

This doesn't seem right. I cannot display, get the query, or save Sedona spatial dataframes. Am I missing some library or concept?

#turn your spark dataframe into a sedona geodataframe by creating an ST_POINT column.
points_311 = sdf.withColumn("the_geom", expr(f"ST_AsBinary(ST_Point(LON, LAT))"))
points_311 = points_311.withColumn("geom_deserialized", expr(f"ST_GeomFromWKB(the_geom)"))
The GEOGRAPHY and GEOMETRY data types cannot be returned in queries. Use one of the following SQL expressions to convert them to standard interchange formats: "st_asbinary", "st_asewkb", "st_astext", or "st_asgeojson". SQLSTATE: 0A000

本文标签: apache sedonaSodona Geography and Geometry data types cannot be returned as queriesStack Overflow