

I want to change the term in the custom taxonomy from the set of time intervals. CPT = job, taxonomy = current-status, term = ongoing

The below code is not working and I don't know the missing code. Please help me!


add_action( 'set_object_terms', 'job_expiration' );

function job_expiration() {

    //Check the custom post type 'job'
    if ( is_singular( 'job' ) ) {

        //get the terms - category
        $categories = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'current-status' );

        //check the term 'ongoing'
        $term = term_exists( 'ongoing', 'current-status' );
        if ( $term !== 0 && $term !== null ) {
            //job expiration from the timestamp stored in db with key
            $expire_timestamp = 'int';
            $expire_timestamp = rwmb_meta( 'j_post_expire' );
            $current_time = time();
            // Ensure the timestamp parsed correctly.
            if ( $expire_timestamp ) {
                $seconds_between = ( (int)$expire_timestamp - (int)$current_time );
                if ( $seconds_between >= 0 ) {
                    //change the post terms from 'ongoing' to 'expired'
                    wp_set_post_terms( $post->ID, array ( 368 ), 'current-status', true );
                    wp_remove_object_terms( $post->ID, array ( 367 ), 'current-status' );


本文标签: custom post typessetobjectterms action hook based on the function in the published CPT