

I added the json file I received from Google to my project. I can get tokens from credential request. When I send a request to the Purchases.Products.Get service, I encounter the following error.

  "error": {
    "code": 401,
    "message": "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation.",
    "errors": [
        "message": "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation.",
        "domain": "androidpublisher",
        "reason": "permissionDenied"

The permissions I have given are as attached. Is there anything else I should do?

Android DeveloperAPI enabled

IAM permissions

Google Play Permissions Google Play Permissions

App Permissions App Permissions

After giving the permissions, I waited for two weeks and there was no improvement. I wrote to the Play Console Help Community and they did not respond. I contacted Google via e-mail, and they told me about the permissions I had given and stated that they could not help me further.

本文标签: google apiPurchases API permission Denied 401Stack Overflow