

I am studying the best practices for the cache for a Wordpress site. THe Wordpress site is:

Not updated frequently(maybe once in a week). The update is only initiated and controlled from me, it does not contain updates from external sources, such as comments. In such a case, I just wonder what is the best practices for the cache, including:

The cache plugin(Currently I am using WP Rocket). The cache in the CDN. Currently my plan is to:

Set all TTL(including browser TTL, edge TTL, client TTL, etc.) for both 1) and 2) to as long as possible, for example, 1 year or 10 years. I get this idea from the article at , which said its optimal setting will set the Cloudflare browser cache TTL to 1 year. When I update or delete a page, I will purge the corresponding page in both 1) and 2) When I add a new page, nothing need to be done. The only issue is the client TTL or browser TTL, I can purge the cached page in the CDN cache and cache plugin, but cannot purge that in the client computer(browser), so should I set a lower value for the client TTL or browser TTL?

本文标签: Best practices for the cache of a static WordPress siteincluding CDN Cache and Cache Plugin