

I have a B2B application where we can onboard multiple tenants. Their users can use SSO to login/sign up on our mobile application.

I want to get notified when the admin of a tenant deletes a user (in case the user leaves the anization) so that I can deactivate it in my system as well.

But I am getting this error.

"message": "Operation: Create; Exception: [Status Code: PreconditionFailed; Reason: Precondition Failed; Message : Request failed with status code 'PreconditionFailed': 'StartReceivingChangesOnTenant can not be initiated on a Mega Tenant for service AadGraphNotifications\r\nParameter name: contextId\r\nParameter name: contextId'.]", "statusCode": 412,

Can anyone share any doc or guide me on how should I approach this problem?

本文标签: nodejsNot able to create subscription for a multi tenant appStack Overflow