA DLookUp returns error 2950 reserved errorStack Overflow