I am creating PSTN dialing fucntionality using Turbobridge so user can connect on going agora Audio/Video call chanel via mobile phone by dialing a toll free number which is provided by Turbobridge. I have already created the conference ID as per the TurboBridge documentation so in which i need to pass agora channel name,token and App id to confParamsUrl in turbobridge setBrige API to get Conference id after that user can call from their mobile and connect to agora chanel but there is some issue i persist which is only one way audio is transfer i mean to say from my web app(agora app) to mobile phone but from my mobile to web app no audio , Please help me with this
Following is the turbobridge API request parameter Endpoint : POST: .3/Bridge
"request": {
"authAccount": {
"email": "***[email protected]",
"password": "password",
"partnerID": "turbobridge",
"accountID": "31313233213"
"requestList": [
"setBridge": {
"conferenceID": "",
"minParticipants": 1,
"confParamsUrl": "https://my-url?chanelId=67a3333fd302cf5e5856da05",
after calling the above API i can get the Conference id
本文标签: nodejsAgora PSTN Dialing functionality using TurbobridgeStack Overflow
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