

Pine scripts default behavior is to use the chart bars even on higher time frame security calls. This seems odd to me and it doesn't help my desired use.

When I view my script on charts less than 1 day, the background colors only populate 1 bar at a time. I happens when the condition becomes true even thou it stays true for the rest of the day.

I want to use this on the 1 minute chart as a daily trade filter. In other words, I don't want my scripts to fire when both the market cap and dominance for a coin are down from the previous day.

strategy(title = 'Market Dominance', shorttitle = 'Market Dominance', overlay = false)

viewBTC = input(false, "View BTC Dominance")
viewBTCMinus = input(false, "View BTC Dominance Minus Stable Coins")
viewStable = input(false, "View Stable Coin Dominance (Top 5)")
viewChart = input(false, "View On Chart Coin Dominance")

res = input.timeframe("D", "Timeframe")
src = input.source(hl2, "Source")
length = input(1, "Days of market cap in calculation")

division1 = input("/////", "On chart asset cap - Change if analyzing on chart asset")

chartCap ="CRYPTOCAP:ETH") , res, ta.sma(src, length)[1], gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
division2 = input("/////", "BTC and Stable Coin - Market Caps - Do Not Change")
btcCap ="BTC_MARKETCAP") , res, ta.sma(src, length)[1], gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
cryptoCap ="TOTAL") , res, ta.sma(src, length)[1], gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
usdcCap ="USDC_MARKETCAP") , res, ta.sma(src, length)[1], gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
usdtCap ="USDT_MARKETCAP") , res, ta.sma(src, length)[1], gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
busdCap ="BUSD_MARKETCAP") , res, ta.sma(src, length)[1], gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
daiCap ="DAI_MARKETCAP") , res, ta.sma(src, length)[1], gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
stableCap =   (usdcCap + usdtCap + busdCap + daiCap)

btcDom = btcCap / (cryptoCap) *100
btcDomMinus = btcCap / (cryptoCap - stableCap) *100
stableDom = (usdcCap + usdtCap + busdCap + daiCap) / (cryptoCap - stableCap) *100
chartDom = (chartCap) / (cryptoCap - stableCap) *100

plot(viewBTC ? btcDom : na, title = 'BTC Dominance', color =
plot(viewBTCMinus ? btcDomMinus : na, title = 'BTC Dominance  Minus Stable Coins ', color =
plot(viewChart ? chartDom : na, title = 'Chart Asset Dominance  Minus Stable Coins ', color = color.yellow)
plot(viewStable ? stableDom : na, title = 'Stable Dominance  Minus Stable Coins ', color =

btcCon = btcDom[0] > btcDom[1] or btcCap[0] > btcCap[1] 
btcMCon = btcDomMinus[0] > btcDomMinus[1] or btcCap[0] > btcCap[1]
chartCon = chartDom[0] > chartDom[1] or chartCap[0] > chartCap[1] 
stableCon = stableDom[0] > stableDom[1] or stableCap[0] > stableCap[1]

bgcolor(btcCon and viewBTC? #bdfdbf51 : na)
bgcolor(btcMCon and viewBTCMinus ? #bdfdbf51 : na)
bgcolor(chartCon and viewChart ? #bdfdbf51 : na)
bgcolor(stableCon and viewStable ? #bdfdbf51 : na)

本文标签: data analysisPine script security requests why do HTF call use the charts barsStack Overflow