I get this warning
Notice: Undefined variable: pofiles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/themename/functions.php on line 237 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/themename/functions.php on line 237
when I am trying to load po file with function, like this
foreach ($pofiles as $pofile) {
$domain = baseName($pofile, 'http://localhost:8100/var/www/html/wp-content/languages/ponamefile.po');
$lang = baseName(dirName(dirName($pofile)));
# build .mo file for gettext
echo "Building $lang $ ...\n";
$mofile = preg_replace('/\.po$/', '.mo', $pofile);
passThru( 'msgfmt -o '. qsa($mofile) .' '. qsa($pofile), $err );
if ($err !== 0) {
echo " Failed.";
if ($err === 127) echo " (msgfmt not found. gettext not installed?)";
echo "\n";
# build .php file for php
echo "Building {$lang} {$domain}.php ...\n";
$phpout = _po_to_php($pofile);
if (!is_array($phpout)) {
$phpout = array();
$phpout = '<' . "?php\n" . "// AUTO-GENERATED FILE. TO MAKE CHANGES EDIT\n" . "// " . $domain . ".po AND REBUILD\n\n" . $copyright . "\n\n" . '$g_gs_LANG[\'' . $lang . '\'][\'' . $domain . '\'] = ' . var_export($phpout, true) . ";\n\n" . '?' . '>';
$phpfile = preg_replace('/\\.po$/', '.php', $pofile);
$f = fOpen($phpfile, 'wb');
fWrite($f, $phpout, strLen($phpout));
本文标签: can39t load po file in functionsphp
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