

How to combine multiple foreach in only 1 foreach and than sort the foreach based on date?

I am having a WP query based on a custom post type I created called mm_agenda. I know I can create 2 arrays (in both foreach) and than array_merge them, but in that case I only merge the dates and foreach at the end (just) the dates. And my other information/data is gone. How to approach this?

I made the example code a bit shorter, just to be clear. Example code:

<? $agenda_query = new WP_Query(array(
                'post_type' => 'mm_agenda',
                'posts_per_page' => -1,
                'orderby' => 'meta_value',
                'meta_key' => 'agenda_startdate',
                'order' => 'ASC',
            if ($agenda_query->have_posts()):?>
                <? while ($agenda_query->have_posts()) : $agenda_query->the_post();?>

                    <? foreach($events_foreach_1 as $event_foreach_1):?>
                        <? $agenda_startdate = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'agenda_startdate', true );?>
                        <div class="date"><?= $agenda_startdate;?></div>
                        <div class="title"><? the_title();?></div>
                        <? // And much more data to display, based on the event ?>
                    <? endforeach;?>

                    <? foreach($events_foreach_2 as $event_foreach_2):?>
                        <? $agenda_startdate = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'agenda_startdate', true );?>
                        <div class="date"><?= $agenda_startdate;?></div>
                        <div class="title"><? the_title();?></div>
                        <? // And much more data to display, based on the event ?>
                    <? endforeach;?>

                <? endwhile;?>
            <? endif;?>

Foreach 1 outputs the following: 2021-10-07 Name of event 1

2021-11-08 Name of event 2

Foreach 2 output the following: 2021-09-29 Name of event 3

2021-11-30 Name of event 4

How to collect all that information in 1 foreach or array.. And order it by the startdate. So that there will be 1 list, nicely sorted by startdate. So:

2021-09-29 Name of event 3

2021-10-07 Name of event 1

2021-11-08 Name of event 2

2021-11-30 Name of event 4

Thanks a lot in advance.

本文标签: wp queryHow to merge multiple foreach into 1 foreach and sort by date