I am inserting a quantity of products, categories and attributes to a wordpress database.
My method is to copy a selection of source data tables from my off-line database (not in wordpress format) into the wordpress database, and run a local MySQL stored procedure that:
- Removes data I previously inserted
- Formats and distributes the source data to create new ...
- product records
- category records
- attribute records
My products and categories appear to be uploading and displaying as expected but I'm having the devil of a job getting my attributes to behave as I would like them to.
With no attributes in the system, I run my stored procedure that processes the following data (I've summarized it for the purpose of display here):
PRODUCTS TID model ------ ---------------------------------- 2 BREAD MP MED SLICE WHITE 800g 3 BREAD MP THICK SLICED WHITE 800g 4 BREAD MP BROWN SLICED 800g 5 BREAD NIMBLE WHITE 400g 245 TREX 500g
ATTRIBUTES TID Attr_Name Order ------ ----------- -------- 1 FAIR TRADE 0 2 GLUTE FREE 0 3 MULTI PACK 0
ATTRIBUTE VALUES: (SL_ID = source data product TID ) TID SL_ID Attr_ID Attr_Value ------ ------ ------- ------------ 5 2 1 NO 6 2 2 NO 7 2 3 NO 2 3 1 YES 3 3 2 YES 4 3 3 YES 11 4 3 MAYBE 10 4 2 MAYBE 9 4 1 MAYBE 12 5 1 YES 13 5 2 NO 14 5 3 MAYBE 16 245 1 YES 17 245 2 NO
Each one of the following rows are passed into a function (detailed below: f_create_attributes) that generates what I believe to be the relevant data rows in the relevant wp tables:
ATTRIBUTE VALUES INattr_id INattr_name INslug INattr_value --------- ----------- ------- -------------- 1 FAIR TRADE 1-yes YES 1 FAIR TRADE 1-no NO 1 FAIR TRADE 1-maybe MAYBE 2 GLUTEN FREE 2-yes YES 2 GLUTEN FREE 2-no NO 2 GLUTEN FREE 2-maybe MAYBE 3 MULTI PACK 3-yes YES 3 MULTI PACK 3-no NO 3 MULTI PACK 3-maybe MAYBE
FUNCTION: f_create_attributes
DELIMITER $$ USE `someth22_martins`$$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `f_create_attributes`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`someth22_admin`@`%` FUNCTION `f_create_attributes`(INattr_id BIGINT(20), INattr_name VARCHAR(200), INslug VARCHAR(200), INattr_value VARCHAR(200)) RETURNS BIGINT(20) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE OUT_ID BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0; /* ATRIBUTES ----------------- Set some local variables */ SET @attr_id = INattr_id; SET @attr_name = INattr_name; SET @attr_value = INattr_value; SET @slug= INslug; SET @metakey_attribute = "x_attribute_id_map"; SET @term_id = 0; SET @attr_name_slug = LOWER(REPLACE(@attr_name," ","-")); /* This is where the attribute starts life `wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies` */ INSERT INTO `wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies` (`attribute_name`,`attribute_label`,`attribute_type`,`attribute_orderby`,`attribute_public`) SELECT A.* FROM (SELECT @attr_name_slug AS attribute_name, @attr_name, "text", "menu_order",0) A LEFT JOIN `wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies` B ON A.attribute_name = B.attribute_name WHERE ISNULL(B.`attribute_id`); /* TERMS --------------------- Attribute values Linked to the relevant attribute in TERM TAXONOMY */ INSERT INTO wp_terms (`name`, `slug`, `term_group` ) VALUES (@attr_value, @slug, 0); /* Collect the term ID */ SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO @term_id; /* Create TermMeta row */ INSERT INTO `wp_termmeta` (`term_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES (@term_id, @metakey_attribute, @attr_value); /* Create term_taxonomy record */ INSERT INTO `wp_term_taxonomy` (`term_id`,`taxonomy`) VALUES (@term_id, LOWER( CONCAT("pa_",@attr_name_slug )) ); SET @term_taxonomy_id = 0; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO @term_taxonomy_id; /* Create WOOCOMMERCE termmeta records */ INSERT INTO `wp_woocommerce_termmeta` (`woocommerce_term_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES (@term_id, CONCAT("order_pa_",@attr_name_slug),0); /* Create term_taxonomymeta row */ INSERT INTO `wp_taxonomymeta` (`taxonomy_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES (@term_taxonomy_id, @metakey_attribute, @attr_id); /* Pass back the TERM_TAXONOMY_ID */ SELECT @term_taxonomy_id INTO OUT_ID; RETURN OUT_ID; END$$ DELIMITER ;
After processing new attributes through the function above I can view new attribute records in WP using the following SQL ...
SELECT A.*, B.*, C.* #P.`ID` AS `wp_id`, P.`post_title`, Taxonomy AS `Attribute`, `name` AS `AttrValue` FROM wp_terms A INNER JOIN `wp_term_taxonomy` B ON A.`term_id` = B.`term_id` INNER JOIN `wp_term_relationships` C ON B.`term_taxonomy_id` = C.`term_taxonomy_id` INNER JOIN wp_posts P ON C.`object_id` = P.`ID` WHERE B.`taxonomy` REGEXP "^pa_";
... and I get this result
term_id name slug term_group term_taxonomy_id term_id taxonomy description parent count object_id term_taxonomy_id term_order ------- ------ ------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------------- ----------- ------ ------ --------- ---------------- ------------ 558 NO 1-no 0 396 558 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6916 396 0 561 NO 2-no 0 399 561 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6916 399 0 564 NO 3-no 0 402 564 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6916 402 0 557 YES 1-yes 0 395 557 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6917 395 0 560 YES 2-yes 0 398 560 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6917 398 0 563 YES 3-yes 0 401 563 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6917 401 0 559 MAYBE 1-maybe 0 397 559 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6918 397 0 562 MAYBE 2-maybe 0 400 562 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6918 400 0 565 MAYBE 3-maybe 0 403 565 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6918 403 0 557 YES 1-yes 0 395 557 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6919 395 0 561 NO 2-no 0 399 561 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6919 399 0 565 MAYBE 3-maybe 0 403 565 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6919 403 0 557 YES 1-yes 0 395 557 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6920 395 0 561 NO 2-no 0 399 561 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6920 399 0
This is an example of the Serialized Array I generate for the relevant wp_postmeta._product_attributes row
a:3: { s:13:"pa_glute-free";a:6: {s:4:"name";s:13:"pa_glute-free"; s:5:"value";s:0:""; s:8:"position";s:1:"0"; s:10:"is_visible";i:1; s:12:"is_variation";i:0; s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:1;} s:13:"pa_multi-pack";a:6: {s:4:"name";s:13:"pa_multi-pack"; s:5:"value";s:0:""; s:8:"position";s:1:"0"; s:10:"is_visible";i:1; s:12:"is_variation";i:0; s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:1;} s:13:"pa_fair-trade";a:6: {s:4:"name";s:13:"pa_fair-trade"; s:5:"value";s:0:""; s:8:"position";s:1:"0"; s:10:"is_visible";i:1; s:12:"is_variation";i:0; s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:1;} }
In the WP admin area: PRODUCTS -> ATTRIBUTES I'm told
Name Slug Type Order by Terms No attributes currently exist.
But, if I add a new attribute via the admin area, my inserted attributes suddenly appear along with the one that I've just added manually.
But ...they display no TERMS.
However, if I now delete the attribute I just manually created, when the screen refreshes the TERMS linked to my inserted attributes miraculously appear.
Furthermore, on the web site, attributes don't show up against my products until I perform the manual ADD / DELETE.
Presumably I could call the add_new_attribute as described here.. github/woothemes/woocommerce .. but I would like to perform the entire data injection process via my MySQL calls.
So, I guess I'm asking if anyone knows what the add_new_attribute call does ...
Or what the call under the attribute DELETE link does ...
a class="delete" href="edit.php?post_type=product&page=product_attributes&delete=84&_wpnonce=e270352083">Delete
... with my injected data to make it work.
Any help appreciated.
I am inserting a quantity of products, categories and attributes to a wordpress database.
My method is to copy a selection of source data tables from my off-line database (not in wordpress format) into the wordpress database, and run a local MySQL stored procedure that:
- Removes data I previously inserted
- Formats and distributes the source data to create new ...
- product records
- category records
- attribute records
My products and categories appear to be uploading and displaying as expected but I'm having the devil of a job getting my attributes to behave as I would like them to.
With no attributes in the system, I run my stored procedure that processes the following data (I've summarized it for the purpose of display here):
PRODUCTS TID model ------ ---------------------------------- 2 BREAD MP MED SLICE WHITE 800g 3 BREAD MP THICK SLICED WHITE 800g 4 BREAD MP BROWN SLICED 800g 5 BREAD NIMBLE WHITE 400g 245 TREX 500g
ATTRIBUTES TID Attr_Name Order ------ ----------- -------- 1 FAIR TRADE 0 2 GLUTE FREE 0 3 MULTI PACK 0
ATTRIBUTE VALUES: (SL_ID = source data product TID ) TID SL_ID Attr_ID Attr_Value ------ ------ ------- ------------ 5 2 1 NO 6 2 2 NO 7 2 3 NO 2 3 1 YES 3 3 2 YES 4 3 3 YES 11 4 3 MAYBE 10 4 2 MAYBE 9 4 1 MAYBE 12 5 1 YES 13 5 2 NO 14 5 3 MAYBE 16 245 1 YES 17 245 2 NO
Each one of the following rows are passed into a function (detailed below: f_create_attributes) that generates what I believe to be the relevant data rows in the relevant wp tables:
ATTRIBUTE VALUES INattr_id INattr_name INslug INattr_value --------- ----------- ------- -------------- 1 FAIR TRADE 1-yes YES 1 FAIR TRADE 1-no NO 1 FAIR TRADE 1-maybe MAYBE 2 GLUTEN FREE 2-yes YES 2 GLUTEN FREE 2-no NO 2 GLUTEN FREE 2-maybe MAYBE 3 MULTI PACK 3-yes YES 3 MULTI PACK 3-no NO 3 MULTI PACK 3-maybe MAYBE
FUNCTION: f_create_attributes
DELIMITER $$ USE `someth22_martins`$$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `f_create_attributes`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`someth22_admin`@`%` FUNCTION `f_create_attributes`(INattr_id BIGINT(20), INattr_name VARCHAR(200), INslug VARCHAR(200), INattr_value VARCHAR(200)) RETURNS BIGINT(20) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE OUT_ID BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0; /* ATRIBUTES ----------------- Set some local variables */ SET @attr_id = INattr_id; SET @attr_name = INattr_name; SET @attr_value = INattr_value; SET @slug= INslug; SET @metakey_attribute = "x_attribute_id_map"; SET @term_id = 0; SET @attr_name_slug = LOWER(REPLACE(@attr_name," ","-")); /* This is where the attribute starts life `wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies` */ INSERT INTO `wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies` (`attribute_name`,`attribute_label`,`attribute_type`,`attribute_orderby`,`attribute_public`) SELECT A.* FROM (SELECT @attr_name_slug AS attribute_name, @attr_name, "text", "menu_order",0) A LEFT JOIN `wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies` B ON A.attribute_name = B.attribute_name WHERE ISNULL(B.`attribute_id`); /* TERMS --------------------- Attribute values Linked to the relevant attribute in TERM TAXONOMY */ INSERT INTO wp_terms (`name`, `slug`, `term_group` ) VALUES (@attr_value, @slug, 0); /* Collect the term ID */ SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO @term_id; /* Create TermMeta row */ INSERT INTO `wp_termmeta` (`term_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES (@term_id, @metakey_attribute, @attr_value); /* Create term_taxonomy record */ INSERT INTO `wp_term_taxonomy` (`term_id`,`taxonomy`) VALUES (@term_id, LOWER( CONCAT("pa_",@attr_name_slug )) ); SET @term_taxonomy_id = 0; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO @term_taxonomy_id; /* Create WOOCOMMERCE termmeta records */ INSERT INTO `wp_woocommerce_termmeta` (`woocommerce_term_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES (@term_id, CONCAT("order_pa_",@attr_name_slug),0); /* Create term_taxonomymeta row */ INSERT INTO `wp_taxonomymeta` (`taxonomy_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES (@term_taxonomy_id, @metakey_attribute, @attr_id); /* Pass back the TERM_TAXONOMY_ID */ SELECT @term_taxonomy_id INTO OUT_ID; RETURN OUT_ID; END$$ DELIMITER ;
After processing new attributes through the function above I can view new attribute records in WP using the following SQL ...
SELECT A.*, B.*, C.* #P.`ID` AS `wp_id`, P.`post_title`, Taxonomy AS `Attribute`, `name` AS `AttrValue` FROM wp_terms A INNER JOIN `wp_term_taxonomy` B ON A.`term_id` = B.`term_id` INNER JOIN `wp_term_relationships` C ON B.`term_taxonomy_id` = C.`term_taxonomy_id` INNER JOIN wp_posts P ON C.`object_id` = P.`ID` WHERE B.`taxonomy` REGEXP "^pa_";
... and I get this result
term_id name slug term_group term_taxonomy_id term_id taxonomy description parent count object_id term_taxonomy_id term_order ------- ------ ------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------------- ----------- ------ ------ --------- ---------------- ------------ 558 NO 1-no 0 396 558 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6916 396 0 561 NO 2-no 0 399 561 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6916 399 0 564 NO 3-no 0 402 564 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6916 402 0 557 YES 1-yes 0 395 557 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6917 395 0 560 YES 2-yes 0 398 560 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6917 398 0 563 YES 3-yes 0 401 563 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6917 401 0 559 MAYBE 1-maybe 0 397 559 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6918 397 0 562 MAYBE 2-maybe 0 400 562 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6918 400 0 565 MAYBE 3-maybe 0 403 565 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6918 403 0 557 YES 1-yes 0 395 557 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6919 395 0 561 NO 2-no 0 399 561 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6919 399 0 565 MAYBE 3-maybe 0 403 565 pa_multi-pack 0 0 6919 403 0 557 YES 1-yes 0 395 557 pa_fair-trade 0 0 6920 395 0 561 NO 2-no 0 399 561 pa_gluten-free 0 0 6920 399 0
This is an example of the Serialized Array I generate for the relevant wp_postmeta._product_attributes row
a:3: { s:13:"pa_glute-free";a:6: {s:4:"name";s:13:"pa_glute-free"; s:5:"value";s:0:""; s:8:"position";s:1:"0"; s:10:"is_visible";i:1; s:12:"is_variation";i:0; s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:1;} s:13:"pa_multi-pack";a:6: {s:4:"name";s:13:"pa_multi-pack"; s:5:"value";s:0:""; s:8:"position";s:1:"0"; s:10:"is_visible";i:1; s:12:"is_variation";i:0; s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:1;} s:13:"pa_fair-trade";a:6: {s:4:"name";s:13:"pa_fair-trade"; s:5:"value";s:0:""; s:8:"position";s:1:"0"; s:10:"is_visible";i:1; s:12:"is_variation";i:0; s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:1;} }
In the WP admin area: PRODUCTS -> ATTRIBUTES I'm told
Name Slug Type Order by Terms No attributes currently exist.
But, if I add a new attribute via the admin area, my inserted attributes suddenly appear along with the one that I've just added manually.
But ...they display no TERMS.
However, if I now delete the attribute I just manually created, when the screen refreshes the TERMS linked to my inserted attributes miraculously appear.
Furthermore, on the web site, attributes don't show up against my products until I perform the manual ADD / DELETE.
Presumably I could call the add_new_attribute as described here.. github/woothemes/woocommerce .. but I would like to perform the entire data injection process via my MySQL calls.
So, I guess I'm asking if anyone knows what the add_new_attribute call does ...
Or what the call under the attribute DELETE link does ...
a class="delete" href="edit.php?post_type=product&page=product_attributes&delete=84&_wpnonce=e270352083">Delete
... with my injected data to make it work.
Any help appreciated.
Share Improve this question edited Jan 9, 2018 at 8:10 admcfajn 1,3262 gold badges13 silver badges30 bronze badges asked Mar 31, 2016 at 23:20 Ben StevensBen Stevens 411 silver badge4 bronze badges1 Answer
Reset to default 2I think I have answer to my own question.
After loading data into wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies
as part of the function detailed above, it is necessary to create serailised array of attributes and their meta data, and post it into wp_options
.As far as I can tell wp_options
contains a range of transient data used by wordpress as a way to improve performance.
The following query seems to do the trick.
/* ATTRIBUTES --------------- Post an entry into wp_options option_name = "_transient_wc_attribute_taxonomies" This record is used to populate the ADMIN AREA -> Products -> Attributes interface .. and appears to be used to post attribute values to screen in the web -> products list pages */ SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=10000; SET @RowNo = -1; INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_name`,`option_value`, `autoload`) SELECT * FROM ( SELECT "_transient_wc_attribute_taxonomies" AS `New_Option_Name`, CONCAT("a:",COUNT(*),":{", GROUP_CONCAT(option_value SEPARATOR ""), "}") AS New_Option_Value, "yes" AS `New_Autoload` FROM ( SELECT CONCAT( "i:",(@RowNo := @RowNo + 1),";O:8:","""","stdclass","""",":6:" ,"{S:12:","""","attribute_id","""",";s:",LENGTH(attribute_id),":","""",attribute_id,"""",";" ,"S:14:","""","attribute_name","""",";s:",LENGTH(attribute_name),":","""",attribute_name,"""",";" ,"S:15:","""","attribute_label","""",";s:",LENGTH(attribute_label),":","""",attribute_label,"""",";" ,"S:14:","""","attribute_type","""",";s:",LENGTH(attribute_type),":","""",attribute_type,"""",";" ,"S:17:","""","attribute_orderby","""",";s:",LENGTH(attribute_orderby),":","""",attribute_orderby,"""",";" ,"S:16:","""","attribute_public","""",";s:",LENGTH(attribute_public),":","""",attribute_public,"""",";}" ) AS option_value FROM `wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies` ) Calculated_values ) Formatted_Values ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option_value = Formatted_Values.New_Option_Value;
本文标签: woocommerce offtopicProgrammatically adding product attributes to WPWoo commerce
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