

From our CRM I can generate URL's for customers that includes parameters. I want to use the information stored in this parameters to show dynamic content to the customers.

Example: www.example/page/?firstname=John&lastname=Doe&age=22

I need to display this information as the following:

Firstname: John
Lastname: Doe
Age: 22

For this I used the following code in my functions.php


function dynamicParameters($atts){
    //Allow to call a parameter within a shortcode
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'dynamic' => ''), $atts);
    //Store the parameter in variable
    $content = $atts['dynamic'];

    //Create a span and add a piece of javascript that fills the span with the right parameter
    $result = '<span id="dynamic' . $content . '">' . $content . '</span><script> const currentURL =; const url = new URLSearchParams(currentURL); let ' . $content . ' = url.get("' . $content . '"); document.getElementById("dynamic' . $content . '").innerHTML = ' . $content . ';</script>';

    return $result;
//Add shortcode so I can use a shortcode like [DynamicContent dynamic="exampleparameter"]
add_shortcode('DynamicContent', 'dynamicParameters');

By this I can just type the following input in my Wysiwyg-editor:

Firstname: [DynamicContent dynamic="firstname"]
Lastname: [DynamicContent dynamic="lastname"]
Age:  [DynamicContent dynamic="age"]

The script writes it all as it should be, but it will only work the first time a shortcode is used. In this case the output is

Firstname: John
Lastname: lastname
Age: age

At least it transforms the shortcodes to a certain value, but it seems like the javascript can just used one time, even though the shortcodes generates a new script for every parameter I use in a shortcode.

Does anyone know what I do wrong?

本文标签: phpUnable to display multiple parameters from url by javascript through shortcodes