I am trying to encrypt an html file using R. The file is a simple .html with a single reactable() table Every time I render the file with encryptedRmd, the margins in the .html are huge and reactable() will have a horizontal scroll. How can I reduce the margins and remove the horizontal scroll? Initially I save a reactable to a widget with a title, then save to html
reactable_table_object <- reactablefmtr::add_title(reactable_table_object, title = "test")
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(reactable_table_object, "object.html")
then I try to encrypt the .html file but I have no idea how to adjust this css parameter so that anything in the body of the html document does not get a horizontal scroll
rmarkdown::render("object.html", output_format = encryptedRmd::encrypted_html_document())
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