

I'm publishing post using an schedule event. The publish function uploads an image using media_sideload_image and creates a post.

The issue is when this event triggers, it fails with the error media_sideload_image as undefined.

I tried running both naturally and via wp crontrol plugin. Both seems to fail. Not sure what is the order when the cron functions are called.

Can someone please help here ?

[08-Jun-2021 19:57:19 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function media_sideload_image() in

Below is a skeleton code of how I'm scheduling the function

class Post_Scheduler{

    public static function init(){
        register_activation_hook( PLUGIN_FILE, array( __CLASS__, 'on_activate' ) );
        add_action( 'publish_post_action', array( __CLASS__, 'publish_post_func' ) );

    public static function on_activate(){
        if( !wp_next_scheduled( 'publish_post_action' ) ){
            wp_schedule_event( time(), 'daily', 'publish_post_action' );

    public static function publish_post_func(){



function my_function_to_create_post(){
    // Some logic
    wp_insert_post();  // This works. Post gets created.

    media_sideload_image(); // But this fails with undefined

本文标签: uploadsCertain functions are not available when executed with wpscheduleevent