

I'd need to slightly modify the structure of the core/image figcaption component in the filtered save function by adding a span wrapper to the contents of the caption (I need another markup element for my frontend plans). I have worked a lot with the editor and done a lot of custom blocks, but I have struggled on exactly this task a couple of times. I believe it's some misconception of mine with React (as always). Everything works and I can console.log all values at all stages successfully until the very moment when I try to re-inject my new JSX into props.children. As soon as I uncomment this line I get a blank screen and React tells me Type error: children.props is undefined.

This is my code for the filtered save function of the extended core/image block:

function customImageSave( element, blockType, attributes ) {

if ( ! restrictToBlocks.includes( ) ) {
    return element;
// Custom boolean attribute added to core image block
const { addSpan } = attributes;

const { children } = element.props;
// array with img and figcaption elements (maybe good idea to spread in new array?)
const innerElems = [ ...children.props.children ];
// image
const theImage = innerElems[0];
// figcaption
const theCaption = innerElems[1];
// only if figcaption is used at all (otherwise 'false')
if ( theCaption ) {
    // get string value of figcaption content
    let theValue = theCaption.props.value;
    let theJSX;
    // only if span needs to be added
    if ( addSpan ) {
        // check if figcaption is already wrapped in <span></span>
        if ( ! theValue.includes( '<span>' ) ) {
            // otherwise construct new JSX
            theJSX = <figcaption><span>{theValue}</span></figcaption>;
    } else {
        // if no span should be added but figcaption already includes <span> wrapper, remove it
        if ( theValue.includes( '<span>' ) ) {
            theValue.replace( '<span>', '' );
            theValue.replace( '</span>', '' );
            // rebuild 'original' JSX without <span>
            theJSX = <figcaption>{theValue}</figcaption>;
    // new Array with unchanged img element and new figcaption element
    const newChildren = [ theImage, theJSX ];
    // try to inject it (fails)
    element.props.children.props.children = newChildren;
    return element;

return element;
addFilter( 'blocks.getSaveElement', 'vortac/custom-image-save', customImageSave );

Any help / advise really appreciated. Would it be better to post the whole code of the block (to test it?)

本文标签: Modify coreimage block by adding inner span to figcaption in save