

SOLVED - So, I was supposed to set the Z value of tileLocation Vector3Int to 0 before passing it through HasTile() because I was looping through each tilemap individually, which would all have their own z value of 0 (instead of comparing it to the tilemap anchor). After passing it through HasTile(), I then set the Z value to that of the tilemap.

I hope that makes sense to everyone. I'll be happy to clarify further if people are interested. I'm not sure if I should change my original code block or add a newly updated one. Let me know what the standard is if you'd like me to edit this post. Thanks guys!


I'm am fairly new and an aspiring game dev. I'm currently working on a 2d isometric tactical rpg with the Unity Game Engine and I've come across a peculiar problem.

I've created a Tilemap with the Tiled app. Every "height" difference is differentiated by the Z value (the imported Tilemap actually has 4 separate tilemaps with the base/water level being z = 0, ground level z = 1 etc) and I've imported into my game. I have several nested For-Loops to loop over each tilemap - each x value - each y value. This gets me every possible tile location within my Tilemap.

Using an if statement with the HasTile() method, I check to see if the possible tile location actually contains a tile. My problem is, every tile location comes back with a Z value of 0.

I've run a Debug.Log(tileLocation) directly before and after the IF statement with the HasTile() method. Before the IF statement, I get expected values of Z (between 0 and 3). Directly after the IF statement, those same Z values are all set to 0.

i.e if I had 3 tileLocations, they would change from:
Vector3Int(3, 5, 1) -- Vector3Int(3, 5, 0)
Vector3Int(13, 2, 2) -- Vector3Int(13, 2, 0)
Vector3Int(4, 18, 3) -- Vector3Int(4, 18, 0)

Things that I've tried:

1 - removing the var of tileLocation (I thought maybe it was resetting somehow because it was a local variable)

2 - ran an empty if statement to see if it was actually the IF statement causing the problem and not the HasTile() method

3 - removed the !map.ContainsKey method (still had the problem)

4 - I've tried tweaked and adjusting a bunch of other things but didn't have any success either

My goal is to locate every tile and Instantiate an invisible "overlayTile" overtop so that I can interact with them. i.e move a character or target a tile for an AoE spell.

Am I missing anything? Is that a weird quirk of HasTile() that I need to work around?

Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Here is the relevant code:

    void Start()
        tileMaps = AssembleTilemapLayers();
        map = new Dictionary<Vector3Int, OverlayTile>();

        for (int i = 0; i < tileMaps.Count; i++)
            var tileMap = tileMaps[i];
            var bounds = tileMap.cellBounds;
            var z = (int)tileMap.transform.position.z;

            // looping through all map tiles
            for (int y = bounds.min.y; y < bounds.max.y; y++)
                for (int x = bounds.min.x; x < bounds.max.x; x++)
                    tileLocation = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);

                    if (tileMap.HasTile(tileLocation) && !map.ContainsKey(tileLocation))
                        var overlayTile = Instantiate(overlayTilePrefab, overlayContainer.transform);
                        var cellWorldPosition = tileMap.GetCellCenterWorld(tileLocation);

                        overlayTile.transform.position = new Vector3(cellWorldPosition.x, cellWorldPosition.y, cellWorldPosition.z + 1);
                        overlayTile.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = tileMap.GetComponent<TilemapRenderer>().sortingOrder;
                        overlayTile.gridLocation = tileLocation;

                        map.Add(tileLocation, overlayTile);

本文标签: cSOLVEDTilemapHasTile() method Vector3Int changes Z value to 0Stack Overflow