

I am trying query few Historian tags data from Proficy Historian using OleDbDataAdapter. The code pulls the data right from the historian but when I am trying to merge the data in a common Data table, it doesn't merge it with common timestamp row. Current result from the code is like:

Current result

Expected result

Here is my existing code:

public DataTable GetHistorianDataTable() {

        string[] mytags = { "USAATL1.PRPAST_CIP_RECIPE_STEP_NUM.F_CV",
                            "USAATL1.AIT_D30_1090_TARGET.F_CV" ,
                            "USAATL1.AIT_D30_1090_VALUE.F_CV" ,
                            "USAATL1.TIT_D31_0060_TARGET.F_CV" ,
        string[] columns = { "Recipe_Step",
                            "AIT_D39_0040_TARGET" ,
                            "AIT_D39_0040" ,
                            "TIT_D39_0045_TARGET" ,

        int n = 11; // the number of datatables 
        DataTable[] dtArray = new DataTable[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            dtArray[i] = new DataTable("DtTbl " + i);

        DataTable table = new DataTable();
        table.Columns.Add("timestamp", typeof(DateTime));

        for (int i = 0; i < mytags.Length; i++)

            DataTable temptable = new DataTable();

            string query = "SELECT timestamp, value, FROM ihRawData " +   
                            "WHERE tagname = '" + mytags[i] + "' " +
                            "AND samplingmode=Calculated " +
                            "AND intervalmilliseconds=30s " +
                            "AND timestamp>='03/29/2024 13:58:59' " +
                            "AND timestamp<='03/29/2024 14:22:59' ";


        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            table.Merge(dtArray[i], false, MissingSchemaAction.Add);

        return table;


    public DataTable GetDataTbl(DataTable tbl, string cmdtext)
        OleDbConnection Connection;
        string provider = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["HistorianDb"].ConnectionString;
        Connection = new OleDbConnection(provider);
        OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmdtext, Connection);

        return tbl;

本文标签: C OleDbDataAdapter Fill and merge table function not working as expectedStack Overflow