My code dynamically generates properties and the classes to contain them. The code creates immutably-typed properties such that assignments to them are automatically converted to the correct type, rather than be rejected.
The problem is that, for property c.p the getter (t=c.p
) and setter (c.p=t
) are not being invoked. Code can explicitly invoke the getter with t=w.p.__get__(0)
. Code can explicitly invoke the setter with c.p.__set__(3,0)
. However, that ruins the convenience of having properties in the first place.
for property p in class c:
does not invoke the getter. Instead the assignment causes t to then refer to the property object itself, rather than the property's value.
fails with TypeError: expected at least 1 argument, got 0
fails with TypeError: get(None, None) is invalid
invokes the getter. t gets the value returned by the getter. The value of the parameter does not matter, as long as it is not None.
does not invoke the setter. Instead, c.p is now an integer with value 3.
After reconstructing the property:
fails with TypeError: expected 2 arguments, got 1
fails with TypeError: fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer..cImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer.addProperty..psetter() takes from 0 to 1 positional arguments but 2 were given
Altering the setter's signature to accept a optional second parameter then allows c.p.__set__(3,0)
or even c.p.__set__(3,None)
to work.
# now works
What must be done to get the property's typical usage to invoke the getter and setter as intended?
# immutably typed properties (the type survives setting a new value)
import numpy as np
def fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer():
# Purpose: Create a Class to be a container to which staticly typed properties can be added, then can get and set.
# Each property's type is immutable, although its value may change. An np.longdouble stays an np.longdouble.
# Each call creates and returns a new class, NOT an instance. No instances are created.
# That way multiple invocations of this function each get their own container and namespace.
# The static typing survives a set to a new value, even if conversion & coercion at assignment time is required.
# Different properties within the container need not all be of the same type.
# Usage:
# bucket= fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer() # create a container
# bucket.addProperty('i',75.6,ptype=np.int64) # add a property i with value stored in _i[0] set to 75
# bucket.addProperty('x',144,ptype=np.longdouble) # add a property x with value stored in _x[0] set to 144.0
# bucket.i # get i's value
# bucket.x = 44 # set x's value to 44.0
# import numpy as np # assume already imported
# create the class
class cImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer(object):
pass # no instances
def addProperty(cls,name,value=np.longdouble(2.71828182845),ptype=np.longdouble) : #cls is the class, not an instance.
# name is a string, such as "i"
setattr(cls, "_"+name, np.ndarray((1,),dtype=ptype) ) # create an array containing a single item as an attribute called _name
# elements of a numpy array have a static type, with conversion & coercion at assignment time
getattr(cls, "_"+name)[0]=value # this SETs the initial value of the only element of the _name array, including automatic type conversion.
print("adding property named: ", name ," to class: ", cls," at", id(cls), ". with parm value:", value, " in ", "_"+name, "with value ",getattr(cls, "_"+name)," \n" )
#MUST NOT BE @classmethod. Causes TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable
def pgetter(a1):#*args,**kwargs): # arguments are unused
t=pgetter.fromwhattoget[0] # set externally
print("invoked the getter for name= ",name, pgetter.fromwhattoget, "; value= ",t, ". a1=",a1)
# elements of a numpy array have a static type, with conversion & coercion at assignment time
return t
pgetter.fromwhattoget=getattr(cls, "_"+name)
#MUST NOT BE @classmethod. Causes TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable
def psetter(newvalue=3.14159, dummyparm=0): #must allow for two parameters
print("invoked a setter for name ",name, psetter.intowhattoset, " = ",newvalue)
# elements of a numpy array have a static type, with conversion & coercion at assignment time
psetter.intowhattoset[0]=newvalue # this SETs a value of the first element of the _name array, including automatic type conversion.
return psetter.intowhattoset[0] # getattr(cls, "_"+name)[0] # also returns the value, but the __get__ function does not pass it back.
psetter.intowhattoset=getattr(cls, "_"+name)
print("fromwhat to get and into what toset = ",pgetter.fromwhattoget, psetter.intowhattoset)
setattr(cls,name, property( fget=pgetter, fset=psetter) )
return cImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer # return the class itself, not an instance
v=fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer() # v is a unique class itself, rather than an instance.
w=fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer() # w is a unique class itself, rather than an instance.
print("added property named: w.i", w.i, w.i.__get__(0), type(w.i)," to class: ",w," with parm value: 75.6, ", "but actual value: ", w.i )
print("\n getting:")
tv=w.i.__get__(10) # must have a parameter, even though the getter does not use it. Cannot be None.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", getter:", tg, ", value:", tv)
print("\n setting:")
w.i.__set__(314,None) #must have two parameters, even though the setter does not use the second.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", setter:", ts,", value:", tv)
tvr=w.i.__set__(342,0) #must have two parameters, even though the setter does not use the second.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", setter:", ts,", value:", tv, tvr) # tvr is None. __set__ does not return a value.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", w.i=",w.i,", with type=",type(w.i))
print("w.i= ",w.i.__get__(0), type(w.i), w.i,w, type(w), id(w))
print("v.i= ",v.i.__get__(0), type(v.i), v.i,v, type(v), id(v))
print("t=w.i= ",t,", w.i=",w.i,", with type=",type(w.i))
print("w.i= ",w.i.__get__(0), type(w.i), w.i,w, type(w), id(w))
- How to add property to a class dynamically? # see the top answer
- .py?rlkey=q8rqcpufdf4lva2y0ahmih798&e=1&dl=0
- .html#properti
- /
- Python: Dynamically add properties to class instance, properties return function value with inputs
- Dynamically adding @property in python
- .html
- /
- /
- Setter ignored when property is assigned to variable (Python 3.4)
- @property setter not called in python 3
- Python property being ignored, acting like an attribute
- creating class properties dynamically
- pythonic way to declare multiple class instance properties as numbers?
- Dynamic python properties
- Is there a way to type hint a class property created without the property decorator?
My code dynamically generates properties and the classes to contain them. The code creates immutably-typed properties such that assignments to them are automatically converted to the correct type, rather than be rejected.
The problem is that, for property c.p the getter (t=c.p
) and setter (c.p=t
) are not being invoked. Code can explicitly invoke the getter with t=w.p.__get__(0)
. Code can explicitly invoke the setter with c.p.__set__(3,0)
. However, that ruins the convenience of having properties in the first place.
for property p in class c:
does not invoke the getter. Instead the assignment causes t to then refer to the property object itself, rather than the property's value.
fails with TypeError: expected at least 1 argument, got 0
fails with TypeError: get(None, None) is invalid
invokes the getter. t gets the value returned by the getter. The value of the parameter does not matter, as long as it is not None.
does not invoke the setter. Instead, c.p is now an integer with value 3.
After reconstructing the property:
fails with TypeError: expected 2 arguments, got 1
fails with TypeError: fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer..cImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer.addProperty..psetter() takes from 0 to 1 positional arguments but 2 were given
Altering the setter's signature to accept a optional second parameter then allows c.p.__set__(3,0)
or even c.p.__set__(3,None)
to work.
# now works
What must be done to get the property's typical usage to invoke the getter and setter as intended?
# immutably typed properties (the type survives setting a new value)
import numpy as np
def fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer():
# Purpose: Create a Class to be a container to which staticly typed properties can be added, then can get and set.
# Each property's type is immutable, although its value may change. An np.longdouble stays an np.longdouble.
# Each call creates and returns a new class, NOT an instance. No instances are created.
# That way multiple invocations of this function each get their own container and namespace.
# The static typing survives a set to a new value, even if conversion & coercion at assignment time is required.
# Different properties within the container need not all be of the same type.
# Usage:
# bucket= fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer() # create a container
# bucket.addProperty('i',75.6,ptype=np.int64) # add a property i with value stored in _i[0] set to 75
# bucket.addProperty('x',144,ptype=np.longdouble) # add a property x with value stored in _x[0] set to 144.0
# bucket.i # get i's value
# bucket.x = 44 # set x's value to 44.0
# import numpy as np # assume already imported
# create the class
class cImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer(object):
pass # no instances
def addProperty(cls,name,value=np.longdouble(2.71828182845),ptype=np.longdouble) : #cls is the class, not an instance.
# name is a string, such as "i"
setattr(cls, "_"+name, np.ndarray((1,),dtype=ptype) ) # create an array containing a single item as an attribute called _name
# elements of a numpy array have a static type, with conversion & coercion at assignment time
getattr(cls, "_"+name)[0]=value # this SETs the initial value of the only element of the _name array, including automatic type conversion.
print("adding property named: ", name ," to class: ", cls," at", id(cls), ". with parm value:", value, " in ", "_"+name, "with value ",getattr(cls, "_"+name)," \n" )
#MUST NOT BE @classmethod. Causes TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable
def pgetter(a1):#*args,**kwargs): # arguments are unused
t=pgetter.fromwhattoget[0] # set externally
print("invoked the getter for name= ",name, pgetter.fromwhattoget, "; value= ",t, ". a1=",a1)
# elements of a numpy array have a static type, with conversion & coercion at assignment time
return t
pgetter.fromwhattoget=getattr(cls, "_"+name)
#MUST NOT BE @classmethod. Causes TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable
def psetter(newvalue=3.14159, dummyparm=0): #must allow for two parameters
print("invoked a setter for name ",name, psetter.intowhattoset, " = ",newvalue)
# elements of a numpy array have a static type, with conversion & coercion at assignment time
psetter.intowhattoset[0]=newvalue # this SETs a value of the first element of the _name array, including automatic type conversion.
return psetter.intowhattoset[0] # getattr(cls, "_"+name)[0] # also returns the value, but the __get__ function does not pass it back.
psetter.intowhattoset=getattr(cls, "_"+name)
print("fromwhat to get and into what toset = ",pgetter.fromwhattoget, psetter.intowhattoset)
setattr(cls,name, property( fget=pgetter, fset=psetter) )
return cImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer # return the class itself, not an instance
v=fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer() # v is a unique class itself, rather than an instance.
w=fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer() # w is a unique class itself, rather than an instance.
print("added property named: w.i", w.i, w.i.__get__(0), type(w.i)," to class: ",w," with parm value: 75.6, ", "but actual value: ", w.i )
print("\n getting:")
tv=w.i.__get__(10) # must have a parameter, even though the getter does not use it. Cannot be None.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", getter:", tg, ", value:", tv)
print("\n setting:")
w.i.__set__(314,None) #must have two parameters, even though the setter does not use the second.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", setter:", ts,", value:", tv)
tvr=w.i.__set__(342,0) #must have two parameters, even though the setter does not use the second.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", setter:", ts,", value:", tv, tvr) # tvr is None. __set__ does not return a value.
print("t=w.i= ",t,", w.i=",w.i,", with type=",type(w.i))
print("w.i= ",w.i.__get__(0), type(w.i), w.i,w, type(w), id(w))
print("v.i= ",v.i.__get__(0), type(v.i), v.i,v, type(v), id(v))
print("t=w.i= ",t,", w.i=",w.i,", with type=",type(w.i))
print("w.i= ",w.i.__get__(0), type(w.i), w.i,w, type(w), id(w))
- How to add property to a class dynamically? # see the top answer
- https://stackoverflow/users/saves/1496279
- https://www.dropbox/scl/fi/vahot6oi1ddt3epasyyie/
- https://www.programiz/python-programming/property
- https://docs.python./2/howto/descriptor.html#properti
- https://realpython/python-property/
- Python: Dynamically add properties to class instance, properties return function value with inputs
- Dynamically adding @property in python
- https://github/Infinidat/munch
- https://docs.python./3/tutorial/classes.html
- https://discuss.python./t/dynamic-generation-of-methods-for-a-class-from-a-list-of-names/14566
- https://discuss.python./t/dynamic-generation-of-methods-for-a-class-from-a-list-of-names/14566/2
- https://www.geeksfeeks./classmethod-in-python/
- https://www.programiz/python-programming/methods/built-in/classmethod
- https://mgarod.medium/dynamically-add-a-method-to-a-class-in-python-c49204b85bd6
- Setter ignored when property is assigned to variable (Python 3.4)
- @property setter not called in python 3
- Python property being ignored, acting like an attribute
- creating class properties dynamically
- pythonic way to declare multiple class instance properties as numbers?
- Dynamic python properties
- Is there a way to type hint a class property created without the property decorator?
1 Answer
Reset to default 0The answer is that a property's getter and setter are invoked only from an instance.
The example that demonstrates this is within https://stackoverflow/a/7118013/1496279 .
> print Bar.x > # < property object at 0x04D37270> > print Bar () .x > # 0
The ( ) creates an instance.
本文标签: Dynamically created Python properties not invoking getters and gettersStack Overflow
版权声明:本文标题:Dynamically created Python properties not invoking getters and getters - Stack Overflow 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。
button. "top answer" is meaningless because order is dynamic. – Barmar Commented Feb 17 at 21:21fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer
ALWAYS returns the SAME class. Your comment that each returned value is a new, unique class is incorrect. Your variables 'v' and 'w' both refer to the same object, which is a class (not an instance). You never instantiate an instance, so what you are doing here is manipulating values in the dictionarycImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer.__dict__
. That's why t.c doesn't invoke the getter - the getter is invoked to assigned a value to the__dict__
of an instance. – Paul Cornelius Commented Feb 17 at 23:35fImmutablyTypedPropertiesContainer
does return a class with a different ID. The fundamental problem was that a property's getters and setters are only called when the getting and setting are through an instance.z=classx.propertyy
results inz
referring to a property objectz=instancewofclassx.propertyy
results inz
getting the value returned by the property's getter. – user15972 Commented 2 days ago