

For a project that I am working on I have been using a hodgepodge of JavaScript libraries. The main logic of my code is broken down into multiple monjs modules. I use google closure to bine the modules into one output js file which I use within my AngularJS application.

The problem I am having is trying to perform tests with testacular. There error I receive is Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined. It is happening because, unlike google closure, testacular doesn't understand monjs modules. There are a couple work arounds I can do, but I was hoping to make it work without having to restructure my code.

  1. I can restucture the modules so that I'm no longer using monjs. I don't like this because it feels like a step backwards. I want my code to be modular.
  2. I can run testacular on the piled js from google closure. I don't mind doing it this way, but I have not been able to trigger everything to work on file changes. Testacular can re-run itself on file changes, but I haven't seen anyway to make google closure re-pile on changes.
  3. Finally, I can enable monjs module in testacular. Ideally this is the way I want to go, but it may not be the easiest.

Has anyone else run into a similar problem? I'm open for trying different things; I just don't want anything hacky.


"use strict"

var JavaClassStreamReader = require('../javaclassstreamreader.js').JavaClassStreamReader;

describe('javaclassstreamreader', function() {

  it('reader can be constructed', function() {
    var dataView = {
      byteLength : 0
    //FIXME load dataView

    var reader = new JavaClassStreamReader(dataView);



function JavaClassStreamReader(dataView, initialOffset, maxBytesToRead) {
  this.dataView = dataView;
  this.offset = initialOffset || 0;
  this.maxOffset = this.offset + (maxBytesToRead || this.dataView.byteLength);
//... code trucated ...

For a project that I am working on I have been using a hodgepodge of JavaScript libraries. The main logic of my code is broken down into multiple monjs modules. I use google closure to bine the modules into one output js file which I use within my AngularJS application.

The problem I am having is trying to perform tests with testacular. There error I receive is Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined. It is happening because, unlike google closure, testacular doesn't understand monjs modules. There are a couple work arounds I can do, but I was hoping to make it work without having to restructure my code.

  1. I can restucture the modules so that I'm no longer using monjs. I don't like this because it feels like a step backwards. I want my code to be modular.
  2. I can run testacular on the piled js from google closure. I don't mind doing it this way, but I have not been able to trigger everything to work on file changes. Testacular can re-run itself on file changes, but I haven't seen anyway to make google closure re-pile on changes.
  3. Finally, I can enable monjs module in testacular. Ideally this is the way I want to go, but it may not be the easiest.

Has anyone else run into a similar problem? I'm open for trying different things; I just don't want anything hacky.


"use strict"

var JavaClassStreamReader = require('../javaclassstreamreader.js').JavaClassStreamReader;

describe('javaclassstreamreader', function() {

  it('reader can be constructed', function() {
    var dataView = {
      byteLength : 0
    //FIXME load dataView

    var reader = new JavaClassStreamReader(dataView);



function JavaClassStreamReader(dataView, initialOffset, maxBytesToRead) {
  this.dataView = dataView;
  this.offset = initialOffset || 0;
  this.maxOffset = this.offset + (maxBytesToRead || this.dataView.byteLength);
//... code trucated ...
Share Improve this question edited Sep 27, 2014 at 1:52 AstroCB 12.4k20 gold badges59 silver badges74 bronze badges asked Jan 1, 2013 at 15:44 pgreen2pgreen2 3,6513 gold badges36 silver badges59 bronze badges 3
  • My answer says as much as your question: you have to define 'require'... As Praveen said, give us some code snippets, ... – asgoth Commented Jan 1, 2013 at 15:49
  • Sounds like a function named require(...) is being used in your script and the library file is not loaded where the require function is defined. Post relevant code. – The Alpha Commented Jan 1, 2013 at 15:55
  • 1 require() is part of the monjs specification. – pgreen2 Commented Jan 1, 2013 at 15:58
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2 Answers 2

Reset to default 2

It seems there is/was an issue with Testacular.

Could you try the following:

  • clear npm cache: npm cache clean
  • install another version of testacular: npm install -g [email protected]

I was not able to make it work with require, but I do have a partial solution.


/*global module:false*/
module.exports = function(grunt) {"use strict";

  // Project configuration.
    pkg : '<json:package.json>',
    meta : {
      banner : '/*! <%= pkg.title || %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - ' + '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' + '<%= pkg.homepage ? "* " + pkg.homepage + "\n" : "" %>' + '* Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> <%= %>;' + ' Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, "type").join(", ") %> */'
    lint : {
      files : ['grunt.js', 'src/*.js', 'src/public/js/**/*.js', 'src/specs/**/*.js']
    watch : {
      files : '<config:lint.files>',
      tasks : 'default'
    exec : {
      ensure_generated_directory : {
        mand : 'mkdir -p generated/js/'
    clean : {
      all : ['generated']
    jshint : {
      files : '<config:lint.files>',
      options : {
        curly : true,
        eqeqeq : true,
        forin : true,
        immed : true,
        latedef : true,
        newcap : true,
        noarg : true,
        sub : true,
        undef : true,
        unused : true,
        strict : true,
        boss : true,
        eqnull : true,
        es5 : true,
        browser : true,
        jquery : true,
        devel : true
      globals : {
        describe : false,
        it : false,
        expect : false,
        require : false,
        exports : true,
        angular : false
    'closure-piler' : {
      frontend : {
        closurePath : 'closure-piler',
        js : ['src/*.js', 'src/public/js/**/*.js'],
        jsOutputFile : 'generated/js/plete-app.js',
        options : {
          externs : 'externs.js',
          pilation_level : 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS',
          language_in : 'ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT',
          logging_level : 'ALL',
          debug : null,
          warning_level : 'verbose',
          summary_detail_level : 3,
          formatting : ['PRETTY_PRINT', 'PRINT_INPUT_DELIMITER'],
          mon_js_entry_module : 'src/public/js/app.js',
          process_mon_js_modules : null,
          process_jquery_primitives : null,
          mon_js_module_path_prefix : 'src'
    testacularServer : {
      integration : {
        options : {
          keepalive : true
        configFile : 'testacular.conf.js',
        autoWatch : false,
        singleRun : true

  // Default task.
  grunt.registerTask('default', 'lint exec:ensure_generated_directory closure-piler testacularServer:integration');

I can run grunt watch and I get a similar result. grunt lints, then piles, then runs testacular. This isn't as fast as I was hoping. testacular starts and stops the server each time.

本文标签: javascriptUncaught ReferenceError require is not definedStack Overflow